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Code of Federal Regulations

CFR 20 Title Page

SSA logo: link to Social Security Online home  §410.226 Periods for which claims are effective.

(a) Application effective for entire month of filing. Benefits are payable for full calendar months. If the claimant meets all the requirements for entitlement to benefits in the same calendar month in which his application is filed, the application will be effective for the whole month. If a miner dies in the first month for which he meets all the requirements for entitlement to benefits, he will, notwithstanding the provisions of §410.202(b), be considered to be entitled to benefits for that month.

(b) Prospective life of claims. A claim which is filed before the claimant meets all the requirements for entitlement to such benefits will be deemed a valid claim if the claimant meets such requirements of entitlement (1) before the Administration makes a final decision on such claim or (2) if the claimant has timely requested judicial review of such final decision before such review is completed. If the claimant first meets the requirements for entitlement to benefits in a month after the month of actual filing but before a final administrative or judicial decision is rendered on his claim, his claim will be deemed to have been effectively filed in such first month of entitlement.

(c) Retroactive life of claims. Except in the case of a claim for benefits as a surviving child (see §410.212) a claim for benefits has no retroactive effect. (See, however, §410.230.) Generally, a claim for benefits for a surviving child is effective (depending on the first month of eligibility) for up to 12 months preceding the month in which such claim is filed. However, if such claim is filed before December 1972, such claim may be effective retroactively (depending on the first month of eligibility) to December 1969.

[37 FR 20637, Sept. 30, 1972]

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