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Abrahamson, H.B. and H.C. Lukaski. Synthesis and characterization of iron stearate compounds. J. Inorg. Biochem. 54: 115-130, 1994.

Allen, K.G.D. and L.M. Klevay. Copper: An antioxidant nutrient for cardiovascular health. Current Opinion in Lipidology 5: 22-28, 1994.

Allen, C.B. and Saari, J.T. Pulmonary vascular responses are exaggerated in isolated lungs from copper deficient rats. Med. Sci. Res. 22: 815-816, 1994.

Chen, Y., J.T. Saari, and Y.J. Kang. Antioxidant capacity and copper deficiency-induced damage in the heart of rats. Proc. N.D. Acad. Sci. 48: 119, 1994.

Chen, Y., J.T. Saari, and Y.J. Kang. Weak antioxidant defenses make the heart a target for damage in copper-deficient rats. Free Radical Biology & Medicine 17: 529-536, 1994.

Finley, J.W., P.E. Johnson, and L.K. Johnson. Sex affects manganese absorption and retention by humans from a diet adequate in manganese. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 60: 949-955, 1994.

Finley, J.W., P.E. Johnson, P.G. Reeves, R.A. Vanderpool, and M. Briske-Anderson. Effect of bile/pancreatic secretions on absorption of radioactive or stable zinc - In vivo and in vitro studies. Biol. Trace Elem. Res. 42: 81-96, 1994.

Hunt, C.D. The biochemical effects of physiologic amounts of dietary boron in animal nutrition models. Environ. Health Perspect. 102(Suppl 7): 35-43, 1994.

Hunt, C.D., J.L. Herbel, and J.P. Isdo. Dietary boron modifies the effects of vitamin D3 nutrition on indices of energy substrate utilization and mineral metabolism in the chick. J. Bone and Mineral Research 9: 171-182, 1994.

Hunt, J.R. Nutritional products for specific health benefits - Foods, pharmaceuticals, or something in between? J. Am. Diet. Assoc. 94: 151-153, 1994.

Hunt, J.R., S.K. Gallagher, and L.K. Johnson. Effect of ascorbic acid on apparent iron absorption by women with low iron stores. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 59: 1381-1385, 1994.

Hunt, J.R., C.A. Zito, J. Erjavec, and L.K. Johnson. Severe or marginal iron deficiency affects spontaneous physical activity in rats. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 59: 413-418, 1994.

Johnson, W.T. and T.B. Smith. Copper deficiency increases cytochrome P450-dependent 7-ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase activity in rat small intestine. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 207: 302-308, 1994.

Kato, N., J.T. Saari, and G.M. Schelkoph. Cystine feeding enhances defects of dietary copper deficiency by a mechanism not involving oxidative stress. J. Nutr. Biochem. 5: 99-105, 1994.

Klevay, L.M. Soy protein may affect plasma cholesterol through copper. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 60: 300-301, 1994. (Letter)

Klevay, L.M., W.G. Pond, and D.M. Medeiros. Decreased high density lipoprotein cholesterol and apoprotein A-I in plasma and ultrastructural pathology in cardiac muscle of young pigs fed a diet high in zinc. Nutr. Res. 14: 1227-1239, 1994.

Lai, C.-C., W.-H. Huang, A. Askari, Y. Wang, N. Sarvazyan, L.M. Klevay, and T.H. Chiu. Differential regulation of superoxide dismutase in copper-deficient rat organs. Free Radic. Biol. Med. 16: 613-620, 1994.

Leiter, L.A., Lukaski, H.C., Kenny, D.J., Barnie, A., Camelon, K., Ferguson, R.S., MacLean, S., Simkins, S., Zinman, B., and Cleary, P.A. The use of bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) to estimate body composition in the diabetes control and complications trial (DCCT). Intl. J. Obesity 18:8 29-835, 1994.

Lukaski, H.C., W.W. Bolonchuk, W.A. Siders, and D.B. Milne. Effects of chromium supplementation on changes in strength and body composition of young men during strength training. Proc. N.D. Acad. Sci. 48: 86, 1994.

Lukaski, H.C. and M.R.M. Scheltinga. Improved sensitivity of the tetrapolar bioelectrical impedance method to assess fluid status and body composition: Use of proximal electrode placement. Age & Nutrition 5: 123-129, 1994.

Lukaski, H.C., W.A. Siders, E.J. Nielsen, and C.B. Hall. Total body water in pregnancy: Assessment by using bioelectrical impedance. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 59: 578-585, 1994.

Lynch, S.M. and L.M. Klevay. Contrasting effects of a dietary copper deficiency in male and female mice. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 205: 190-196, 1994.

Matz, J.M., M.J. Blake, J.T. Saari, and A.M. Bode. Dietary copper deficiency reduces heat shock protein expression in cardiovascular tissues. FASEB J. 8: 97-102, 1994.

Milne, D.B. Assessment of copper nutritional status. Clin. Chem. 40: 1479-1484, 1994. (Review)

Milne, D.B. Trace elements. In Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry, Second Edition, Edited by C.A. Burtis and E.R. Ashwood, W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, pp. 1317-1353, 1994.

Momcilovic, B., H.C. Lukaski, G.I. Lykken, and W.A. Siders. Whole body and heel retention of 47Ca in obese women. Proc. N.D. Acad. Sci. 48: 85, 1994

Newman, S.M., Jr. and W.T. Johnson. Mitochondrial energy states and ultrastructural changes associated with copper deficiency in platelets. Proc. N.D. Acad. Sci. 48: 88, 1994.

Nielsen, F.H. Biochemical and physiologic consequences of boron deprivation in humans. Environ. Health Perspect. 102(Suppl 7): 59-63, 1994.

Nielsen, F.H. Chromium. In Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease, Volume 1, Eighth Edition, Edited by M.E. Shils, J.A. Olson, and M. Shike, Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia, pp. 264-268, 1994.

Nielsen, F.H. Magnesium deprivation affects macromineral metabolism in postmenopausal women. Proc. N.D. Acad. Sci. 48: 84, 1994.

Nielsen, F.H. Ultratrace minerals. In Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease, Volume 1, Eighth Edition, Edited by M.E. Shils, J.A. Olson, and M. Shike, Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia, pp. 269-286, 1994.

Penland, J.G. Dietary boron, brain function, and cognitive performance. Environ. Health Perspect. 102(Suppl 7): 65-72, 1994.

Penland, J.G. Nutrition, brain function and behavior. In Nutrition: Eating for Good Health, (USDA Agriculture Information Bulletin 685, Smith DT, ed) US Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. pp. 78-85, 1994.

Reeves, P.G., P.E. Johnson, and K.L. Rossow. Absorption and organ content of cadmium from the kernels of confectionery sunflowers [Helianthus Annuus] fed to male rats. J. Agric. Food Chem. 42:2836-2843, 1994.

Reeves, P.G., K.L. Rossow, and D.J. Bobilya. Zinc-induced metallothionein and copper metabolism in intestinal mucosa, liver, and kidney of rats. Nutr. Res. 14:897-908, 1994.

Reeves, P.G., K.L. Rossow, and L. Johnson. Maintenance requirements for copper in adult male mice fed AIN-93M rodent diet. Nutr. Res. 14: 1219-1226, 1994.

Saari, J.T. Implication of nonenzymatic glycosylation as a mode of damage in dietary copper deficiency. Nutr. Res. 14: 1689-1699, 1994.

Saari, J.T., D.A. Schuschke, and D.M. Ackermann. Trace elements in humans and copper-deficient rats experiencing cardiac ventricular rupture. J. Trace Elem. Exp. Med. 7: 59-67, 1994.

Sarvazyan, N., Askari, A., Klevay, L.M., Huang, W-, H. Role of intracellular SOD in oxidant-induced injury to normal and copper-dedficient cardiac myoctytes. Am. J. Physio., pp. H1115-H1121, 1994

Schuschke, D.A., J.T. Saari, and F.N. Miller. The role of the mast cell in acute inflammatory responses of copper-deficient rats. Agents Actions 42: 19-24, 1994.

Schuschke, D.A., J.T. Saari, J.W. Nuss, and F.N. Miller. Platelet thrombus formation and hemostasis are delayed in the microcirculation of copper-deficient rats. J. Nutr. 124: 1258-1264, 1994.

Schuschke, D.A., Saari, J.T., West, C.A., and Miller, F.N. Dietary copper deficiency increases the mast cell population of the rat. Mast Cells in Copper Deficiency, pp. 274-277, 1994.

Seaborn, C.D. and F.H. Nielsen. Boron and silicon: Effects on growth, plasma lipids, urinary cyclic AMP and bone and brain mineral composition of male rats. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 13: 941-947, 1994.

Seaborn, C.D. and F.H. Nielsen. Dietary silicon affects acid and alkaline phosphatase and 45calcium uptake in bone of rats. J. Trace Elem. Exp. Med. 7: 11-18, 1994.

Seaborn, C.D. and F.H. Nielsen. Effects of germanium and silicon on bone mineralization. Biol. Trace Elem. Res. 42: 151-164, 1994.

Seaborn, C.D. and F.H. Nielsen. High dietary aluminum affects the response of rats to silicon deprivation. Biol. Trace Elem. Res. 41: 295-304, 1994.

Siders, W.A. and H.C. Lukaski. Body composition, somatotype and nutritional status predictors of strength gains. Proc. N.D. Acad. Sci. 48: 87, 1994.

Smith, S.M., J. Finley, L.K. Johnson, and H.C. Lukaski. Indices of in vivo and in vitro thyroid hormone metabolism in iron-deficient rats. Nutr. Res. 14: 729-739, 1994.

Smith, T. and W.T. Johnson. Copper deficiency alters the microsomal mixed function oxidase system in rat intestine. Proc. N.D. Acad. Sci. 48: 112, 1994.

Tao, L., G.I. Lykken, and B. Momcilovic. The library least square (LLSQ) method for analysis of 65Zn and 40K in human urine samples. Proc. N.D. Acad. Sci. 48: 89, 1994.

Uthus, E.O. Diethyl maleate, an in vivo chemical depletor of glutathione, affects the response of male and female rats to arsenic deprivation. Biol. Trace Elem. Res. 46: 247-259, 1994.

Vanderpool, R.A., D. Hoff, and P.E. Johnson. Use of inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry in boron-10 stable isotope experiments with plants, rats, and humans. Environ. Health Perspect. 102(Suppl 7): 13-20, 1994.

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