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Risk Management Decisions for Individual N-methyl Carbamate Pesticides


Concurrent with completing the N-methyl carbamate revised cumulative risk assessment, EPA has completed tolerance reassessment and reregistration eligibility decisions for ten individual N-methyl carbamate pesticides. With the mitigation measures for these individual pesticides, EPA has concluded that the cumulative risks associated with the N-methyl carbamates are below the Agency’s Food Quality Protection Act of 1996 (FQPA) regulatory level of concern.

Aldicarb – In September 2007, EPA completed the Aldicarb Reregistration Eligibiltiy Decision (RED). The Agency identified potential human health risks of concern associated with the current registered uses of aldicarb from drinking water exposure, and potential environmental risks of concern to birds, mammals and fish. To reduce these potential exposures and to address current risks of concern, EPA, in agreement with the technical registrant of aldicarb, will require certain label restrictions. To address groundwater contamination concerns, the Agency will increase drinking water well set-backs for applications to peanuts in the southeastern coastal plains when certain criteria are triggered. In addition, to reduce environmental concerns, the Agency will require application rate reductions and restrictions, state limitations, label amendments, and cancellation of use on certain commodities. EPA is also requiring data to confirm the conclusions presented in this RED. The Aldicarb RED will be available for comment in October 2007.

Carbaryl – With completion of the 2007 RED, the 2003 carbaryl Interim RED (IRED) and its 2004 amendment have been updated to reflect the final tolerance reassessment and RED for that pesticide. EPA intends to evaluate the revised worker assessment, which may require an amendment to the RED. The Agency is also continuing to respond to petitions requesting that carbaryl be cancelled and its tolerances revoked.

Carbofuran – Completed in August 2006, the carbofuran IRED found that, based on human health and ecological risks, all domestic uses of carbofuran are ineligible for reregistration. The Agency will pursue cancellation of all carbofuran uses in the US, and will propose to retain sugarcane, rice, banana, and coffee tolerances for imported commodities.

Formetanate Hydrochloride – With completion of the N-methyl carbamate revised cumulative risk assessment, EPA's 2006 formetanate hydrochloride IRED is now considered a final RED.

Methiocarb – As a result of the Agency’s N-methyl carbamate revised cumulative risk assessment, no changes are needed in EPA's 1994 methiocarb RED.

Methomyl – EPA completed the Methomyl RED in 1998. In January 2007, the methomyl registrant requested voluntary cancellation of the strawberry use. A public comment period on this request closes October 22, 2007. In October 2007, EPA plans to publish a Federal Register notice announcing the registrant's September 2007 request for voluntary cancellation of the grape use. These changes in methomyl use have been incorporated in the N-methyl carbamate revised cumulative risk assessment.

Oxamyl – With completion of the N-methyl carbamate revised cumulative risk assessment, EPA's 2000 oxamyl IRED is now considered a final RED.

Pirimicarb – A new pesticide active ingredient first registered after November 1984, pirimicarb is not subject to reregistration. No changes in pirimicarb registrations are needed as a result of the N-methyl carbamate cumulative assessment.

Propoxur – EPA completed the Propoxur RED in 1997. Additional residential risk mitigation has been required to supplement this decision. In July 2007, EPA issued a final order terminating indoor residential spray uses, as requested by the registrant. The Agency excluded these residential crack and crevice uses in assessing N-methyl carbamate revised cumulative risks.

Thiodicarb – As a result of the Agency’s N-methyl carbamate revised cumulative risk assessment, no changes are needed in EPA's 1998 thiodicarb RED.

The Summary of Risk Mitigation for Individual N-methyl Carbamates (PDF) (277 pp, 3.2 MB, About PDF) describes the mitigation measures for individual N-methyl carbamate chemicals in the cumulative assessment group that are likely to impact the cumulative risk assessment. Specific mitigation measures intended to protect workers (e.g., re-entry intervals, personal protective equipment) or to address ecological risks (e.g., spray drift measures, buffer zones for non-target plants) were addressed in the individual risk management decisions for these chemicals.

The Pesticide Registration Status for N-methyl Carbamates Page shows the status of each chemical in the reregistration review process for n-methyl carbamates, and provides links to a chemical's Web page and any decision documents or fact sheets that are available. Information that may be available on a chemical Web page includes the Chemical Review Manager contact information, Docket ID number, decision and fact sheet documents, and Federal Register notices.

The Background and Summary of the N-methyl Carbamate Revised Cumulative Risk Assessment Page describes the process used to conduct the N-methyl carbamate cumulative risk assessment.

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