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Proposed Amendments to the MUTCD

On January 2, 2008, the Federal Highway Administration published in the Federal Register a Notice of Proposed Amendments (NPA) to the MUTCD. This NPA contains comprehensive revisions that are proposed for incorporation into the next edition of the MUTCD. A 7-month period was provided for comments to the docket, which closed on July 31, 2008. The FHWA is currently reviewing and analyzing the comments received. A Final Rule for the next edition of the MUTCD is anticipated during 2009. To access the documents, select from the list below:

  • Federal Register Notice Dated January 2, 2008 (Text File) (PDF File) - The "Preamble" describes the process for this MUTCD rulemaking and provides detailed explanation of each significant proposed change to the MUTCD.
  • Proposed Text - Available in two formats:
    • Showing Revisions from 2003 Edition (PDF 4.1MB) - The complete proposed text of the next edition of the MUTCD, with proposed new text shown in blue and underlined, and existing 2003 text proposed for deletion shown in red and struck out, and with explanatory notes as appropriate.
    • Clean Text (PDF 3.3MB) - The complete proposed text of the next edition of the MUTCD as it would appear if adopted.

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