National Resource Directory

National Resource Directory

Emergency Preparedness

Information for military personnel, families and communities on how to prepare for and respond to different types of emergencies and disasters.

ASL Versions of Hurricane Preparedness Public Service Announcements (PSAs)

Videos in American Sign Language (ASL) on several emergency preparedness topics, including hurricane preparedness.

Administration on Aging (AoA) Emergency Preparedness & Response Information

Resources for individuals, families, caregivers and service providers, including Just in Case: Emergency Readiness for Older Adults and Caregivers and links to other federal departments and national relief agencies.

After a Disaster - A Guide for Parents & Teachers

Whether a child has personally experienced trauma or has merely seen the event on television or heard it discussed by adults, it is important for parents and teachers to be informed and ready to help if reactions to stress begin to occur.

Bioterrorism & Related Issues

Comprehensive information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention about bioterrorism agents (such as Anthrax), diseases and other threats.

Campus Emergency Response & the Deaf & Hard-of-Hearing Community: Bridging the Communication Gap

Free webcast from PEPNet that provides participants with information that will bridge the communication gap for both emergency responders and consumers during a campus crisis. PEPNet provides resources and expertise that enhance educational opportunities for people who are deaf or hard of hearing--including those with co-occurring disabilities.

Community Emergency Preparedness Information Network (CEPIN) Project

A program that educates emergency responders and deaf and hard of hearing consumer leaders on how to communicate in emergency situations to better prevent loss of life and property.

Creating an Evacuation Plan

Information from on how to create an evacuation plan in case of an emergency of natural disaster.

Developing a Family Emergency Plan

Information from on how to prepare your family in case of an emergency or natural disaster.

Provides practical information on how people with and without disabilities can prepare for an emergency.

Disaster Preparedness Tips for Emergency Management Personnel

Information on communicating during emergencies with people with limited speech. For more resources visit the Web site of the Augmentative & Alternative Communication (AAC) Rehabilitation Engineering Research Centers.

Disaster Preparedness for People with Disabilities

Tips from the American Red Cross on getting informed, making a plan, assembling a kit, and maintaining these plans for people with mobility problems or who have hearing, learning, or seeing disabilities.

Disaster Preparedness for Seniors by Seniors

Red Cross planning reference developed by a group of older adults who were unprepared when a massive ice storm hit their area, resulting in a power outage.

Provides information and services relating to the four pillars of all-hazards disaster management: preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation.

Emergency Preparedness for Businesses

Provides the Emergency Management Guide for Businesses that outlines steps to take during terrorism-related events including instructions to building occupants, actions to be taken by facility management and first responder notification procedures.

Emergency Preparedness for Older Americans

Information from regarding preparing for the needs of older Americans in an emergency situation.

Emergency Preparedness for People with Disabilities & Other Special Needs

Tips from regarding people with disabilities and other special needs in an emergency situation.

Emergency Procedures for Employees with Disabilities in Office Occupancies

U.S. Fire Administration and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) guide for facilities managers on the notification of an emergency situation and evacuation of a building involving individuals with disabilities.

FEMA State Offices & Agencies of Emergency Management

Locate state offices and agencies through the Federal Emergency Management Agency that will help keep you informed about potential emergencies, whether weather related (like hurricanes) or dangers produced by activities people are involved in every day.

Family Planning for Disasters - How to Plan For and Protect Your Family's Health

Fact sheet designed to provide information on family preparedness planning for disasters, including special health needs, tips around evacuation, and creating a family communication plan.

Fire Safety & Prevention Videos

Multimedia information designed to teach people with disabilities about home exit plans and smoke detector maintenance so that they can respond independently to fire emergencies in their homes.

Fire Safety for People with Disabilities

Information regarding fire safety for individuals with disabilities and their families and caregivers.

Getting Involved in Emergency Preparedness in Your Community

Information from on the critical roles played by individuals with and without disabilities in emergency preparedness. As more people and organizations come together to expand this work, people with disabilities, their family and friends, and the community as a whole will benefit.

Helping Kids Prepare for Emergencies

Teaches kids how to be prepared for disasters and prevent disaster damage. Children can also learn what causes disasters, play games, read stories and become a Disaster Action Kid.

Individuals with Special Needs - Preparing & Planning for Emergencies

Fact sheet from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) regarding steps people with special needs can take to prepare for an emergency or natural disaster.

Military Family Preparedness

Information from on getting ready for emergencies including getting a kit, making a plan, water, food, first aid, preparations for families with special needs, pets and much more for all military personnel and families.

Military OneSource - Emergency Preparedness

Information and resources related to emergency preparedness for military personnel and their families. Includes articles, resource guides, checklists and more.

National Organization on Disability (NOD) Emergency Preparedness Information

Information on emergency preparedness for people with disabilities. Includes links to reports and articles on the subject.

National Weather Radio (NWR) for Deaf & Hard of Hearing

General information on how to use NOAA Weather Radio (NWR) as an alerting tool for the deaf and hearing impaired.

National Weather Service (NWS)

Provides critical public safety information including weather forecasts, watches, warnings and advisories as well as links on weather safety and emergency preparedness.

Prepare Yourself - Disaster Readiness Tips for Owners of Pets or Service Animals

Brochure from the National Organization on Disability provides tips for pet owners on how they can help ensure the safety of their animals during emergencies.

Preparing Makes Sense for Older Americans

Brochure from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) highlights the steps older Americans, and their families and caretakers, should take to prepare for emergencies. This link opens a PDF document. The brochure is also available in this text version.

Preparing Makes Sense for People with Disabilities & Special Needs

Brochure from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) highlights the steps Americans with disabilities and other special needs, and their families and caretakers, should take to prepare for emergencies. This link opens a PDF document. The brochure can be viewed in this text version.

Preparing for Disaster for People with Disabilities & Other Special Needs

A resource booklet from the American Red Cross designed to assist people with disabilities in preparing for natural and other disasters and their consequences. This link opens a PDF document.

Preparing the Workforce for Everyone: Accounting for the Needs of People with Disabilities

A template of emergency preparedness guidelines for federal agencies from the Interagency Coordinating Council on Emergency Preparedness and Individuals with Disabilities Subcommittee on Emergency Preparedness in the Workplace.

Project Safe EV-AC

A three-year development project to improve evacuation from buildings, vehicles, and other settings during emergencies by providing free information and training materials on the EVacuation and ACcommodation of people with disabilities. Visit the Project Safe EV-AC Library.

Information from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security on how to be prepared in case of a national emergency, including a possible terrorist attack. Includes information relevant to businesses, employees, families, individuals with disabilities and others.

Safety, Health & Preparedness for Military Families

Fact sheet offered by the University Services University of Health Sciences that provides advice and reminders for military families about the deployment cycle, routine health and family preparedness for disaster.

Saving Lives: Including People with Disabilities in Emergency Planning

Report from the National Council on Disability regarding emergency planning and people with disabilities.

Special Needs NOAA Weather Radio for Deaf & Hard of Hearing Individuals

The special-needs NOAA Weather Radio has recently been designed to adapt to the needs of the deaf and hard-of-hearing community.

Telecommunications for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing

Promotes equal access to telecommunications, media and information technology for individuals who are deaf, hard-of-hearing, late deafened, or deaf-blind. TDI also addresses the issues of high-quality captioning of television programs and equal access to 9-1-1 centers and other public safety answering points, including the innovative course, Emergency Responders and the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community: Taking the First Steps to Disaster Preparedness.

When Words Are Not Enough

An educational tool designed for the fire department's first responders, children in special education classes, and other individuals who may have difficulty communicating during emergencies because of a disability. Includes a video, manual, symbol/sign booklet and poster.