Available Corporation RSS / XML Feeds
Press Releases, Announcements, Speeches, and Official Statements |
NationalService.gov Newsroom Feed |
Senior Corps Newsroom Feed |
AmeriCorps Newsroom Feed |
Learn and Serve America Newsroom Feed |
MLK Day of Service Newsroom Feed |
Get Involved! Newsroom Feed |
Volunteer.gov Newsroom Feed |
Recovery Act |
Recovery Act Communications Feed |
Multimedia |
Newsroom Photo Gallery Feed |
NationalService.gov YouTube Video Feed |
Blogs |
AmeriCorps NCCC Team Blog Feed |
Federal Register Notices |
Federal Register Notices Feed |
Grant Competitions |
NationalService.gov Grant Competitions Feed |
Senior Corps Grant Competitions Feed |
AmeriCorps Grant Competitions Feed |
Learn and Serve America Grant Competitions Feed |
Grantee and Project Communications |
AmeriCorps Communications Center Feed |
Podcasts |
Bring Learning to Life: A Service-Learning Podcast |
Resource Updates |
National Service-Learning Clearinghouse Resource Update Feed |
 | | |
About RSS
RSS, which stands for Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary, is an easy way to keep up with your favorite news and information. An RSS feed contains headlines, summaries and links to full news stories on http://www.nationalservice.gov. If you click an RSS link, you will see XML (or eXtensible Markup Language) code in your browser. This is to be expected, since you do not view RSS content through a browser. You view the headlines through an RSS news reader (also called an RSS aggregator).
What are RSS Readers?
RSS news readers are small software programs that aggregate RSS feeds and display the story information. They allow you to scan headlines from hundreds of news sources in a central location.
How Do I Use These Feeds?
The first step, as described below, is to choose an RSS reader. Each reader has a slightly different way of adding a new feed (also called a "channel"). In most cases, here's how it works:
- Click on the small XML button near the channel you want (Corporation for National and Community Service Newsroom, for example). You'll see a page displaying XML code.
- From your browser, copy the URL that appears in your Address Bar. For example, the URL you would copy for Corporation for National and Community Service News Stories is:
- Paste that URL into the 'Add New Channel' section of the reader. You should be all set! The RSS feed will start to display and regularly update the headlines for you.
Using the "Subscribe" Button
On Corporation web pages that feature content that is also provided through an RSS feed, you will also see a "Subscribe" button that will allow you to automatically add the corresponding feed to a number of RSS readers and websites that support RSS content. Clicking on this icon will launch a window provided by AddThis Social Bookmarking (AddThis.com) and will allow for an individual to select from over 15 websites and readers that support RSS.
Note: Clicking on the Subscribe Icon obtained from this server does not constitute an endorsement or warranty of the service provided by AddThis Social Bookmarking (AddThis.com).
Where Do I Get an RSS Reader?
A wide range of RSS readers can be easily downloaded from the Web. Some readers are Web-based while others require you to download a small software program onto your desktop. Most are free to use.
- Click here for a comprehensive list of RSS readers provided by the DMOZ Open Directory Project.
Terms of Use
RSS (really simple syndication or rich site summary) service is a means by which the Corporation for National and Community Service offers feeds of announcement and press release headlines in XML format ("RSS Content") to visitors of http://www.nationalservice.gov/ who use RSS aggregators. These Terms of Use govern the use of this RSS service. The use of this RSS service also is subject to the terms and conditions of the Corporation for National and Community Service Internet Security Policy, Information Policy, Privacy Act Statement, and Public Burden Statement, which govern the use of Corporation for National and Community Service websites, information services and content. These Terms of Use be changed by the Corporation for National and Community Service at any time without notice.
Use of RSS Feeds
RSS is a free service offered by the Corporation for National and Community Service to individuals for private, non-commercial use. Any other uses, including without limitation the incorporation of advertising into or the placement of advertising associated with or targeted towards the RSS Content, are strictly prohibited. You must use the RSS feeds as provided by the Corporation for National and Community Service, and you may not edit or modify the text, content or links supplied by the Corporation for National and Community Service. To request permission for a particular use not permitted by these Terms of Use, please contact us at webmaster@nationalservice.gov.
Link to Content Pages
The RSS service may be used only with those platforms from which a functional link is made available that, when accessed, takes the viewer directly to the display of the full article on Corporation for National and Community Service websites. You may not display the RSS Content in a manner that does not permit successful linking to, redirection to or delivery of the applicable Corporation for National and Community Service web page. You may not insert any intermediate page, splash page or other content between the RSS link and the applicable Corporation for National and Community Service web page.
Right to Discontinue Feeds
The Corporation for National and Community Service reserves the right to discontinue providing any or all of the RSS feeds at any time and to require you to cease displaying, distributing or otherwise using any or all of the RSS feeds for any reason including, without limitation, your violation of any provision of these Terms of Use. The Corporation for National and Community Service assumes no liability for any of your activities in connection with the RSS feeds or for your use of the RSS feeds in connection with your website.