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Social Security Online

Code of Federal Regulations

CFR 20 Title Page

SSA logo: link to Social Security Online home  §410.620 Notice of initial determination.

Written notice of an initial determination shall be mailed to the party to the determination at his last known address, except that no such notice shall be required in the case of a determination that a party's entitlement to benefits has ended because of such party's death (see §410.610(c)). If the initial determination disallows, in whole or in part, the claim of a party, or if the initial determination is to the effect that a party's entitlement to benefits has ended, or that a reduction or adjustment is to be made in benefits, the notice of the determination sent to the party shall state the specific reasons for the determination. Such notice shall also inform the party of the right to reconsideration (see §410.623). Where more than the correct amount of payment has been made, see §410.561.

[37 FR 20652, Sept. 30, 1972]

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