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 Science Works Podcasts

EPA Funds Development of Laser-Based Carbon Dioxide Sensor

Small Business Grows Green Alternative to Styrofoam
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SBIR Overview
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Research Suggests Reductions in Particulate Air Pollution May Lead to Increased Life Expectancy

EPA's Administrator, Lisa Jackson Video Lisa Jackson Tasks the Next Generation of Scientists and Engineers to Seize the Moment to Develop a Green Economy

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SBIR Phase I Solicitation
PDF (68 pp, 279 K) | MS Word Open: March 19, 2009
Closing: May 20, 2009

Top Stories
Exploring Linkages Between Health Outcomes and Environmental Hazards, Exposures, and Interventions for Public Health Tracking and Risk Management
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as part of its Science to Achieve Results (STAR) program, is seeking applications to develop new or improved environmental public health indicators (EPHIs) to build linkages between environmental hazards, human exposures, and public health outcomes.
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EPA's Administrator, Lisa Jackson Video Lisa Jackson Tasks the Next Generation of Scientists and Engineers to Seize the Moment to Develop a Green Economy
EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson addressed young researchers at the National Sustainable Design Expo on the Washington DC Mall with a rousing speech requesting them to seize the moment to solve the troubled economy and the environment by using their ingenuity to achieve a green economy promoting energy security, independent of fossil fuels.
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Science Works Podcast: EPA Funds Development of Laser-Based Carbon Dioxide Sensor
Listen to the third podcast in our Science Works series, and learn how a small business called Bridger Photonics is developing a handheld sensor for the remote detection of carbon dioxide.
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EPA’s P3 Award Winners Celebrate a Green Future
(Washington, D.C. - April 21, 2009) EPA has announced the university teams who won the annual People, Prosperity and the Planet (P3) competition. The P3 award competition encourages college students to apply technology in innovative ways to tackle global environmental challenges.

Winners of this year’s awards and their projects are:

    University of Arizona Columbia University Massachusetts Institute of Technology Drexel University University of Tennessee - Knoxville University of South Florida
    University of Arizona Columbia University Massachusetts Institute of Technology Drexel University University of Tennessee - Knoxville University of South Florida
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Nice Dear, but what is Sustainability?
At this year’s National Sustainable Designs Expo on the Mall — which ran Saturday, April 18 through Monday, April 20 — we saw some amazing ideas: a solar powered water heater, wetlands for cleaning up dairy wastewater, solar panels to remove salt from water, even a method for using the sun to disinfect water.
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Science Works Podcast: Small Business Grows Green Alternative to Styrofoam
Listen to the second podcast in our Science Works series, and learn how a small business called Ecovative Design is developing an environmentally-friendly foam that could replace polystyrene in packaging and construction materials.
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EPA and Mount Sinai Investigate Food Allergy Triggers
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today announced a $466,125 research grant to the Mount Sinai School of Medicine to investigate the mechanisms that make food allergies occur and pinpoint what triggers them.
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EPA Awards $3.5 Million in Grants for Particulate Matter Research
(Washington, D.C. – April 3, 2009) EPA awarded four grants to universities to research the relationship between the chemical composition of particulate matter (PM) and health effects.
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Five Mass. Companies Get Contracts for Small Business Innovation Research
(Boston, Mass. – March 26, 2009) – Five small businesses in eastern Massachusetts have received a total of $1.125 million from EPA to commercialize innovative technologies that address pressing environmental problems.
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Environmental Behavior, Bioavailability and Effects of Manufactured Nanomaterials: a Joint Research Solicitation - US EPA and UK ENI
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, as part of its Science to Achieve Results program, in conjunction with the UK Environmental Nanoscience Initiative, is seeking joint applications from US and UK partners.
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New Grants to Measure Progress of Environmental Programs in Protecting Human Health

EPA's SBIR Phase 1 Solicitation now open.

Science Works Podcast: SBIR Overview
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