U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Indian Health Service: The Federal Health Program for American Indians and Alaska Natives
 Medical and

HIV Center of Excellence title banner

Mission Statement

The mission of the HIV Center of Excellence (HIVCOE) is to increase services, access, disease management, and patient care for HIV positive members of the American Indian (AI/AN) community and to develop a culturally competent and comprehensive model HIV health care delivery system. Patient care is one that serves all AI/AN people with dignity, respect and compassion. Our commitment is to explore, learn, teach, heal and comfort the AI/AN community with HIV disease. Of essence is being considerate and respectful of personal values and beliefs and to be informed about and participate in decisions regarding their care, as well as provisions for security, personal privacy and confidentiality.

This model of care is currently being integrated into already existing American Indian and Alaska Native health services delivery systems that are comprised of both local and regional partnerships that include tribal health departments, federal agencies, and the Indian Health Service. The assessment, development, implementation, and evaluation of this model will ensure delivery of a spectrum of comprehensive services for clients at risk and clients with HIV disease. This ongoing system of care was first implemented in the ambulatory and inpatient settings at the Phoenix Indian Medical Center and is currently being accomplished by program development in the following areas:

  • HIV prevention.
  • HIV testing and counseling.
  • Early medical intervention.
  • Treatment and care across the continuum of HIV disease.
  • Provider development and HIV knowledge and skills development.
  • Technical assistance and replication to other IHS and tribal care settings.
  • Research initiatives and clinical trials.

HIV/AIDS Support Ribbon graphic

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Indian Health Service (HQ) - The Reyes Building, 801 Thompson Avenue, Ste. 400 - Rockville, MD 20852