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Graduate Level

If you are currently enrolled in graduate study you should start your search for study abroad opportunities by contacting your department or committee office. Many graduate programs incorporate foreign research experiences into the curriculum. Should this not be the case in your situation, or if you wish to seek out or design your own experience, then you may want to contact your faculty adviser and the persons who manage study abroad programs at your institution. These individuals can provide information, counsel you on options, and assist you in making preparations. Most study abroad coordinators can provide you with information about different programs offered by other institutions and organizations in addition to any that are directly operated by your institution.

A Note on Graduate Financial Assistance

Most of the resources listed here also provide financial assistance information. For additional financial resources that may be applicable to graduate study, please check out Additional Financial Support.

General Internet Information

While there are many Internet sites that provide information on study abroad opportunities, many of them are designed to serve undergraduate students. You may find information on graduate research opportunities on the home pages of some universities and disciplinary associations. Go to U.S. Institutions and Programs.

In addition, you can use one of the large Web search engines.

The Council of Graduate Schools provides essential information on graduate study in the United States and abroad. Its Web site covers such topics as funding for research, international student organizations, statistics, frequently asked questions, and useful links to other sites.

Comprehensive Information and Links:

The Foundation Center maintains the largest database on philanthropic foundations and assistance programs in the United States, and publishes an extensive collection of guides to financial resources.

Grad Schools.Com is a megasite devoted exclusively to comprehensive information and links about graduate research and study opportunities.

GRAPES Database provides listings of and links to grant opportunities around the world, not just in the U.S.A. The site is maintained at the University of California at Los Angeles.

Institute of International Education (IIE) is the largest U.S. organization devoted exclusively to international educational exchanges, particularly at the postsecondary level. It provides statistics, publications, guidance, and links, and also cooperates with the U.S. government in administering several exchange programs.

Pitsco's Launch to Grants and Funding is an independently maintained site providing useful links to grant and funding information.

Rotary Foundation Scholarships, known as Paul Harris Scholarships, are described on this site.

World Learning is the Web site of the former Experience in International Living that deals with postsecondary study abroad opportunities, including at the graduate level.

Federally Sponsored Opportunities:

Council for the International Exchange of Scholars (CIES) operates the Fulbright Senior Scholar programs, which are intended for established researchers.

Fulbright Exchange Program is the largest federal academic exchange program. The program is generally open to graduate students at the research dissertation stage and also to new scholars and scientists who are interested in postdoctoral research opportunities.

National Science Foundation (NSF) provides information on advanced research and study opportunities in the sciences and engineering that are sponsored by NSF.

National Security Education Program Graduate Fellowships provides opportunities for advanced study abroad in subjects that are important to the national interest in foreign affairs, such as languages and cultures.

U.S. Department of State Education and Exchange Programs describes the many study and exchange programs operated by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and its partner organizations.

Interagency Working Group on U.S. Government-Sponsored International Exchanges & Training links to federal agencies other that the State Deparment which offer study and exchange programs. Most of these opportunities are directed at graduate students conducting specific lines of research.

Studying Abroad in Specific Countries and Regions:

See also National Information Sources.

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation is a German research foundation that provides study opportunities in Germany for postdoctoral researchers and identified future U.S. leaders.

AMIDEAST Study Directory provides information and links to study abroad programs concerning the Middle Eastern countries, which range from Morocco to Iran and include Israel.

International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX) provides information on exchange study programs with CIS countries, newly independent states, and others under the auspices of the International and Regional Exchange Board.

German Academic Exchange Service provides information and links relating to opportunities for U.S. research students and faculty to participate in exchange programs sponsored by German foundations.

Grants for Study in Finland provides information on funded study programs in Finnish institutions that may be open to Americans as well as other nationals.

LASPAU Exchange Programs provide information on and links to various exchange opportunities between Latin American and U.S. universities.

Also check out Non-U.S. Education Systems for information provided by other country organizations.

Studying Specific Subjects:

Not every discipline and professional field provides dedicated information on study abroad opportunities related to it. USNEI has located the following resources for the designated fields:

Institute of International Education (IIE) provides extensive links to study opportunities in many disciplines including the visual and performing arts, energy and environmental studies, Spanish studies, comparative and international education, business administration, engineering, and others.

African Studies WWW provides information on grant resources in African studies.

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) provides information on, and links to, cooperative international research opportunities in the natural and physical sciences, mathematics, and engineering.

American Communication Association provides information on grant opportunities to study mass communications and related subjects.

Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) provides important information for U.S. students contemplating medical studies overseas as well as graduates of such programs seeking to return to the United States.

IAESTE provides information on study exchanges in over 60 countries in the fields of agriculture, architecture, computer science, engineering, mathematics, and the physical sciences. You can access the IAESTE international home page from the U.S. domestic site.

Association for International Practical Training (AIPT) provides information on exchange programs for students in nontechnical majors, including studying and career development.

National Academy of Sciences provides information on research programs sponsored by the Academy in the sciences, social sciences, and humanities and links to other organizations.

World Wide Arts Resources provides information on grant resources to study the visual and performing arts.

Also check U.S. Institutions and Programs for additional opportunities that may be sponsored by individual U.S. institutions and disciplinary or professional associations.