Rocky Mountain (8) -->

Historic Preservation Services

Byron White U.S. Courthouse image

Customers can count on GSA's Rocky Mountain Historic Preservation Office for excellent service relating to all aspects of preservation. The office is most effective when involved in all stages of preservation or renovation projects. Services include:

  • Advice on all aspects of building renovation
  • Implementation of regional compliance with the National Historic Preservation Act
  • Technical architectural expertise relating to all aspects of building renovation and preservation, including advice and assistance on all preservation matters, technical or controversial

To learn more, please contact the Rocky Mountain Region's Historic Preservation Officer at the contact number provided on the upper right side of this page.

Through consultative support, GSA ensures that regional projects and actions comply with the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, and are consistent with GSA policy and national stewardship strategy. GSA endeavors to preserve these national treasures for future generations through building investments, reuse strategies, and employing cutting edge design efforts.

GSA Rocky Mountain Region's real estate inventory features many properties that are rich in significant American history, architecture, art, engineering, and culture. GSA’s historic preservation program provides technical and strategic expertise to promote the integrity, viability, and reuse of historic buildings owned and leased by GSA.

The National Trust for Historic Preservation designates the month of May to raise awareness about the power historic preservation has to protect and enhance our homes, neighborhoods and communities - the places that really matter to us. Learn more about our history and attend GSA’s open house at the DFC Museum on May 13, 2009.

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Last Reviewed 5/1/2009