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Code of Federal Regulations

CFR 20 Title Page

SSA logo: link to Social Security Online home  §410.623 Reconsideration; right to reconsideration.

(a) We shall reconsider an initial determination if a written request for reconsideration is filed, as provided in §410.624, by or for the party to the initial determination (see §410.610). We shall also reconsider an initial determination if a written request for reconsideration is filed, as provided in §410.624, by an individual as a widow, child, parent, brother, sister, or representative of a decedent's estate, who makes a showing in writing that his or her rights with respect to benefits may be prejudiced by such determination.

(b) Reconsideration is the first step in the administrative review process that we provide for an individual dissatisfied with the initial determination, except that we provide the opportunity for a hearing before an administrative law judge as the first step for those situations described in §§410.630 (b) and (c), where an individual appeals an initial determination denying waiver of adjustment or recovery of an overpayment (see §410.561a).

[61 FR 56133, Oct. 31, 1996]

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