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Gateway to Egypt commitment towards the community

All the members of the international community from locals, travelers and explorers have to give something of lasting value back to the world we travel.
When we tried to fulfil this goal a certain question forced itself: what are our most pressing immediate problems in Egypt that will need our contribution and support? How can we deliver help to the neediest of the needy who are not fairly recognized by the community.
Generally speaking Egypt as a developing country is facing the problems of illiteracy, poverty, slow economic development and other issues and all of them take their toll on community life.
GWE has succeeded to build ties with various governmental and non governmental organizations active in the fields of education, culture, children and youth.
Our commitment to the community can be declared as follows:


  • The travel itineraries offered will introduce the traveler not only to ancient Egypt but also to the contemporary cultural context of Egypt.
  • The type of Tours offered will take into consideration and actively incorporates in the tourist experience aspects of the social life of the local communities, their customs and traditions, their own sense of heritage, their history and artistic, architectural literary and other cultural achievements.
  • GWTE pays attention to the local communities, engages them in the tourist industry, provides their children with educational opportunities and engages them in the protection of cultural and natural heritage.
  • Encourage the host community and the travelers to respect cultural diversity.
  • Encourage the traveler to be sensitive to the host culture.
  • The programs offered will enhance a sense of emotional engagement with the environment and the local communities.
  • All the programs carried out that involves the local communities should aim at minimizing negative & socio-cultural disruption of host communities.


  • All visits carried out should have low visitor impact on the sites.
  • Provide the travelers with opportunities to learn about the environment and the cultural heritage.
  • Avoid waste and over consumption
  • Provide travelers with high quality experiences of the natural environment
  • Engage tourist in environmental and cultural conservation
  • Work with other operators on developing integrated environmental management principles for all tourism projects, which will lead a coordinated country wide environmental strategy.


  • Involve the local community in planning and decision making.
  • The programs offered will allow the tourists to visit the real markets not the typical ones that only offer the finished products that could be even done outside Egypt. They need to see the real markets the place to observe artisans at work thus enhancing the human element in the making of objects and linking the work to human face, this will encourage and develop the efforts and skills of the artisans and also preserves the small hand crafts from disappearing.
  • The programs designed will provide significant business benefits to the local community by using their small business to offer services to the travelers as restaurants, cars etc....
  • The use of local resources in a sustainable manner.
  • Cooperate with different parties in providing proper training to the locals to open for them employment opportunities and involvement in preservation of their community’s identity.


  • Tourism can be a major source of income and employment. It provides opportunities for economic development, economic diversification and the growth of related activities. However, developing countries are often under pressure to develop tourism as a source of income. As a result, governments sometimes ignore the adverse social and environmental impact of tourism in order to continue making money.
Gateway to Egypt is truly as good as everyone claims. They were extremely attentive to our needs, ev ...
Carmen, Alan and Lau

My dad, brother and I would recommend Gateway to Egypt highly to anyone considering a trip to Egypt. ...
Joel, Bill and Bart