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Thumbnail of article from Forbes Magazine.Forbes profiled Climate Leaders in a special advertising section in the June, 30 2008 issue (PDF) (4 pp, 300K, About PDF). This special report includes case studies of three Climate Leaders Partners.

Thumbnail of National Geographic issue from October, 2007. National Geographic (October 2007) (PDF) (6 pp, 838K) National Geographic's coverage of Climate Leaders and Energy Star in their October 2007 special section Global Climate Change Champions highlights the energy efficiency projects and environmental approach of partner companies.

Thumbnail of Climate Leaders and Forbes Special Advertising Section that appeared in the January 8, 2007 issue of Forbes. Forbes profiled Climate Leaders in a special advertising section in the January 8, 2007 issue of Forbes (PDF) (4 pp, 1MB, About PDF). This special report, which features several Partners, includes:

  • Corporate best practices for managing and reducing greenhouse gases.
  • An overview of the Climate Leaders program and how companies can participate.
  • Case studies of three Climate Leaders Partners.

Thumbnail of the cover of the April 17, 2006, issue of Forbes, which highlighted Climate Leaders and two partners.The April 17, 2006, issue of Forbes outlines the Climate Leaders program, and highlights the energy efficiency strategies two Partners.

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