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Topics of Interest

Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard (REPS)

Electric Industry Restructuring

NC GreenPower - Docket No. E-100, Sub 90

Net Metering - Docket No. E-100, Sub 83

Reports to the North Carolina General Assembly

Regulated Companies:

Electric Cooperatives
Electric Merchant Plants
Small Power Producers

Related Electricity Links

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

NC State Energy Office

NC GreenPower

NC Transmission Collaborative


Electricity Industry

Retail electric service is provided to consumers in North Carolina by investor-owned utilities (IOUs) and university-owned utilities subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission, electric membership corporations (EMCs), and municipally-owned electric utilities. A customer obtains electric service from the utility providing service to that area. The Commission regulates all aspects of service provided by the IOUs, but does not regulate the retail rates of EMCs or municipally-owned electric systems.

Customers of the three IOUs may find helpful information on the following utilities’ web sites:

Customers of the State’s 32 EMCs or 76 municipally-owned electric utilities may find helpful information on one of the following web sites:

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