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Grace, age 6, and mother Francine, age 40

Intergenerational Description of Joint Project:

Grace is my 6 year old daughter. She and I enjoy gardening together, and she is definitely not afraid of getting dirty. On this particular day Grace was helping me plant flowers. She discovered several worms in my garden. At first she was hesitant to touch them, but I explained that they do not have teeth and will not bite. Grace was very inquisitive about how worms eat if they do not have teeth. I explained how worms tunnel through the dirt, swallowing dirt and turning it into "good plant food". Now, she has a very high respect for worms and she knows that they help her flowers and plants.


Wiggly, Wiggly Worm
Oh wiggly, wiggly worm—
please do not squirm!
I promise I will not hurt you--
my gardening partner true.
Oh tickly, tickly friend
You’re a helper to the end.
Now I will let you go--
please help my flowers grow.

Grace, age 6, and  mother Francine, age 40

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