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Pago Pago Incident News, photos, and information about natural resour...
Coastal Response Research Center (CRRC) The Coastal Response Research Center (CRRC) at the...
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Mosaic Acidic Process Water Release - Preassessment Report Preassessment Data Report Mosaic Acid Water Proces...
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Featured Emergency Response Image Galleries
Mearns Rock Time Series
A photo time series of Mearns Rock, a large boulde... (19 photos)
Major Oil Spills
A gallery featuring photos of some of the world's ... (10 photos)
Hurricanes Katrina and Rita
Photos of OR&R in action during Hurricanes Katrina... (17 photos)
small noaa logo Home | Articles | Emergency Response
OR&R provides scientific support for oil and chemical spill response and damage assessments in coastal waters.
Job Aids for Spill Response
A list of OR&R job aids, laminated flip booklets designed to help oil spill responders complete their response tasks.
New Orleans Spill Incident: Barge DM932
NOAA OR&R's scientific support team is assisting the U.S. Coast Guard and the State of Louisiana in their response to the collision of vessels near New Orleans on July 23, 2008.
About the Emergency Response Program
NOAA expertise is critical to mitigate harm, provide critical information for allocation of response assets, restore adverse effects on natural resources, aid planning and response decision-making, and document damages.
ARTES (Alternative Response Tool Evaluation System) was developed to aid in evaluating spill response tools, particularly non-conventional alternative countermeasures.
Charter Vessel Scuttled on Pearl and Hermes Atoll in NW Hawaiian Islands
The charter vessel, Casitas, which ran aground on Pearl and Hermes Atoll on July 2, 2005, was successfully refloated then scuttled on August 4.
Chemical Spills: A Guided Tour
Learn about hazardous chemical spills and some of the NOAA software that emergency responders use to assess spills and protect the public.
Coast Guard ICS Forms
Information about the Coast Guard version of the Incident Command System (ICS) forms.
Container Ship Strikes Bay Bridge
The container ship M/V Cosco Busan struck the Bay Bridge in San Francisco Bay, California on the morning of November 7th. A 100-foot gash in the hull of the vessel caused the release of an estimated 53,000 gallons of fuel oil into the water.
Coral Reefs and Oil Spills: A Guided Tour
Get a basic overview of coral ecology, learn what types of things can harm coral, and see how responders must handle fragile coral reefs in their response and restoration efforts.
De-Oiling the Delta: Video of the DM932 Oil Spill Response
Read about the efforts of NOAA OR&R after the 2008 oil spill from barge DM932, the impacts to the Mississippi River, and the continuing restoration efforts.
Dispersant Application Observer Job Aid
A field guide for people who have completed training in dispersant application observation.
Dispersant Mission Planner (DMP2)
OR&R recently updated its Dispersant Mission Planner. The new planner, DMP2, is a tool that spill responders and planners can use to assess dispersant application system performance.
Dispersants: A Guided Tour
Dispersants are one kind of countermeasure to oil spills. Here's a basic explanation of what they are and how they work.
ESI Exercises
Training exercises for Environmental Sensitivity Index maps.
exxon valdez Exxon Valdez Oil Spill
Overview of the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill in Prince William Sound, Alaska. Includes links to many related resources, including photo galleries.
Field Tools Team: Equipping On-scene Responders and Improving Situational Awareness
The Emergency Response Division’s Field Tool Team works to advance ORR on-scene response capabilities through the development of tools for data collection, synthesis, management, and sharing.
FAQ Icon. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Oil and Chemical Spills
Answers to questions that students, teachers, and others have asked us about topics related to our work.
GNOME and Deepwater Incidents
OR&R is conducting modeling research to develop the science and tools that would be needed in the event of a deepwater incident.
Guided Tours

Learn about oil spills, chemical releases, hazardous waste sites, and some of the NOAA software and systems that emergency responders use to protect the public and sensitive environments.
Hurricane Ike Response
Description of OR&R's on-going response to Hurricane Ike.
Burning vessel. In Situ Burning
In situ burning, or ISB, is a technique sometimes used by people responding to an oil spill.
Investigating the Top of the Water Column
Take a look at the creatures living at the top of the water column, which could be affected by an oil spill. For high school students or older people.
Job Aids Updated!
OR&R recently updated two of its job aids, the Open-Water Oil Identification Job Aid and the Dispersant Application Observer Job Aid.
M/V Selendang Ayu Cleanup Operations Complete
The week of June 23, 2006 marks the completion of cleanup activities from the M/V Selendang Ayu oil spill near Dutch Harbor, Alaska.
Mearns Rock Time Series
How does marine life recover from a major, one-time stress, such as an oil spill? As you will learn here, the answer is not simple.
New MARPLOT and ALOHA Released
New versions of a NOAA/EPA mapping program and chemical hazard model are now available!
NOAA Commemorates the 20th Anniversary of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill
On Friday, March 13, 2009 the Office of Response and Restoration held an event to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the Exxon Valdez oil spill. This NOAA Hill event focused on the progress our Nation has made in oil spill preparedness, response and restoration.
NOAA Responds to Oiled Birds in CA
Winter storms appear to have caused spill.
NOAA Weather Service/Seattle and OR&R Joint Web Product Completed
An articulated PowerPoint Web presentation about the cooperative effort made by NOAA Weather Service and OR&R’s Emergency Response Division to address hazardous material disasters and mitigation.
NOAA's Office of Response and Restoration Responds to Hurricane Katrina
In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, NOAA's Office of Response and Restoration (OR&R) has provided invaluable scientific support to the USCG, EPA, and the states of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama in their hazardous materials response efforts, as well as initial efforts to assess the environmental impacts.
NOAA's OR&R Assists with Korean Oil Spill
A team of USCG and NOAA representatives is assisting the Korea Coast Guard with the December 8, 2007 Hebei Spirit oil spill off the coast of South Korea.
Oil Spills at the Water's Edges
When oil spills into the ocean, it's especially likely to harm animals and plants at two interfaces: near the surface of the water and along the shore.
Oil Spills: A Guided Tour
A number of things can result in the spill of a pollutant into the ocean.
Oil Trajectory Prediction
Here's how our computer model predicted the oil spilled from the Exxon Valdez would travel across Prince William Sound, Alaska, during the first week after that spill started in March 1989.
OR&R across the U.S.
Contact OR&R field staff, including Emergency Response Division (ERD) SSCs and Assessment and Restoration Division (ARD) RRCs.
OR&R Aids Selendang Ayu Spill Response
OR&R scientists provide Selendang Ayu responders with trajectories, environmental sensitivity information, aerial reconnaissance of the spill, shoreline assessments, and other scientific support.
OR&R Budget Overview
For the past four years, OR&R's annual appropriation has been 30 percent less than the President's budget request. These budget cuts continue to affect OR&R's ability to execute its core mission responsibilities.
OR&R Continues Support for M/V Selendang Ayu in Unalaska
A January 4, 2005 update on the spill created by the M/V Selendang Ayu.
OR&R Drift Card Studies
Drift card studies conducted by NOAA's Office of Response and Restoration (OR&R), Emergency Response Division (ERD).
OR&R Helps Teach Incident Command System (ICS) Class in Cameroon
During the week of September 3-7, 2007, OR&R's Emergency Response Division (ERD) sent a member to Douala, Cameroon, West Africa to co-teach a class on Incident Command System (ICS).
OR&R Media Archive
Media coverage of NOAA's Office of Response and Restoration (OR&R) prior to 1995.
OR&R: A History
Learn more about the origins of NOAA's Office of Response and Restoration (OR&R).
Prince William Sound: An Ecosystem in Transition
How did the Exxon Valdez oil spill, and the response to the spill, affect living organisms and their habitats? Here are some 1997 results and assessments from NOAA biologists conducting long-term monitoring.
Prince William Sound: Our Changing Perspective on Recovery
A 1999 update from NOAA biologists studying the effects of the Exxon Valdez oil spill on the biological communities of Prince William Sound.
Response to the Exxon Valdez Spill
Within hours after the tanker Exxon Valdez spilled nearly 11 million gallons of crude oil into Alaska's Prince William Sound on March 24, 1989, a team of NOAA OR&R scientists arrived on-scene.
Safe Sanctuaries 2005 Video
Links to movie downloads of the video produced as part of the emergency response drill, "Safe Sanctuaries," held in the Florida Keys in April 2005.
Safe Seas Drift Card FAQ
Questions and answers about the drift cards released as part of the Safe Seas emergency response exercise, conducted in San Francisco Bay in August, 2006.
Burning barge. SMART
Special Monitoring of Applied Response Technologies (SMART) is a monitoring program for dispersant and in situ burning operations.
SMART: A Guided Tour
Take a tour to learn how SMART is used for monitoring dispersant application and in situ burning during spill response.
SOS Workshops
OR&R's SOS Workshops focus on evaluating environmental risks during spills and making decisions to optimize environmental recovery.
Summary Points: 10 Years of Intertidal Monitoring After the Exxon Valdez Spill
A short summary of the main findings of NOAA biologists studying the effects of the Exxon Valdez oil spill on intertidal shorelines in Prince William Sound.
What are tarballs, and how do they form?
The Emergency Response Division (ERD) Role in OR&R
OR&R's Emergency Response Division (ERD), formerly Hazardous Materials Response Division (HAZMAT), supports emergency response and restoration activities for oil and hazardous chemical spills, provides preparedness aids for response communities, and offers training on the scientific aspects of oil and chemical spill response.
 Training for Emergency Responders and Planners
Training classes, as well as self-study units, for emergency responders, planners, and other interested people.
Web Site Survey
Take a voluntary Web site survey to indicate your level of satisfaction with OR&R's Web offerings.
What's the Story on Oil Spills?
When we talk about oil spills, how much oil are we talking about?
Workshops for Emergency Responders and Planners
Workshops offered to spill response professionals in local, state, and federal governments and industry.
Current News: Emergency Response
Web Site Survey Take a voluntary Web site survey to indicate your level of satisfaction with OR&R's Web offerings. (updated: April 2, 2009)
New MARPLOT and ALOHA Released New versions of a NOAA/EPA mapping program and chemical hazard model are now available! (updated: March 30, 2009)
NOAA Commemorates the 20th Anniversary of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill On Friday, March 13, 2009 the Office of Response and Restoration held an event to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the Exxon Valdez oil spill. This NOAA Hill event focused on the progress our Nation has made in oil spill preparedness, response and restoration. (posted: March 24, 2009)
NEW CAMEO 2.0 and CAMEO Chemicals website New components of the CAMEO software suite are now available! (updated: February 12, 2009)
Of Special Note: Emergency Response
IncidentNews News and information on current and historical incidents, including the crash of US Air flight 1549 into the Hudson River on Jan. 15, 2009.
An FOSC's Guide to NOAA Scientific Support A guidebook for oil and chemical spill responders, describing the products and services that the NOAA Scientific Support Team (SST) can provide to Federal On-Scene Coordinators (FOSCs).
CAMEO Chemicals Database of hazardous chemical datasheets that emergency responders and planners can use to get response recommendations and predict hazards. Available in online and downloadable versions.
CAMEO Chemicals Web Portal Use the online version of CAMEO Chemicals to search for hazardous chemical datasheets, get response recommendations, and find out how chemicals would react if they mixed.
• view all 15 special note items
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