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Quick Facts: Wisconsin
Wisconsin's Web Site and Kids Page

Capital City: Madison

Wsconsin: Map and State Flag

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Nickname: Badger State / America's Dairyland
Motto: Forward
Statehood: May 29, 1848 (30th)
Origin of State's Name: Based on an Indian word "Ouisconsin" believed to mean "grassy place" in the Chippewa tongue
Largest Cities: Milwaukee, Madison, Green Bay, Kenosha, Racine
Border States: Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota
Land Area: 54,314 sq.mi., 25th largest
State Bird: Robin
State Flower: Wood Violet (viola papilionacea)
State Tree: Sugar Maple (acer saccharum)
State Song: On Wisconsin
E-mail your Congressperson: U.S. House: 111th Congress
U.S. Senate: 111th Congress

Or look up your Congressperson in the Congressional Directory database!