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EPA's Research in Risk Assessment


Risk Assessment at the Center for Environmental Assessments

Through the performance of risk assessments, researchers seek to understand the fundamental processes that underlie human health problems that are caused by pollutants in the environment. Risk assessments address questions of exposure and the adverse outcomes associated with exposure.

Health: For health-based risks assessments, NCEA Scientist coordinate with experts in ORD's Labs and centers, EPA's Programs and Regions on issues like cancer, birth defects, developmental disorders, and other serious health problems that can be caused by exposure to chemical or biological agents in the environment. A major result of this coordinated work is the Integrated Risk Information System Database.

Eco: For ecological-based risk assessments, NCEA scientists address concerns about the effects of pollution on organisms and ecosystems. A major result from this work is the Casual Analysis/Diagnosis Decision Information System interactive Web site.

There are slightly different steps to risk assessment, depending on whether you are performing an:

With either type, during each step scientists address key questions, with the goal of formulating a complete understanding of the seriousness and scope of a hazard. Visit epa.gov/risk for more information about risk assessment at EPA.

Learn more about the differences between human health and ecological risk assessments and using science to improve these processes.

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