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U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP)

JR Research Assistants Program

Shira Lowinger

USIP research assistants (RAs) provide support on a variety of tasks and projects. They are paid between $10-14 per hour and work an average of 20 hours per week.

Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis to fill program needs. The majority of RAs are hired to work one-on-one with Jennings Randolph Senior Fellows for ten months beginning in October. Interviews begin for these and other RA positions one to two months before the anticipated start date.

Shira Lowinger is the manager of the JR Research Assistants Program.


Only full-time students from universities belonging to the Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan Area (CUWMA) can be considered for these openings. CUWMA members include: American University, the Catholic University of America, Corcoran College of Art and Design, Gallaudet University, Georgetown University, George Mason University, The George Washington University, Marymount University, National Defense Intelligence College, National Defense University, Southeastern University, Trinity University, University of the District of Columbia, Howard University, the University of Maryland at College Park.

How to Apply

Students from a Consortium member university who wish to apply to be a research assistant at USIP should consult the list of current openings below and submit the following application materials:

  1. A cover letter stating which position is of interest to you;
  2. A copy of your resume; and
  3. A brief writing sample demonstrating your research and writing ability.


Public Affairs (1 Position)

Project: Public Affairs and Communications
Contact: Shira Lowinger, slowinger@usip.org
Desired Qualifications:: The Public Affairs and Communications division is seeking a part-time research assistant who will work primarily on post-production video and audio projects. The research assistant must have experience working with Final Cut Pro system and understand Codec compression ratios, as well as streaming video for the Internet. Candidates should also be able to edit and mix audio using Logic for Mac. Preferred candidates have interest or background in media or communications as well as international affairs.
Expected Start Date: Immediately


Rule of Law (2 Positions)

Project: Rule of Law
Contact: Rachel Steele, rsteele@usip.org
Desired Qualifications:: Duties depend on the project needs, but typically include providing legal and policy research and programmatic support; conducting library and online research; translating and summarizing documents; formatting, proofing, and editing text; arranging project presentations; some transcription; and providing a limited amount of administrative support for project-related travel. Subjects to be addressed may include: justice and accountability in the transition from repressive regimes or from conflict to democratic governance, including the treatment of war crimes; constitution-making and the administration of justice in post-war settings such as Iraq, Afghanistan and the Balkans; emerging issues in international humanitarian law; and evolving international standards on the rule of law.
Expected Start Date:

  • 1 Full-time Summer 09, with option to extend to the school year half-time upon review and determination of satisfactory work
  • 2 Half-time Fall 09 - Spring 10, with option to extend to the Summer 10 and/or Fall 10 – Spring 11 upon review and determination of satisfactory work


Center for Sustainable Economies (1 Position)

Project: A Study of Peace Promotion in Oil-producing States
Contact: Catherine Morris, cmorris@usip.org
Desired Qualifications: The research assistant should be a graduate student that has taken courses in macroeconomics, econometrics or related discipline(s). She/he will support the project by collecting and analyzing relevant macroeconomic and industry data, developing an Excel spreadsheet detailing economic data and relationships for the country, and contributing to the development of scenario options. The RA will be part of a small, multi-disciplinary research team.
Expected Start Date: May 15, 2009, eight (8) week assignment.


Jennings Randolph Fellowship Program (10 Positions)

Project: Research Assistants to 2009-2010 Senior Fellows
Contact: Shira Lowinger, slowinger@usip.org
(Please identify each project you are interested in one cover letter)

2009-2010 Senior Fellowship Positions:

  • Niger Delta 'Militants': Victims or Perpetrators?; Conflict and Violence in the Niger Delta
    Desired Qualifications: French and/or Portuguese language skills.
  • Cross-border Health Cooperation in Zones of Conflict: Deriving Lessons for Improving Regional Stability and Global Security
    Desired Qualifications: An interest and/or background in Public Health
  • Can Sanctions be Saved?
    Qualifications: Interest in economic coercion, economic sanctions, or IPE topics like international banking. Also, some interest in UN Chapter VII actions and/or UN-US relations.
  • Local Peacebuilding Forums: Methodological Considerations
    Desired Qualifications: Spanish language skills required.
  • The Challenge of National Minorities to Ethnic Majority Hegemony: Comparative Study of Ethnic Democracies in Israel, Estonia, Slovakia, Macedonia, and Northern Ireland
    Desired Qualifications: Have interest in or knowledge of deeply divided societies or issues of democracy and national minorities, and especially Estonia, Slovakia, Macedonia and Northern Ireland.
  • Youth, Popular Culture and Terror Warfare: Insights from Sierra Leone
    Desired Qualifications: Someone interested in and able to assist in data organization and analysis, plus has some experience in research or programming work with work with war-affected children/youth and/or child soldiers.
  • Putting Identity in Perspective: Economic Reform and Political Stability in the World's Largest Democracy
    Desired Qualifications: Proficient in Excel and Stata.
  • Untold Conflicts: Local Resistance to Oil and Gas Development in Latin America
    Desired Qualifications: Spanish language skills.
  • Understanding Ethnic Conflict
    Desired Qualifications: Familiarity of the literature on conflict prevention, intervention, and post-conflict peace-building.
  • The Future of Islam
    Desired Qualifications: Knowledge of the Islamic world and the Middle East.
Expected Start Date: September 21, 2009 - July 31, 2010
(Please do not apply if you are graduating in May 2009)

For further information on Research Assistant Opportunities contact:

Shira Lowinger
JR Program Coordinator and Manager of the RA Program
United States Institute of Peace
1200 17th Street NW
Washington, DC 20036
E-mail: slowinger@usip.org

United States Institute of Peace - 1200 17th Street NW - Washington, DC 20036
+1.202.457.1700 (phone) - +1.202.429.6063 (fax)