Research & Statistics

54.4 Million Americans Report Some Level of Disability

In a report issued in the December 2008 Current Population Reports the U.S. Census Bureau reported that of the 291.1 million people in the 2005 population of the United States, 54.4 million, or 18.7 percent, reported some level of disability, and 35 million (12.0 percent of all people) reported a severe disability. This link opens a PDF document.

Across the States 2009: Profiles of Long-Term Care & Independent Living

Research report from AARP is part of a series developed to help inform policy discussions among public and private sector leaders in long-term care throughout the country.

Actuarial Report on the Financial Outlook for Medicaid

The joint Federal-State Medicaid program provides health care assistance to certain low-income people and is one of the largest payers for health care in the United States. This report presents analysis of past Medicaid trends and 10-year projections of Medicaid expenditures and enrollment.

Addiction & Other Mental Illnesses

Report from the National Institute on Drug Abuse examines the connection between drug addiction and other mental illness.

Addressing Liability Issues in Consumer-Directed Personal Assistance Services

2004 report addresses the liability issues that may arise in government-sponsored consumer-directed personal assistance programs.

African Americans & HIV/AIDS - Key Facts

Includes an overview and epidemic profile, as well as data on major trends, access to and use of health services and perceptions of HIV/AIDS among African Americans.

Ageism in Healthcare: Are Our Nation's Seniors Receiving Proper Oral Health Care?

U.S. Surgeon General's remarks regarding seniors and oral health presented to the United States Senate's Special Committee on Aging on September 22, 2003.

Web site of the Federal Interagency Forum on Aging-Related Statistics.

Alzheimer's Disease

Information from the Alzheimer's Association for professionals and researchers on Alzheimer's, including the latest research on diagnosing and treating the disease.

An Analysis of the Literature on Disease Management Programs

Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report prepared in response to inquiries about whether disease management programs can reduce the overall cost of health care and how such programs might apply to Medicare.

Background Paper on Personal Assistance Services & Related Services

Materials from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Disability, Aging and Long-Term Care Policy's first "Expert" meeting.

Behavioral Interventions Effective for Preschoolers with ADHD

Two types of early interventions designed to reduce symptoms of attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in preschoolers may be effective alternatives or additions to medication treatment, according to a recent NIMH-funded study.

Beyond 50.02: A Report to the Nation on Trends in Health Security

This report, the second in AARP's series, sheds a strong light on the health and health care of America's midlife and older populations, revealing a portrait of health and well-being, health coverage, affordability of care, quality of care and informed decision-making.

Beyond 50.03: A Report to the Nation on Independent Living & Disability

This report, the third in AARP's Beyond 50 series, takes an in-depth look at the roles of supportive services, family and community and our social and physical environments in enhancing the independence of persons with disabilities who are age 50 and older.

Beyond 50.04 - A Report to the Nation on Consumers in the Marketplace

The fourth report in AARP's Beyond 50 series examines expenditures by the older consumer, factors that are increasing the difficulty of consumer decision making, older consumers as money managers and recommendations for the future.

Beyond 50.05: A Report to the Nation on Livable Communities: Creating Environments for Successful Aging

AARP's Beyond 50 report presents an agenda for examining, building and retrofitting communities to support successful aging. Livable Communities: An Evaluation Guide is also available. Both documents are in .pdf format.

Beyond 50: A Report to the Nation on Economic Security

AARP's Beyond 50 report provides an in-depth look at the well-being of more than a quarter of the U.S. population - the 76 million people age 50 and older in 2000.

Beyond the Water's Edge: Charting the Course of Managed Care for People with Disabilities--Conference Resource Book

Materials from the National Conference on Managed Care for Persons with Disabilities.

Biomedical Engineering (BME) & Research to Aid Persons with Disabilities

BME supports research, often with diagnosis or treatment-related goals, that applies engineering principles to problems in biology and medicine while advancing the engineering knowledge base.

Caregiver Burden & Institutionalization, Hospital Use & Stability of Care

Assesses a variety of longitudinal models to examine the effect of different types of caregiver burden on outcomes important to policymakers, nursing home admissions, hospital use and stability of the family and formal care networks.

Catastrophic Acute & Long-Term Care Costs: Risks Faced by Disabled Elderly Persons

Presents an empirical analysis of the extent to which acute and long-term care cause disabled elderly persons to incur catastrophic costs.

Census Bureau Data on the Elderly Population

Links to data and reports from the U.S. Census on the elderly (65+) population.

Census Bureau Disability Statistics

Disability-related information from the U.S. Census.

Census Bureau Fast Facts

Select state or enter ZIP code for detailed Census information, including number of people with disabilities in a specific geographic area.

Census Bureau HIV/AIDS Surveillance

Links to ongoing monitoring of the AIDS pandemic and incidences of HIV.

Census Disability Data - State & County Information

Select a state from the drop down menu for detailed disability data down to the county level.

Center for Disability Issues & the Health Professions at Western University of Health Sciences

Organization aims to enhance health professions education and to improve access for people with disabilities to health, health education and health care services.

Center for International Rehabilitation Research Information & Exchange

Facilitates the sharing of information and expertise in rehabilitation research between the United States and other countries and maintains an international rehabilitation research database that enables users to locate research in their field by country.

Center for Research on Women with Disabilities

Part of the Baylor College of Medicine, the Center promotes, develops and disseminates information to improve the health and expand the life choices of women with disabilities.

Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) Disability Page

Information and links to CDC's work with birth defects and developmental disabilities, prevention of disabling injuries and the health and well-being of individuals with disabilities.

Centers for Disease Control & Prevention Health Statistics

Links to data on health statistics by state.

Changes in Elderly Disability Rates: Implications for Health Care Utilization & Costs

Project uses analyses of the 1984-1999 National Long-Term Care Survey and the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey to understand the nature of recent declines in elderly disability rates and their implications for health care utilization.

Characteristics of Persons with Developmental Disabilities: Evidence from the Survey of Income & Program Participation (SIPP)

Examines the definition of developmental disabilities using information collected in SIPP and provides information about the number and characteristics of persons identified as having developmental disabilities.

Chartbook on Mental Health & Disability

Provides easy-to-understand statistics about people who have mental disorders and people who have disabilities caused by mental disorders.

Chartbook on Women & Disability

Examines issues women with disabilities face and compares their demographics and experiences to those of other women and men with and without disabilities.

Children with Severe Chronic Conditions on Medicaid

Provides analysis of Medicaid expenditures for children receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits.

Children's Mental Health: A National Action Agenda

Information on the 2001 National Action Agenda for Children's Mental Health, which outlines strategies to improve the services for children and adolescents with mental health problems.

Christopher & Dana Reeve Paralysis Resource Center - Spinal Cord Injury Statistics

Information on incidence rate, gender breakdown and other key statistics related to spinal cord injury.

Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act: Has It Fulfilled Its Promise?

2005 report from the National Council on Disability regarding the Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act, which was passed in 1980 to enable the Department of Justice (DOJ) to protect the rights of people residing in state institutions.

Closing the Gap: A National Blueprint to Improve the Health of Persons with Mental Retardation

2002 Report of the Surgeon General's Conference on Health Disparities and Mental Retardation.

Considering Children with Disabilities & the State Children's Health Insurance Program

Brochure intended to familiarize state decision makers with low-income uninsured children with disabilities so that they have essential information about these children as they develop and implement state Children's Health Insurance Programs (CHIPs).

Constrained Innovation in Managing Care for High-Risk Seniors in Medicare + Choice Risk Plans

Case study of four well-regarded managed care organizations which found that they made numerous innovations to improve care delivery for elderly Medicare beneficiaries with chronic illnesses and disabilities.

Consumer-Directed Models of Personal Care: Lessons from Medicaid

Compares and contrasts alternative approaches to administering programs, financed under the Medicaid personal care services optional benefit, that make attendant services available to low-income elderly and disabled persons in need of help with daily living tasks.

Contribution of Changes in Medication Use to Improvements in Functioning among Older Adults

Explores the extent to which changes in medication use account for improvements in functioning among older Americans.

Coordination of Care for Persons with Disabilities Enrolled in Medicaid Managed Care

Presents a conceptual framework to guide the development of measures of care coordination that would be both feasible to apply and meaningful in assessing the performance of Medicaid managed care organizations (MCOs) that enroll people with disabilities.

Cornell University Links to Disability Statistics

Links to sources of information on disability statistics, including resources on children and disability and international data.

Cost of Care for Medicaid-Enrolled Children with Selected Disabilities

Compares costs of care for children with 11 selected chronic conditions with costs of care for children without any of these conditions and identifies whether selected demographic variables are associated with cost variation.

Determining Consumer Preferences for a Cash Option: Arkansas Survey Results

Results from a telephone survey conducted to assess consumer preferences for a cash option in Arkansas and describes how findings from the current four-state "Cash and Counseling" project can inform consumer information efforts and policymakers.

Developing Integrated Managed Care Systems for Children with Disabilities

Information on managed care as it affects children with disabilities.

Developmental Disability Research Centers (DDRCs)

Select your state to find contact information for DDRCs. DDRCs are located within research universities and/or are affiliated with major medical centers, and represent the world's largest concentration of scientific expertise in the fields of intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Diagnostic Risk Adjustment for Medicaid: The Disability Payment System

Describes a system of diagnostic categories Medicaid programs can use for adjusting capitation payments to health plans that enroll people with disability.

Disabilities Issues Information for Journalists

A clearinghouse from The Center for an Accessible Society which provides journalists credible information and quotable sources on national disability policy and independent living issues.

Disabilities Issues Information for Journalists

A clearinghouse from The Center for an Accessible Society which provides journalists credible information and quotable sources on national disability policy and independent living issues.

Disability & Aging: Seeking Solutions to Improve Health, Productivity & Community Living: Final Report

Recommendations from a mini-conference of the 2005 White House Conference on Aging. Document is in .pdf format, but is also available in Word format.

Disability & Health Home Page

Information for people with disabilities and healthcare providers on maintaining health standards.

Disability & Health State Chartbook 2006

New resource from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is the first in a series to present information about the health of people with disabilities by state and territory.

Disability & Retirement: The Early Exit of Baby Boomers from the Labor Force

Report prepared as part of the Congressional Budget Office's (CBO's) ongoing examination of the future composition of the labor force and the performance of the economy.

Disability Among Children

Data on children with disabilities from the 1990 Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP), a nationally representative survey of the civilian non-institutionalized population.

Disability Counts Web Site

Information and general statistics about people with disabilities

Disability Data for Disability Policy: Availability, Access & Analysis

Outcomes of an expert meeting to advise the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on policy issues and available data related to several populations of persons with disabilities: working age adults, children, persons age 65 and older and special populations (e.g., persons with developmental disabilities, persons with mental illness).

Disability Research Resources

Fact sheet from the U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) provides information on sources for disability-related research.

Disability Statistics Center

Produces and disseminates statistical information on disability and the status of people with disabilities in the U.S. and establishes and monitors indicators of how conditions are changing over time to meet their health, housing, economic and social needs.

Disability Status 2000: Table 3

Disability Status of the Civilian Noninstitutionalized Population of the United States, Regions, States, and for Puerto Rico: 2000.

Disability, Health Insurance Coverage & Utilization of Acute Health Services in the United States

Uses data from the 1989 National Health Interview Survey to estimate health insurance coverage of children and non-elderly adults with disabilities and their utilization of physician and hospital care as a function of health insurance status.

Disabled Elderly & Their Use of Long-Term Care

Summarizes basic data on the disabled elderly, including the types of disabilities and probability of being disabled.

Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems

A report highlighting the efforts of 10 states in providing state-to-local support for developing early childhood systems.

Eldercare: The Impact of Family Caregivers' Employment on Formal & Informal Helper Hours

Investigates the effects of primary caregivers' employment status on the amount of help that disabled elders receive.

Elderly with Disabilities: At Risk for High Health Care Costs

Analyzes the health care needs of elderly people with disabilities.

Encyclopedia of Financial Gerontology: Federal Disability Programs

This entry of the Encyclopedia of Financial Gerontology contains information about the Americans with Disabilities Act and nine major federal programs targeted on disability which serve sizable proportions of the non-elderly population aged 50 and over.

Ending Chronic Homelessness for Persons with Serious Mental Illnesses & Co-Occurring Substance Use Disorders

Report from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration examines ways to prevent and eliminate homelessness among people with mental illness and substance use disorders.

Epidemiological, Demographic & Social Correlates of Disability among the Elderly

Focuses on functional transitions at advanced ages and the impact of long-term care services on these transitions.

Estimating the Prevalence of Long-Term Disability for an Aging Society

Comprehensive information about future long-term care needs in the U.S.

Evaluation of the District of Columbia's Demonstration Program, "Managed Care System for Disabled & Special Needs Children"

Evaluation of the experiences of the District of Columbia's managed care system for children and adolescents under the age of 22 who are eligible for Medicaid and who are considered disabled according to Supplemental Security Income Program guidelines.

Evaluation of the National Long-Term Care Demonstration

Series of articles and findings from the National Long-Term Care Channeling Demonstration.

Evaluation of the Veterans Administration Housebound & Aid & Attendance Allowance Program

Describes a successful, large-scale case disability allowance program and examines whether recipients of a cash allowance for long-term care are worse off than similar persons who receive in-kind subsidies.

Exploratory Study of Health Care Coverage & Employment of People with Disabilities: Final Report

Findings of an analysis of expansions in the income threshold for the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) work incentive program and analysis of the employment, insurance and program participation status of people with disabilities.

Exploratory Study of Health Care Coverage & Employment of People with Disabilities: Literature Review

Examines empirical evidence on health care coverage, employment and public program participation among people with disabilities.

Gateway to statistics from more than 70 U.S. federal agencies.

Final Report of the Medicaid Commission

In May 2005 the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, Michael O. Leavitt, established a Medicaid Commission to advise the Secretary on ways to modernize the Medicaid program so that it can provide high-quality health care to its beneficiaries in a financially sustainable way. On December 29, 2006 the Commission issued its final report.

Financing Long-Term Care (LTC) for the Elderly

This Congressional Budget Office (CBO) paper summarizes the current state of financing for long-term care, identifies some of the issues affecting it both now and in the future and considers policy alternatives that address the mix of private and governmental sources of financing for LTC costs.

Finding Facts & Figures: Disability Data Resources

Fact sheet from the U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) provides information on where to find fact and figures related to disability research.

Findings on Frontline Long-Term Care Workers: A Research Synthesis 1999-2003

Report reviews, summarize and discusses the significance of available research findings on the frontline long-term care workforce since 1999, in both home and community-based and nursing home settings.

Focus Group on Managed Care Systems for People with Disabilities

Results of a focus group of academicians, researchers and service providers on the topic of the implications of the movement toward managed health care for people with physical and mental disabilities.

Generic Drug Utilization Increasing

February 2007 news release from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) discusses data related to the use of generic drugs.

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Survey of Program Officials: Review of Federal Programs Supporting People with Disabilities

Additional results of GAO's survey of federal programs that provide assistance to people with disabilities. The purpose of this survey was to identify the federal programs that play a role in supporting people with disabilities and the major challenges that these programs face.

Government Research Looks at Effects of Managed Care

Research on public and employer-based plans as well as self-insured plans.

Health & Disability Status of Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) Families

Examines the health and disability status of AFDC families using information gathered in the 1984 Survey of Income and Program Participation and assesses the implications for welfare work programs.

Health Care Access

News and information from the National Organization on Disability about health care access issues of particular concern to the disability community.

Health Care Facts & Statistics

Information from the National Organization on Disability (N.O.D.) regarding disability and health care related statistics from the N.O.D./Harris Surveys and other relevant sources.

Health Insurance Data

Links to data and reports from the U.S. Census on health insurance.

Health Policy for Medically Fragile Children: An Analysis of Factors Impacting Care in Texas

Examines questions concerning the delivery of services for medically fragile children.

Healthy People 2010 Objectives for People with Disabilities

Efforts to include people with disabilities in the Healthy People initiative established by the U.S. Surgeon General in 1979.

Home & Community-Based Care: The U.S. Example

Focuses on home- and community-based long-term care, including an overview of long term care in the U.S. and a summary of home-care arrangements.

Hospital Compare

This tool provides information on how well hospitals care for all their adult patients relating to certain conditions or procedures. This information will help you compare the quality of care hospitals provide.

Hospital Utilization, Expenditures & Quality Indicators

Longitudinal inpatient hospital care and ambulatory care utilization, expenditure and quality indicator data, includes both national, state and children-specific data sets.

In-Home Supportive Services for the Elderly & People with Disabilities

Examines whether significant differences occur when publicly funded supportive services for the elderly and disabled are provided through a consumer-directed program versus a professional management model.

Inclusive Livable Communities for People with Psychiatric Disabilities

March 17, 2008 report from the National Council on Disabilities (NCD) that looks at barriers and solutions relating to people with psychiatric disabilities fully participating in their communities.

Informal Caregivers of Disabled Elders with Long-Term Care Insurance

Provides basic descriptive statistics on the primary informal caregivers of disabled private long-term care insurance policyholders who have accessed long-term care benefits and are living in the community.

Informal Caregiving - Compassion in Action

Booklet about informal caregiving (unpaid care given voluntarily to ill or disabled persons by their families and friends).

Integration of Mental Health/Substance Abuse & Primary Care

October 2008 report from AHRQ that describes models of integrated care used in the United States, how integration of mental health services into primary care settings or primary health care into specialty outpatient settings impacts patient outcomes and barriers to sustainable programs, use of health information technology (IT), and reimbursement structures of integrated care programs. The complete report can be downloaded in PDF format.

Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC)

IACC's primary mission is to facilitate the exchange of information on autism and to coordinate autism-related programs and initiatives. Parents or legal guardians of individuals with autism or other developmental disorders are appointed to the Committee.

Interdisciplinary Education & Training of Professionals Caring for Persons with Disabilities

Includes a discussion of the implications of interdisciplinary training for trends in managed care, case studies of nine training programs and a review of the general literature on interdisciplinary training.

Interim Emergency Management Planning Guide for Special Needs Populations

A guide for state, territorial, tribal and local emergency managers to use in the development of emergency operations plans (EOPs) that are inclusive of the entire population of a jurisdiction of any size. This guide specifically provides recommendations for planning for special needs populations. The entire document can be downloaded in text or .pdf formats.

International Center for Disability Information - Data Tables

Comprehensive data regarding the presence and impact of disability.

International Center for Disability Resources on the Internet

Public policy center that works to increase opportunities for people with disabilities by identifying barriers to participation in society and promoting best practices and universal design.

International Evidence on Disability Trends among the Elderly

Examines whether today's elderly are healthier than previous generations or if increased longevity comes with increased risk of disability and reduced quality of life.

Introduction to the National Long-Term Care Survey

Updates an earlier summary of the National Long-Term Care Surveys entitled "National Long-Term Care Surveys (1982, 1984, 1989)."

Keeping Track: National Disability Status & Program Performance Indicators

The National Council on Disability's report is the result of a year-long effort by NCD to identify valid federal data and to describe the status of the U.S. population of Americans with disabilities.

Law, Health Policy & Disability Center

Based at the University of Iowa College of Law, the Center is an emerging leader in law, technology, education and research and is focused on improving the quality of life for persons with disabilities.

Licensed Board & Care Homes: Preliminary Findings from the 1991 National Health Provider Inventory

Data that confirms that the board and care industry plays a significant role in the housing and care of the frail elderly and other functionally disabled populations.

Longitudinal Analysis of High Cost Medicaid Children in California

Analyzes the Medicaid experience of children in California who had at least $25,000 in claims in 1983.

Longitudinal Studies of Aging

A collaborative project of the National Center for Health Statistics and the National Institute on Aging (NIA), these studies measure changes in the health, functional status, living arrangements and health services utilization of Americans 70 years of age and older.

Major Depressive Episode among Youths Aged 12 to 17

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's (SAMHSA) National Survey on Drug Use and Health among youth aged 12 to 17 assessed the instance of major depressive episodes in the past year.

Managed Care & People with Disabilities Research Project Descriptions

Information on a variety of projects to promote knowledge on the experiences of disabled populations in managed care in public health care systems such as Medicaid and Medicare, as well as in employer-based and self-insured plans.

Maternal & Child Health (MCH) Policy Research Center

Focuses on health care policy issues affecting children, including those with special health care needs and those from low-income families.

Measuring the Activities of Daily Living (ADL): Comparisons Across National Surveys

Describes 11 recent surveys with regard to the size of the elderly population with ADL disabilities and how their ADL differences can effect policy analysis.

Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS)

Resource designed to continually provide policymakers, health care administrators, businesses and others with timely, comprehensive information about health care use and costs in the United States.

Meeting the Challenge of Serving People With Disabilities: A Resource Guide for Assessing the Performance of Managed Care Organizations

Designed to support efforts to measure and improve Medicaid managed care organization performance for people with disabilities.

Meeting the Long-Term Care Needs of the Baby Boomers

This discussion paper from the Urban Institute looks at changes in the demographics and characteristics of the long-term care population and the implications of these changes for future long-term care service usage.

Mental Disorders in America: The Numbers Count

A summary of statistics describing the prevalence of mental disorders in America.

Mental Health Transformation Trends

Periodic briefings from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) regarding trends in mental health systems of care.

Mental Health, Work & Mental Health Service Use Among Low-Income Mothers

This study analyzes how mental health problems impede low-income mothers' ability to work, and the role of health insurance in improving their access to mental health treatment.

Mental Health: Culture, Race & Ethnicity

Executive summary of a 2001 Surgeon General report regarding mental health disparities affecting racial and ethnic minorities.

Mental Retardation & Developmental Disabilities (MRDD) Branch

Sponsors research and training aimed at preventing mental retardation and related developmental disabilities.

Modernizing Federal Disability Policy

This GAO report examines federal disability programs, how to strengthen partnerships and coordination for modernizing programs, and ways to modernize measures of program success. The report also reviews next steps for achieving a 21st century disability policy. This link opens a PDF document.

Multivariate Analysis of Patterns of Informal & Formal Caregiving among Privately Insured & Non-Privately Insured Disabled Elders Living in the Community

Examines the factors associated with privately insured and non-privately insured groups and identifies the role played by long-term care insurance.

NIMH Grants Focus on Innovative Autism Research

Summary of nine research projects funded by the the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) that focus on autism spectrum disorders.

National Center for American Indian & Alaska Native Mental Health Research

Sponsored by the National Institute of Mental Health provides research, training and information focused specifically on American Indian and Alaska Native populations.

National Center for Health Statistics

Part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that is the nation's principal health statistics agency. The Center compiles statistical information to guide actions and policies to improve the health of Americans.

National Center for the Dissemination of Disability Research (NCDRR)

The NCDDR is part of a National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) program that encourages the dissemination and use of disability research in order to shape new technology, improving service delivery and expanding decision-making options for people with disabilities and their families.

National Center on Disability & Journalism - Links

Resources to assist in the classroom and with reporting.

National Center on Physical Activity & Disability

Clearinghouse of information on physical activity for people with disabilities for consumers, practitioners and disability and service organizations.

National Disability Policy: A Progress Report

Report issued on January 15, 2008 by the National Council on Disability (NCD) that examines employment, housing, education, transportation and other federal policies that affect people with disabilities.

National Health Interview Survey - 2005

Report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention regarding health statistics for adults in the U.S. Document is in .pdf format.

National Health Interview Survey on Disability

Results from a comprehensive federal survey of disability in the United States.

National Long Term Care Survey (NLTCS) Home Page

A longitudinal survey designed to study changes in the health and functional status of older Americans.

National Long-Term Care Channeling Demonstration: Summary of Demonstration & Reports

Presents an overview of the results of the National Long-Term Care Channeling Demonstration, conducted in ten states to test the impact of a community-based system of long-term care upon the functionally disabled elderly.

National Nursing Home Survey

The National Nursing Home Survey (NNHS) is a continuing series of national sample surveys of nursing homes, their residents and their staff.

National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center

Supervises and directs the collection, management and analysis of the world's largest spinal cord injury database. The Facts & Figures at a Glance provides information on incidence rate, gender, age and other statistics regarding people with spinal cord injuries.

Nationwide Report Reveals that 5 Million People Participate in Self-Help Groups Each Year

2008 report from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) indicates that 2.3 million people who participate in self-help groups for alcohol or illicit drug use currently abstain from use of these substances. Based on a nationwide survey, the report provides data highlighting the use and benefits of these groups.

Need for Action on Health Reform Highlighted in New Report

Americans expressed serious concerns regarding health care in a new report released today by the Department of Health and Human Services. The report, Americans Speak on Health Reform: Report on Health Care Community Discussions, summarizes comments from the thousands of Americans who hosted and participated in Health Care Community Discussions across the country and highlights the need for immediate action to reform health care.

New Standard for Assessing Health Status of People with Disabilities

Information on a move to classify people with a "disabling" condition as healthy regardless of the body part involved.

New York State Disability & Health Resources

Publications, statistics and other information and resources related to health and people with disabilities in New York State.

Office of Disability, Aging & Long-Term Care Policy

Develops, analyzes, evaluates and coordinates HHS policies and programs which support the independence, productivity, health, and long-term care needs of children, working age adults and older persons with disabilities.

People with Disabilities: Their Health Care & Health Insurance

Compares the health characteristics of persons with and without disabilities.

Persons with Severe Mental Illness: How Do They Fit Into Long-Term Care?

Examines the long-term care service needs of persons with severe mental illness in a generic long-term care financing and service delivery system, as was proposed in the home and community-based services provisions of the Health Security Act.

Physical Activity & Health for Persons with Disabilities

A report of the Surgeon General from the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.

Policy Frameworks for Designing Medicaid Buy-In Programs & Related State Work Incentive Initiatives

Report provides policy frameworks to assist stakeholders (such as Medicaid directors, state legislators and cross-disability coalitions) design and implement Medicaid Buy-In programs and related work incentive initiatives to enhance the level of economic self-sufficiency of persons with significant disabilities.

Policy Issues Affecting the Medicaid Personal Care Services Optional Benefit

Examines how states have used Medicaid's Personal Care Services Optional Benefit, assesses whether coverage regulations for these services be revised and discusses the ways in which the program might affect public debate about the expansion of public funding for long-term care.

Population Estimates of Disability & Long-Term Care

Estimates of the number of people with disabilities or with long-term care needs are derived for both the community and institutionalized population for children, working age adults and the elderly.

President's New Freedom Commission on Mental Health Report

2003 report includes recommendations on how to improve the mental health system in the U.S.

Prevalence & Correlates of Unmet Need Among the Elderly with Disabilities

Examines how many disabled elderly are at risk because they do not receive the assistance they need in basic self-maintenance activities.

Primary Care Doctors May Overlook Elderly Patients' Mental Health

Doctors spend little time discussing mental health issues with their older patients and rarely refer them to a mental health specialist even if they show symptoms of severe depression, according to an NIMH-funded study published December 2007 in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.

Private Payers Serving Disabled Individuals with Disabilities & Chronic Conditions

Conducted to better understand the role of private insurance plans in caring for people with chronic conditions and disabilities.

PubMed Central (PMC)

The U.S. National Library of Medicine's free digital archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature.

Publicly-Financed Home Care for the Disabled Elderly: Who Would be Eligible?

Demonstrates the variability in estimates of disability in the U.S. elderly population as a function of differing definitions of physical disability and cognitive impairment.


A National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center dedicated to using technology to promote more healthy, active lifestyles for people with disabilities.

Report on Balancing Medicaid Long-Term Services

AARP report Balancing Act: State Long-Term Care Reform, examines the extent to which states have balanced the delivery of Medicaid-funded long-term services and supports to people in their homes and in institutions, with a primary focus on older people and adults with physical disabilities. This link opens a PDF document.

Report on Health Care Costs

Research reports on cost containment and trends in health insurance costs.

Report on Private Health Insurance

February 2004 report from the U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO) investigates entities not authorized to sell health benefits coverage in the U.S. Document is in .pdf format.

Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tool (RePORT)

RePORT, a website of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), provides a single access point to quickly and easily find data, including information on NIH expenditures and the results of NIH-supported research. The site includes searchable databases of funded projects and research reports.

Resource Center to Promote Acceptance, Dignity & Social Inclusion Associated with Mental Health

Information on a Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) center that works to counter stigma and discrimination associated with mental illness by gathering information and research and providing technical assistance and support.

Role of Health Insurance in Successful Labor Force Entry & Employment Retention

Provides a summary of the health insurance issues affecting employment of people with disabilities, including a discussion of the current programs and policies that are available.

Self-Disclosure & Its Impact on Individuals Who Receive Mental Health Services

Paper from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) examines the role self-disclosure plays in reducing stigma and discrimination associated with mental illness.

Serious Psychological Distress & Receipt of Mental Health Services

Statistics from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) on the use of mental health services by people with serious psychological distress.

Web site generates customized charts of state, national and individual disability data.

Study of the Impact of Monitoring the Health Outcomes for Disabled Medicare Beneficiaries

Examines the impact of payment policy changes on disabled Medicare beneficiaries' satisfaction and quality of life with a view toward formulating inferences that will inform national home health care policy for the disabled.

Substance Abuse & Mental Health Data Archive

Web resource provides public data access and online analysis, including links to studies on substance abuse and mental health.

Supportive Health Service Needs of Children with Disabilities

Focuses on supportive services, a subset of health-related services that are used almost exclusively by children with disabilities, in order to sharpen the focus on the differential need of children with disabilities.

Surgeon General's First-ever Report on Nation's Bone Health

Links to the Executive Summary and the full text of a 2004 U.S. Surgeon General's report on bone health and Osteoporosis.

The 2009 Statistical Abstract - The National Data Book

Contains population statistics on Elderly, Racial and Hispanic Origin; includes data on Persons 65 Years Old and Over--Living Arrangements and Disability Status: 2006

The Future of Disability Statistics: What We Know & Need to Know

Materials from the 2006 StatsRRTC (Rehabilitation Research and Training Center) State-of-the-Science Conference. Includes trends and statistics on the employment, health and socio-economic status of people with disabilities.

The Medicaid Buy-In Program: Lessons Learned From Nine "Early Implementer" States

Examines the early implementation experiences of states that have opted for a Medicaid buy-in for people with disabilities.

The Science of Mental Illness--A Training Module for Science Teachers

The lessons in this module present fundamental information about mental illnesses. Through inquiry-based activities, students gain a better understanding of what mental illnesses are and what they are not.

The State of 21st Century Long-Term Services & Supports: Financing & Systems Reform for Americans with Disabilities

December 15, 2005 report from the National Council on Disability provides recommendations on long-term services and supports for people with disabilities. This links opens a Word document.

Trends in Health & Aging

Allows users to find information on trends in the health of older Americans and provides data broken down by age, sex, race and Hispanic origin.

Trends in Health Insurance Costs

Describes trends in increasing cost of health care, prescription drugs, and insurance; discusses impact on seniors and reduction of insurance coverage.

U.S. - Japan Collaborative Effort: Study of Long-Term Care Data Comparability

Examines the feasibility of comparison studies of long-term care in the United States and Japan that would be useful to both countries in understanding the current and evolving needs and resources related to the frail and disabled elderly.

U.S. Census Bureau Press Release: More Than 50 Million Americans Report Some Level of Disability

May 12, 2006 press release from the U.S. Census Bureau indicating that more than 50 million Americans have some level of disability, with 12 percent reporting a severe disability.

U.S. National Library of Medicine

The world's largest biomedical library.

UC Data

University of California at Berkeley's principal archive of social science and health statistics information.

Understanding Medicaid Home & Community Services: A Primer

Designed to encourage use of the Medicaid program in a manner that minimizes reliance on institutions and maximizes community integration in a cost-effective manner.

United Nations Statistics Division

Enter "disability" in the search field to find data on disability populations in various countries.

Women's Health Statistics

Reliable women's health data from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, including statistics on a variety of women's health topics such as mental health and disability.

Youth with Disabilities in the Foster Care System: Barriers to Success & Proposed Policy

A report issued on February 26, 2008 by the National Council on Disability (NCD). The report examines the unique challenges older youth with disabilities face as they negotiate the foster care system.

  • The White House
  • The U.S. government's official web portal.