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N-methyl Carbamate Revised Cumulative Risk Assessment Available for Public Comment


September 26, 2007 -- EPA has completed and made available for public comment its cumulative human health risk assessment for the N-methyl carbamate class of pesticides, which includes the following 10 chemicals:

With the adoption of the risk mitigation measures evaluated in the N-methyl carbamate cumulative risk assessment, the cumulative risks associated with the N-methyl carbamate pesticides are below the regulatory level of concern established by the Food Quality Protection Act of 1996 (FQPA). EPA evaluated N-methyl carbamate tolerances -- residue limits in food and feed -- on the basis of cumulative risk and found that tolerances meet FQPA safety standards; that is, the risks associated with the pesticide residues pose a reasonable certainty of no harm.

Reregistration Eligibility Decisions (REDs) for all N-methyl carbamate pesticides are now completed. Individual pesticide products containing an N-methyl carbamate pesticide still must complete product reregistration, through which product labeling changes and associated risk mitigation measures will be implemented.

Background Information

With this reassessment of the remaining tolerances for N-methyl carbamates, EPA has met the goal established by FQPA to ensure that all pesticides used on food in the U.S. meet the more stringent safety standard. All 9,721 tolerances that required reassessment under FQPA now have been re-evaluated, and related risk management decisions are being implemented. Completing tolerance reassessment is an enormous milestone in U.S. food safety and human health protection.

Background and Summary of EPA’s N-methyl Carbamate Revised Cumulative Risk Assessment

Risk Management Decisions for Individual N-methyl Carbamate Pesticides

How to Comment

Comments will be accepted on the N-methyl carbamate revised cumulative risk assessment for 60 days from the date of publication in the Federal Register. All comments should be identified by docket ID number EPA-HQ-OPP-2007-0935. EPA will evaluate and respond to all comments received and, if deemed necessary, amend the decision document.

Publicly available docket materials are available in the electronic docket at Regulations.gov.

Comments may also be submitted by the following methods:

Please do not e-mail or fax comments.

For further information contact Neil Anderson (anderson.neil@epa.gov), 703-308-8187

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