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Doyle, J.J., R.A. Bernhoft, and H.H. Sandstead. The effects of a low level of dietary cadmium on blood pressure, Na-24, K-42, and water retention in growing rats. J. Lab. Clin. Med. 86: 57-63, 1975.

Evans, G.W., C.I. Grace, and H.J. Votava. A proposed mechanism for zinc absorption in the rat. Am. J. Physiol. 228: 501-505, 1975.

Evans, G.W. and T.W. Winter. Zinc transport by transferrin in rat portal blood plasma. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 66: 1218-1224, 1975.

Evans, G.W., M.L. Wolenetz, and C.I. Grace. Copper-binding proteins in the neonatal and adult rat liver soluble fraction. Nutr. Rep. Int. 12: 261-269, 1975.

Fosmire, G.J., Y.Y. Al-Ubaidi, and H.H. Sandstead. Some effects of postnatal zinc deficiency on developing rat brain. Pediatr. Res. 9: 89-93, 1975.

Hahn, C.J. and G.W. Evans. Absorption of trace metals in the zinc-deficient rat. Am. J. Physiol. 228: 1020-1023, 1975.

Halas, E.S., M.J. Hanlon, and H.H. Sandstead. Intrauterine nutrition and aggression. Nature 257: 221-222, 1975.

Halas, E.S. and H.H. Sandstead. Some effects of prenatal zinc deficiency on behavior of the adult rat. Pediatr. Res. 9: 94-97, 1975.

Jacob, R.A. and L.M. Klevay. Determination of trace amounts of copper and zinc in edible fats and oils by acid extraction and atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Anal. Chem. 47: 741-743, 1975.

Klevay, L.M. Coronary heart disease: The zinc/copper hypothesis. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 28: 764-774, 1975.

Klevay, L.M. The ratio of zinc to copper of diets in the United States. Nutr. Rep. Int. 11: 237-242, 1975.

McKenzie, J.M., G.J. Fosmire, and H.H. Sandstead. Zinc deficiency during the latter third of pregnancy: Effects on fetal rat brain, liver, and placenta. J. Nutr. 105: 1466-1475, 1975.

Nielsen, F.H., D.R. Myron, S.H. Givand, and D.A. Ollerich. Nickel deficiency and nickel-rhodium interaction in chicks. J. Nutr. 105: 1607-1619, 1975.

Nielsen, F.H., D.R. Myron, S.H. Givand, T.J. Zimmerman, and D.A. Ollerich. Nickel deficiency in rats. J. Nutr. 105: 1620-1630, 1975.

Pekarek, R.S. and G.W. Evans. Effect of acute infection and endotoxemia on zinc absorption in the rat. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 150: 755-758, 1975.

Sandstead, H.H. Mineral metabolism in protein malnutrition. In Protein-Calorie Malnutrition, Edited by R. Olson, Academic Press, New York, pp. 213-220, 1975.

Sandstead, H.H. Some trace elements which are essential for human nutrition: Zinc, copper, manganese, and chromium. Progress in Food and Nutrition Science 1: 371-391, 1975.

Sandstead, H.H. Trace element requirements in human nutrition: Zinc, copper. In Influence of Environmental and Host Factors on Nutritional Requirements, Edited by N. Shimazono, pp. 339-359, 1975.

Sandstead, H.H. Zinc in human nutrition. Nutrition & the M.D. 2: 2-3, 1975.

Sandstead, H.H. and G.J. Fosmire. Letter to the editor. Pediatr. Res. 9: 851, 1975. (Letter)

Sandstead, H.H., G.J. Fosmire, J.M. McKenzie, and E.S. Halas. Zinc deficiency and brain development in the rat. Fed. Proc. 34: 86-88, 1975. (also In Biology of Aging and Development, Volume 3, Edited by G.J. Thorbecke, FASEB Monograph, Plenum, New York, pp. 167-172, 1975)

Sandstead, H.H. and L.M. Klevay. Cadmium-zinc interactions: Implications for health. In Memoirs of the Geological Society of America, Special Paper 155, pp. 73-81, 1975.

Sandstead, H.H. and M.W. Terhune. Zinc deficiency: Effect on the activity of liver RNA polymerase, sucrose density gradients and in vivo uridine incorporation. In Clinical Applications of Zinc Metabolism, Edited by W. Pories and W. Strain, Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, pp. 9-18, 1975.

Van Way III, C.W., H.C. Meng, and H.H. Sandstead. Nitrogen balance in postoperative patients receiving parenteral nutrition. Arch. Surg. 110: 272-276, 1975.

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