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National Safety Program

Lauren Allen
(703) 605-2929 x2929
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Picture of woman putting on seatbelt

The National Safety Program addresses serious issues with GSA Fleet Vehicle crashes. On average 115 people die everyday in car accidents in the United States (one every 13 minutes) and GSA Fleet is determined to create specific programs that will help minimize crashes, reduce costs, and ensure customers are more alert drivers. Nationwide, 85 percent of all crashes are caused by human error. With over 200,000 GSA Fleet vehicles, the safety program has been developed to show customer agencies the value and importance of implementing safety programs and continuously striving to become more responsible drivers.

The mission of the National Safety Program is to reduce overall crashes and incidents by targeting specific areas of risk and to establish a clear/consistent message with the help of a professionally-supported program that will assist in building overall safety awareness throughout GSA and its customer agencies.

Ten most common driver errors:

1. Excessive speeding

2. Failure to wear seat belts

3. Inattentiveness, eating, drinking, smoking, radio volume

4. Distraction inside the car (changing a CD in the CD player)

5. Inadequate defensive driving techniques

6. Incorrect assumptions about other drivers

7. Tailgating or not leaving enough space between vehicles on the open road

8. Not checking traffic before pulling out

9. Passing without checking for traffic in the passing lane

10. Not checking behind for oncoming vehicles when pulling away from a curb

For more traffic safety statistics, please visit the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.