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The Website of The Salvation Army in the Western United States

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Target Back-to-School Shopping Spree in Hollywood

In 80 communities across the United States today, Target invited kids to shop for back to school items. More than 2,000 kids were treated to a shopping spree with help from Salvation Army and law enforcement volunteers. Here is a collection of photos from the shopping spree at Target's West Hollywood, California store.

More news, features & highlights

Make that 500 Lunches To Go! 

salvation army lunch program

The San Diego Union Tribune featured a great story about sixty-one year old Joe Olmos. He took a pay cut to work for The Salvation Army for what seemed like only a temporary job. 

Six years later he still works as the head chef at The Salvation Army's central kitchen in San Diego's Linda Vista neighborhood. Olmos and his staff of five produce 500 lunches a day for needy elderly folks across the county. 


Salvation Army Chefs Cooking up Meals and a Way Out of Homelessness

Spokane Salvation Army Runs Out of School Supplies

Salvation Army  in Taiwan Assisting Typhoon Survivors

Salvation Army in Modesto paves road out of homelessness



flickr photostream

Music Camp in Rural San Diego County

Target School Spree in Hollywood

Emergency / Disaster Warehouse in Southern Calif.

Pancake Breakfast in Anchorage

Summer at Camp Gilmore in the Malibu Mountains

Ladies in Recovery Program Get Makeovers in Seattle


featured videos

Cadets Welcome Webcast - Sept. 12 - 6:00pm

Amazing Grace TV Ad

Southern Cal Division's Bell Shelter Program

Transforming the Lives of Families - "Peaceful Warriors" Vol. 1

Transforming the Lives of Families - "Peaceful Warriors" Vol. 2

audio / podcasts

Western Bible Conference presentations

Spirit of the West podcast

Radio Ministries