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Emma-Leigh, age 10, and mother Elizabeth, age 41

Intergenerational Description of Joint Project:

My daughter, Emma-Leigh takes photography through 4-H.  We live in the country and love being outdoors, so naturally many of her photographs depict wildlife and country living.  We enjoy photography as a shared hobby, one in which we can be together and have a lasting reminder as well - the photograph! 

We live along the migration path of the monarch butterfly.  Emma loves science and is fascinated with metamorphosis, so this summer we began paying more attention to the monarch's life cycle, looking for the different stages.  We were rewarded with beautiful photographs of the eggs, caterpillar, chrysalis and the crown jewel - a butterfly caught in the act of emerging from its chrysalis!  Wow!  We knew the butterfly was close to emerging, since the chrysalis was clear and we could see the monarch inside.  We went into "butterfly watch" mode, taking turns watching for the event.  2 hours later, it began to hatch!  Emma caught the activity with a digital camera AND on video! 

This was the first hatching either of us had witnessed and was a special event for us both.

Celebration of Rachel Carson's Sense of Wonder:

My daughter and I share a passion for photography and the outdoors.  This summer we photographed the entire life cycle of the monarch butterfly, capturing a spectacular shot of one emerging from its chrysalis.  We felt excitement and wonder at seeing this new life so many people take for granted.

[Photo attached, Photo C]

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