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WY PRA-YELL 12(5) Northeast Entrance Road
MT PFH 59-1(2) Beartooth Highway

The Western Federal Lands Highway Division of the Federal Highway Administration in cooperation with the U.S. Forest Service and the National Park Service is administering a construction project to improve 6.9 kilometers (4.3 miles) of the Beartooth Highway in Park County, MT. Improvements include grading, base, paving, drainage and a waterline. The project will closely follow the existing vertical and horizontal alignment.

Work within Yellowstone National Park will be limited to removing the existing pavement and paving two, 3.0-meter lanes for a total width of 6 meters (20 feet +/-). The work in Yellowstone National Park will include installing an overheight vehicle detection system to aid in protecting the historic gate structure at the Northeast Entrance.

The roadway work from the YNP Boundary to Cooke City will have two, 3.3-meter (11 feet +/-) lanes with 0.9-meter (3 feet +/-) shoulders for a total paved width of 8.4 meters (28 feet +/-).

The work within Cooke City will include waterline installation and removing the existing pavement and repaving to match the existing pavement.

The contract was awarded to Oftedal Construction Inc. on July 16, 2007 in the amount of $15,236,193.20.

Construction work and delays to public traffic will occur seasonally after Memorial Day until October 15th. The revised project completion date is October 9, 2009.

Other construction contracts are anticipated to occur during the duration of this highway construction contract. The Cooke City Water Board will be administering a waterline contract adjacent to this project, replacing the waterlines and constructing a new storage reservoir. This work is expected to occur during the summer of 2009. The USFS will be administering a road reclamation project on the forest. The USFS road work is likely to occur in late summer 2009. Central Federal Lands Highway Division is administering a highway construction project on Segment 4 of the Beartooth Highway in 2009. The CFLHD project will begin in mid-May and last the entire summer. For more information on this project call 1-888-285INFO. The Montana DEQ is anticipating a reclamation project at the tailings pond east of Cooke City beginning in 2009.

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Contact Information

Planning and Design Contact Information:
Project Manager Greg Gifford
Mailing Address Western Federal Lands Highway Division
Attn: Greg Gifford
610 East Fifth Street
Vancouver, WA 98661
Phone (360)619-7700
E-mail Greg.Gifford@fhwa.dot.gov
Construction Contact Information:
Const. Manager Jason Hahn, Project Engineer
Mailing Address 102 Main Street
Cooke City, MT 59020
Information 1-888-285-INFO (4636)
CFLHD Beartooth Updates
Office (406)838-2021
E-mail Jason.Hahn@fhwa.dot.gov

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Last update: March 20, 2009