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Optional Modules Guidance

In addition to the core requirements, Partners may choose to expand their greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory boundaries to include optional emissions sources over which Partners have some control. Partners may also want to calculate emissions reductions from offset investments and renewable energy purchases for goal-tracking purposes. The following modules provide GHG accounting guidance pertaining to optional emissions tracking.

Commuting, Business Travel, and Product Transport (PDF) (21 pp, 1.5M): This module is used to estimate emissions from employee commuting using the same cross-sector emissions factors and methodology described under the Core Module for Mobile Combustion Sources. Updated July 2008

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Offset Investments: This module is used to address eligibility of projects as GHG offsets and to provide measurement and monitoring guidelines for offset projects.

Green Power Purchases (PDF) (20 pp, 281K): This module is used to identify and estimate reductions from purchases of green power or Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs).

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