Sleep Disorders

Center for Disease Control - Sleep & Sleep Disorders

Provides information on how much sleep is enough, sleep hygiene, sleeping disorders and the health risks associated with them.

DoD Mental Health Self-Assessment (MHSA) Program

Provides military families and Service Members affected by deployment and mobilization a mental health and alcohol screening and referral program. The Self Assessment for Veterans service is voluntary and anonymous, and it is offered online, by phone, and through special events held at installations and reserve units.

MedlinePlus for Veterans

Resource page on Veterans and military health from the National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health that provides comprehensive information ranging from lost limbs to head injuries, post-traumatic stress disorder, rehabilitation and recovery, directories, organizations and more. Also available in Spanish.

National Center on Sleep Disorder Research (NCSDR)

Provides research, training, technology transfer and coordination related to various sleep disorders, including sleep apnea, narcolepsy, insomnia, parasomnia, jet-lag syndrome and disturbed biological and circadian rhythms.

National Sleep Foundation

Dedicated to improving public health and safety by achieving understanding of sleep and sleep disorders, and by supporting sleep-related education, research and advocacy.

Outreach Center for Psychological Health & Traumatic Brain Injury

24-hour/7 days a week outreach center available by phone at 866-966-1020 and by e-mail at Operated by the Defense Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury (DCoE) and provides information and referrals to military Service Members, Veterans, their families and others with questions about psychological health and traumatic brain injury.

Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) Foundation

Works to increase awareness, improve treatments, and through research, find a cure for RLS, a condition which severely affects the lives of millions of individuals.

Sleep Apnea

Provides information on sleep apnea, a common but potentially serious condition that causes breathing to stop or become very shallow during sleep.

Sleep Deprivation - Causes & Consequences

Discusses causes and consequences of sleep deprivation and rankings on the Epworth Sleepiness Scale.

Sleep Disorders

Provides information on various sleep disorders, including sleep apnea, restless legs syndrome and narcolepsy.

Veterans Face Severe Sleep Disturbances

Article states that Veterans returning from the Iraq war can suffer sleep disturbances as severe as those among chronic insomniacs.
  • The White House
  • The U.S. government's official web portal.

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