Dangerous Weather Ahead: Understanding and Communicating the Threats

Norman, Oklahoma – March 5-7, 2009

Embassy Suites Hotel and Conference Center

Emergency managers, weather enthusiasts, teachers, students, meteorologists, broadcasters, and vendors in weather data and information will gather, present, and discuss important inter-related topics over a 3-day period in early March. Some of the subjects that will be highlighted during the next National Severe Weather Workshop in Norman include:

  • Understanding communities at risk
  • Current and future tools for hazardous weather assessment
  • Communications technology before, during, and after significant events
  • Careers in meteorology, hazard mitigation, and crisis/emergency management
  • The National Weather Service’s StormReady® and SKYWARN programs

The National Severe Weather Workshop Planning Committee is pleased to announce that The Honorable Ann Dixson, District Magistrate Judge with the State of Kansas, Greensburg, Kansas will talk about surviving the Greensburg EF5 tornado of May 4th, 2007 and the community’s commitment to rebuilding. Her presentation will take place at the banquet on Thursday evening, March 5th.

See more workshop events on the agenda page.

In addition, enterprising companies will have tables and information kiosks set up at the National Severe Weather Workshop Trade & Technology Expo. Vendors attending the workshop this year include viaRadio Corp., Mackay Communication, Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management, and TRC Disaster Services.

Questions about the workshop agenda can be directed to Greg Carbin at the NWS Storm Prediction Center. Registration and lodging information can be accessed by clicking on the appropriate tabs, above. For further information, please contact Linda Crank.

Check out past National Severe Weather Workshop Websites: 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003