US Imports of Steel Mill Products
FOR Long Products -- C & A

Quantity in Metric Tons
Same Table - US Dollars

Same Table - Average Unit Value

'C & A' = Carbon and Alloy products, 'S' = Stainless products

Graph Country Census Data Preliminary
Census Data
License Data
  FEB08 MAR08 APR08 MAY08 JUN08 JUL08 AUG08 SEP08 OCT08 NOV08 DEC08 JAN09 FEB09 MAR09 MAR09 APR09
M WORLD 480,884 489,972 617,077 402,832 461,212 482,168 461,898 383,864 443,898 343,098 323,648 412,531 256,662 245,307 235,452 168,010
M CANADA 121,510 126,617 142,414 136,196 126,059 117,912 99,464 99,037 93,401 71,185 66,377 57,735 60,318 55,116 54,241 45,545
M JAPAN 45,486 81,138 89,904 52,399 61,396 74,790 79,109 53,397 50,298 45,996 33,557 41,153 47,132 29,838 29,448 9,183
M MEXICO 79,276 77,436 61,846 68,775 69,872 71,205 65,530 38,305 39,062 16,608 23,759 54,545 36,486 27,217 27,179 28,804
M CHINA 31,633 33,119 17,997 26,926 49,008 68,187 123,448 62,119 144,547 63,296 44,527 25,804 18,860 9,873 8,373 10,642
M TURKEY 57,840 27,405 130,411 5,151 20,620 17,927 3,093 37,926 537.4 36,912 36,860 68,366 22,111 61,023 49,462 8,180
M GERMANY 14,597 22,112 44,686 16,134 39,357 13,388 11,059 11,721 12,823 9,982 13,974 31,040 5,249 7,803 6,681 6,310
M UNITED KINGDOM 11,213 12,475 27,850 9,257 25,974 20,309 22,906 7,567 25,143 20,190 11,130 13,057 2,261 9,467 8,956 8,524
M BRAZIL 18,317 24,249 21,666 10,531 11,707 15,383 6,500 17,056 16,295 13,551 9,957 7,007 7,038 7,382 7,391 2,814
M LUXEMBOURG 15,654 16,144 15,040 10,341 11,073 16,546 16,513 18,964 12,993 10,055 11,923 13,446 1,431 2,411 2,179 7,799
M KOREA 5,016 12,902 13,127 9,940 7,752 14,571 7,477 12,177 9,168 11,397 6,772 30,119 17,464 12,648 11,938 2,862
M SPAIN 24,447 12,352 6,482 2,108 6,133 1,733 4,749 2,357 3,063 8,542 2,135 4,756 14,158 2,221 1,764 832.2
M TAIWAN 26,231 2,092 2,505 21,643 1,351 1,390 1,375 1,335 1,519 1,281 4,131 22,821 985.0 1,514 1,348 3,995
M CZECH REPUBLIC 6,352 5,105 1,782 7,253 4,463 4,878 6,161 3,313 7,384 5,710 13,579 6,702 4,466 7,619 14,419 1,721
M RUSSIA 222.7 6,419 14,728 7,485 162.8 1,644 111.8 657.2 7,801 10,544 23,678 750.2 9,276 209.6 275.0 3,735
M DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 4,965 5,537 8,493 2,609 4,178 9,955 2,084 4,437 1,675 1,275 1,889 2,237 1,578 2,393 2,485 2,630
M FRANCE 3,292 3,298 3,143 1,506 3,263 6,491 1,776 1,513 3,718 1,259 5,816 6,468 2,604 2,939 2,809 2,604
M ITALY 1,758 1,780 1,392 2,993 2,814 2,759 1,679 1,369 2,961 6,231 767.9 5,084 448.7 1,954 1,497 4,450
M SWEDEN 2,477 2,418 2,116 1,844 2,061 1,744 809.0 1,570 2,252 1,556 1,450 546.9 1,095 457.1 425.8 536.0
M MALAYSIA 501.4 526.1 5,083 417.1 478.2 7,136 392.5 614.7 498.5 262.3 3,753 151.5 200.1 225.3 219.8 239.9
M TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO 5,602 6,000 . . 2,731 5,436 . . . . . . . . . .
M NORWAY . 3,269 311.3 2,932 3,280 671.6 831.9 1,812 856.5 . . 1,302 240.7 . 0.02 .
M SOUTH AFRICA 332.0 470.8 888.9 753.8 645.5 784.2 1,476 1,022 1,004 595.1 1,319 4,930 140.3 961.2 963.8 946.6
M INDIA 698.9 1,078 633.4 1,046 437.8 787.3 1,289 857.9 872.7 273.3 933.8 277.0 267.9 506.3 479.4 453.4
M VENEZUELA 104.1 537.5 490.3 338.6 538.3 709.0 648.3 487.1 447.6 402.6 21.9 4,427 760.2 42.0 42.0 4,909
M UKRAINE 130.6 189.3 62.1 73.3 601.9 714.4 101.7 416.5 890.7 1,703 406.0 3,914 103.0 95.2 118.6 28.3
M AUSTRIA 774.8 656.2 760.6 1,012 870.4 475.7 344.5 397.6 549.7 957.9 447.1 399.5 298.7 229.2 279.1 656.9
M NETHERLANDS 529.6 1,136 562.6 218.9 720.2 869.4 494.3 214.3 1,293 238.3 1,203 39.2 285.1 189.2 143.9 141.2
M SLOVENIA 358.7 1,051 591.6 631.1 429.9 484.7 464.0 229.1 446.6 419.6 473.5 562.9 166.4 182.3 182.7 417.5
M AUSTRALIA 43.3 876.1 420.0 433.7 250.0 292.0 20.0 570.0 679.6 640.0 1,156 . 2.47 37.6 69.6 588.2
M BELARUS 313.3 388.6 444.6 498.2 184.8 277.7 482.2 166.4 109.8 110.0 764.8 772.2 53.0 279.1 185.3 552.1
M POLAND 113.2 17.8 24.4 387.9 61.5 19.7 203.2 526.8 33.9 0.57 17.7 3,375 16.0 19.3 25.6 4,438
M BELGIUM 385.7 372.6 469.4 309.6 315.4 602.6 251.2 156.2 600.8 166.3 155.5 123.5 184.5 121.5 259.3 289.1
M UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 17.8 35.7 . . . 284.5 466.6 669.8 325.5 175.0 . . . . . .
M THAILAND 188.3 252.3 98.4 63.0 137.8 127.7 42.1 302.3 161.1 123.6 55.4 195.8 136.7 64.2 66.6 115.9
M ISRAEL . . . . . . . . 19.9 256.7 335.1 274.8 601.5 151.7 158.9 1,238
M PERU . . . 17.7 1,382 . 18.1 . 18.6 57.6 18.2 . . . . 380.8
M SWITZERLAND 63.2 244.9 140.5 90.3 417.6 114.8 83.0 54.0 71.3 10.6 100.1 39.9 2.83 5.59 0.61 0.00
M PANAMA . 18.2 . . . 1,173 . . . . . . . . . .
M GREECE 16.4 . 141.4 19.7 58.2 83.9 . 35.5 113.9 400.5 37.4 17.9 138.6 . . .
M FINLAND 92.2 77.0 103.8 137.5 65.8 77.0 55.8 63.1 36.5 60.6 54.7 18.7 36.3 55.4 56.3 18.6
M VIETNAM . . 15.0 76.0 15.4 30.9 28.9 31.2 32.2 534.9 28.7 11.2 4.52 . . 183.1
M CHILE . . . . 160.3 122.9 279.1 87.6 84.5 51.8 . . . . . .
M ARGENTINA 150.7 75.4 97.3 168.8 101.3 2.00 . . . . . . . . 0.02 .
M ECUADOR 32.7 17.7 41.0 14.3 . . 23.0 206.2 . . 20.8 . . . . .
M COLOMBIA 54.8 27.7 47.1 35.8 34.9 . . 38.6 55.8 5.57 5.20 . 17.6 27.2 27.2 50.2
M INDONESIA 23.3 19.9 19.9 29.2 22.6 14.7 13.5 20.4 24.5 33.4 28.9 20.2 18.7 1.34 1.84 .
M ROMANIA 60.4 16.6 1.94 2.65 . 8.48 35.9 34.8 0.28 21.9 19.9 12.7 17.4 0.88 0.88 1.24
M NEW ZEALAND . . 32.7 18.0 15.5 . . 18.8 18.8 17.1 . 18.6 . . . .
M SLOVAKIA . 9.01 . . . 47.1 . . . . . . . 18.9 58.6 .
M SINGAPORE . . . 4.76 . . . . . . . . . . . 0.00
M IRELAND 0.58 . 0.57 . 1.75 . . 0.18 0.18 . . . . . 1.65 0.89
M DENMARK . . 3.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.3
M HONG KONG . . . . . . . 0.37 . . . . . . 0.32 .
M HONDURAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.01
M PAKISTAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.01 .
M UNITED STATES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,231 1,167

SOURCE: US Department of Commerce, Import Administration
Table last modified on: May 5, 2009, with
Licensing data collected through May 5, 2009 and
Preliminary Census data compiled through March 2009
Data listed in order of descending volume imported during last THREE months of Census data, including peliminary data
Steel mill categories are defined by 10-digit HTS codes
Data extracted from the import licenses are not official Census data
To see License Data at HTS 6-digit level click on chart title at the top of the page.

Link to Annual Summary of Census Data