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USAID: From The American People Latin America and the Caribbean Ingrid Cornejo and fellow graduates demonstrate their skills as junior cuppers, at the USAID-financed coffee cooperative laboratory in Jinotega, Nicaragua - Click to read this story

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Latin America and the Caribbean: Environment

The Latin America and the Caribbean region boasts abundant water, tremendous biological diversity, and approximately half of the tropical forests in the world. However, population growth, deforestation, urban expansion, and pollution threaten the region’s environment and raise the potential for conflict. USAID’s environment programs in the LAC region seek to mitigate these threats, creating the potential for long-term economic benefit from the use of the region’s natural resources.

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News from LAC Environment

Forestry Transparency Workshop

USAID, together with the International Programs office of the US Forest Service and the Department of State, sponsored a workshop in Lima, Peru to promote better forest conservation and management in the Amazon Basin through improved transparency in the forest sector. Over 100 regional stakeholders participated in the workshop, which presented a range of tools, incentives, approaches, lessons, and techniques from the Amazon region and beyond. A highlight of the event was an innovative Marketplace for Ideas demonstrating emerging and proven technologies to improve monitoring of forest cover and the movement of forest products and to strengthen auditing systems that regulate forest management. Read more about the workshop here

USAID to Design New Latin America and Caribbean Regional
Environment Program

Legal lobsters in Nicaragua The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is pleased to announce the design phase of a new regional biodiversity conservation program for Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). Following on the success of USAID’s current LAC regional environmental program, the new program will respond to language in the FY 2006 Foreign Operations Appropriations Bill recommending that USAID “design a successor to the Parks in Peril Program to develop self-sustaining national park systems by improving economic opportunities for people living near protected areas.”
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LAC Tropical Forest and Biodiversity Country Analyses

Guyana road As part of USAID’s strategic planning processes, country-specific operating units are required to assess tropical forest and biodiversity conservation needs in their country and the extent to which proposed programs address the needs identified. A total of 12 Country Analyses have been completed. Read more



USAID/USDA Study Focuses on Forestry Challenges and Opportunities

Cover of a report entitled "Forest communities and the marketing of lesser-known species from Mesoamerica.

A major study recently conducted by USAID and the US Department of Agriculture/Forest Service (USDA) recommends that local timber communities in Central America pursue opportunities with less-used hardwood species (as opposed to major commercial types such as mahogany). Read more

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