(ORDER LIST: 519 U.S.) (ORDER LIST: 519 U.S.) TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1996 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1996 ORDER IN PENDING CASE ORDER IN PENDING CASE 96-6867 O'DELL JOSEPH ROGER V. NETHERLAND, WARDEN, ET AL., (A-424) The application for stay of execution of sentence of death prese nted to the Chief Justi ce and by him refer red to the Court is grant ed pendi ng the dispo sitio n by this Court of the petit ion for a writ of certi orari . Shoul d the petit ion for a writ of certi orari be denie d, this stay termi nates autom atica lly. In the event the petit ion for a writ of certi orari is grant ed, this stay shall conti nue pendi ng the sendi ng down of the judgm ent of this Court .