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Senior Corps

Helen Karr
RSVP - San Mateo County, CA

Helen Karr had been in the business world for 25 years when she learned about the issue of elder abuse. She was particularly concerned about elderly women being taken advantage of financially. So after graduating from law school on her 64th birthday, she began volunteering with the San Mateo Council on Aging and the local RSVP program.

As a volunteer attorney, Helen helped the San Francisco District Attorney’s office develop its Victim Services Elder Senior Volunteer Program. However, she soon realized that there will never be enough investigators to prosecute all the cases and that preventive education for seniors was the best way to combat the abuse.

As a volunteer speaker on the issue, Helen has helped distribute more than 1 million booklets on the issue and given presentations to countless groups ranging from professional associations to senior centers. As an RSVP volunteer, Helen now works to recruit and train other volunteers to give presentations on the topic.

The most challenging issue she encounters through her work is getting people to talk about elder abuse. The key to her success is making it as easy as possible for people to volunteer. They are provided with all the materials they need to go out and start meeting with groups.

According to Helen, individuals are often in denial and don’t feel comfortable talking about it. They often also believe that “it won’t happen to them.”

“Elder abuse is like child abuse. We need to protect our elders when they are made vulnerable.”

On encouraging others to volunteer, Helen Karr says, “Senior citizens really need to look at where they are comfortable volunteering – do whatever they can do. It’s one of the most rewarding experiences a person can have – to go out and give your time to your community. There are no words to describe it.”

Helen is a 2005 Spirit of Service Award recipient.


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