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Senate Committee on Appropriations: Fiscal Year 2008 Hearings Before Subcommittees

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  Maximum Records Returned:  Default is 40.  Maximum is 200.

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Individual parts can be searched by clicking the corresponding Subcommittee checkboxes below. To prevent duplicate search results, deselect the "Search All Parts" checkbox.

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Download an individual hearing day by clicking on the "Text" (plain ASCII text format) or "PDF" (Adobe Acrobat PDF format) link . (Note: Some files are more than 2M and download time will depend on the speed of your Internet connection.)

Agriculture, Rural Development and Related Agencies Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2008 TEXT PDF
March 1, 2007 Department of Commerce: Office of the Secretary; National Institute of Standards and Technology; U.S. Patent and Trademark Office TEXT PDF
March 8, 2007 Department of Commerce: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; National Science Foundadation TEXT PDF
April 26, 2007 Department of Justice: Federal Bureau of Investigation TEXT PDF
April 19, 2007 Department of Justice: Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives; Drug Enforcement Administraion; U.S. Marshals Service TEXT PDF
April 15, 2007 National Aeronautics and Space Administration TEXT PDF
  Nondepartmental Witnesses TEXT PDF
May 3, 2007 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission TEXT PDF
March 21, 2007 Department of Defense: Department of the Air Force: Office of the Secretary TEXT PDF
March 28, 2007 Department of Defense: Department of the Navy: Office of the Secretary TEXT PDF
March 14, 2007 Department of Defense: Department of the Army: Office of the Secretary TEXT PDF
April 11, 2007 Department of Defense: National Guard; Reserves TEXT PDF
April 25, 2007 Department of Defense: Missile Defense Agency TEXT PDF
February 28, 2007 Department of Defense TEXT PDF
March 7, 2007 Department of Defense: Medical Health Programs TEXT PDF
May 9, 2007 Department of Defense: Office of the Secretary TEXT PDF
May 16, 2007 Nondepartmental Witnesses TEXT PDF
  Nondepartmental Witnesses TEXT PDF
 March 21, 2007 Department of Energy: Office of Science TEXT PDF
 March 7, 2007 Department of Energy TEXT PDF
 April 11, 2007 Department of Energy TEXT PDF
 March 15, 2007 Department of Defense: Department of the Army; Corps of Engineers-Civil, Department of the Interior; Bureau of Reclamation. TEXT PDF
April 18, 2007 Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration. TEXT PDF
  Energy and Water Development Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2008 TEXT PDF
 March 9, 2007  Commodity Futures Trading Commission TEXT PDF
 March 21, 2007  The Judiciary TEXT PDF
 March 28, 2007  Department of the Treasury: Office of the Secretary TEXT PDF
 April 11, 2007  Office of Management and Budget TEXT PDF
 May 2, 2007  District of Columbia: Courts TEXT PDF
 May 9, 2007  Department of the Treasury: Internal Revenue Service TEXT PDF
 May 16, 2007  Securities and Exchange Commission TEXT PDF
  Financial Services and General Government Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2008 TEXT PDF
 April 18, 2007 United States Agency for International Development: Bureau for Global Health TEXT PDF
 March 28, 2007 United States Agency for International Development: State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2008 TEXT PDF
May 10, 2007 State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2008, Department of State: Office of the Secretary TEXT PDF
  Department of Homeland Security Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2008 TEXT PDF
   Nondepartmental Witnesses TEXT PDF
May 22, 2007  Department of Agriculture: Forest Service TEXT PDF
May 20, 2007  Department of Interior: Office of the Secretary TEXT PDF
March 13, 2007  Environmental Protection Agency TEXT PDF
  Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2008 TEXT PDF
March 26, 2007  Department of Health and Human Services: National Institutes of Health TEXT PDF
May 7, 2007  Department of Health and Human Services: National Institutes of Health TEXT PDF
March 28, 2007  Department of Labor: Office of the Secretary TEXT PDF
March 19, 2007  Department of Health and Human Services: National Institutes of Health TEXT PDF
  Nondepartmental Witnesses TEXT PDF
April 17, 2007 Departments of Health and Human Services: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention TEXT PDF
May 21, 2007 Departments of Health and Human Services: National Institutes of Health TEXT PDF
April 20, 2007 Departments of Health and Human Services: National Institutes of Health TEXT PDF
March 16, 2007  Government Accountability Office; Government Printing Office; Congressional Budget Office; Office of Compliance TEXT PDF
May 3, 2007  U.S. Senate: Office of the Secretary; Library of Congress TEXT PDF
March 2, 2007 Architect of the Capital TEXT PDF
March 30, 2007 U.S. Senate: Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper; United States Capitol Police TEXT PDF
  Legislative Brach Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2008 TEXT PDF
March 22, 2007 Department of Defense: Department of the Air Force TEXT PDF
April 19, 2007 Department of Defense: Department of the Army:Department of the Navy TEXT PDF
April 12, 2007 Department of Veterans Affairs TEXT PDF
  Department of Military Construction and Veterans Affairs and Related Agencies Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2008 TEXT PDF
  Nondepartmental Witnesses TEXT PDF
February 8, 2007 Department of Transportation: Office of the Secretary TEXT PDF
February 28, 2007 Amtrak; Department of Transportation: Federal Railroad Administration; Office of the Inspector General. TEXT PDF
March 15, 2007 Department of Housing and Urban Development: Fedeal Housing Administration TEXT PDF
May 10, 2007 Department of Transportation: Federal Aviation Administration TEXT PDF
  Department of Transportation and Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2008 TEXT PDF

Fiscal Year 2008 Hearings Before Subcommittees of the Senate Committee on Appropriations Hearing materials found on this site are the official electronic transcripts of the Senate Appropriations Committee hearing proceedings used in producing the printed volumes. Extraneous materials submitted by the testifying agencies or organizations have been included for both printing and online dissemination purposes through the efforts of the Senate Committee on Appropriations. Hearings are posted online as soon as each day's transcripts become available. Complete hearing parts are posted as they become available.

Members - Senate Committee on Appropriations