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Religion and Peacemaking

David Smock

The Religion and Peacemaking program conducts research, identifies best practices, and develops new peacebuilding tools for religious leaders and organizations; helps define and shape the field of religious peacebuilding; and in cooperation with USIP's other Centers, develops and implements integrated strategies for the Institute's conflict-specific work, including projects with religious communities in zones of conflict.

David Smock is the associate vice president of the Religion and Peacemaking program.

Religion and Peacemaking Highlights

Islamic Peacemaking Since 9/11
January 2009
Muslims in general and Muslim leaders particularly have often been severely criticized for not more energetically condemning the violent acts of Muslim extremists. The uninformed often assume that extremists represent Islam’s mainstream.

Abrahamic Alternatives to War
October 2008
In 2007, with USIP support, 24 American Jewish, Muslim, and Christian scholars together delineated practices within each of the three faith traditions that could lay the groundwork for a nonviolent program to resolve conflict and address injustice as an alternative to warfare. The scholars accounted for sacred textual passages that promote violence. discussed the various models of peacemaking and the definitions of "just peacemaking" presented in their respective religious traditions, and began to shape an Abrahamic Just Peacemaking paradigm. This Special Report summarizes their work.

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Work in Zones of Conflict

  • Pakistan - USIP is working with ulama and madrassa administrators in Pakistan to prepare teaching modules for madrassas on subjects relating to peace, tolerance, and pluralism.
  • Afghanistan - Working with a local partner, USIP is building the conflict management skills of religious scholars in the Islamic tradition.
  • Iran - As a means of promoting peace between our two countries and enhancing peacemaking skills, USIP is helping to organize exchanges between American Muslims and their Iranian counterparts.
  • Darfur - Working with the Sudan Inter Religious Council, USIP is helping organize local peace committees in various parts of Darfur.
  • Colombia - We are working with a Catholic and Protestant organizations to support peacemaking work that women are leading through their churches, and to encourage ecumenical collaboration to broaden and strengthen its impact.
  • Sri Lanka - USIP is supporting efforts to train religious leadership from each of Sri Lanka's four main religious communities in conflict transformation theory, and to support their efforts in implementing local peace projects.
  • Northern Uganda - USIP has commissioned an Ethiopian expert on post-conflict reconciliation to advise Acholi religious leaders on how they can promote reconciliation in northern Uganda now that the war is winding down.

Core Conflict Management Resources

Religion and Peacemaking Resources

Current Projects

  • Online Course on Interfaith Dialogue and Religious Peacemaking
    USIP's Religion and Peacemaking and the Education and Training Center International division worked cooperatively to produce this online introductory course, which is available free of charge. This course is designed to enhance the peacemaking capacities of individuals and faith-based organizations by focusing on objectives, methods, and best practices of interfaith dialogue. The course applies these general principles to two case studies, highlighting interfaith peacemaking efforts between Christians and Muslims in Nigeria, as well as the role that various faith communities played in helping to bring and end to the 36-year internal armed conflict in Guatemala.
  • Curricular Material for Madrassas
    In Indonesia, USIP is working with local Islamic scholars and clergy to develop curricular materials that provide contemporary interpretations of Islamic texts on peace, violence, interfaith relations, human rights, the status of women, and the environment. Materials developed in Aceh have been piloted and embraced by local ulama. The materials are currently being translated into English and Arabic for dissemination to other countries.
  • Islamic Reform
    In August 2006, USIP brought together Muslim scholars to discuss critical issues related to reform, conflict, peacemaking, and human rights. Papers written by the international group of Muslim scholars who participated in the conference are currently being turned into a book. The work reflects serious thinking and reflection on obstacles and opportunities in reforming Muslim attitudes in peace and conflict management.
  • Religious Peacemaking in the Middle East
    USIP press published a book entitled Unity in Diversity in 2007 by prominent Muslim scholar Mohammed Abu-Nimer (formerly a JR Senior Fellow). This book gives an overview on interfaith dialogue and religious peacemaking efforts in several Middle Eastern countries.
  • Religious Peacemaking in Africa: Film and Workshops
    In collaboration with long-time partners at the Interfaith Mediation Centre in Nigeria, USIP is supporting the production of a documentary that will highlight the religious peacemaking methodology of Pastor Wuye and Imam Ashafa. This documentary will form the basis for workshops in countries throughout Africa to help develop strategic inter-religious peacemaking capacity.


  • David Smock
    Vice President, Center for Mediation and Conflict Resolution and Associate Vice President, Religion and Peacemaking
  • Susan Hayward
    Senior Program Officer
  • Qamar-ul Huda
    Senior Program Officer

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