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Ames, R. Detection of labile metal binding ligands by modified gel filtration chromatography: Its limitations and advantages. Proc. N.D. Acad. Sci. 33: 80, 1979.

Dintzis, F.R., L.M. Legg, W.L. Deatherage, F.L. Baker, G.E. Inglett, R.A. Jacob, S.J. Reck, J.M. Munoz, L.M. Klevay, H.H. Sandstead, and W.C. Shuey. Human gastrointestinal action on wheat, corn, and soy hull bran - Preliminary findings. Cereal Chem. 56: 123-127, 1979.

Dintzis, F.R., J.B. McBrien, F.L. Baker, G.E. Inglett, R.A. Jacob, J.M. Munoz, L.M. Klevay, H.H. Sandstead, and W.C. Shuey. Some effects of baking and human gastrointestinal action upon a hard red wheat bran. In Dietary Fibers: Chemistry and Nutrition, Edited by G.E. Inglett and S.I. Falkehag, Academic Press, New York, pp. 157-171, 1979.

Evans, G.W. Copper homeostasis. In Spurenelemente - Analytik, Umsatz, Bedarf Mangel und Toxikologie - Symposium in Bad Kissingen 1977, Edited by E. Gladtke, G. Heimann, and I. Eckert, George Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, West Germany, pp. 160-166, 1979.

Evans, G.W. Copper homeostasis and metabolism in mammalian systems. In Copper in the Environment, Part II, Edited by J.O. Nriagu, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, pp. 163-175, 1979.

Evans, G.W. Metallothionein in intestinal copper metabolism. In Metallothionein, Edited by J.H.R. Kagi and M. Nordberg, Birkhauser Verlag, Basel, Switzerland, pp. 321-329, 1979.

Evans, G.W., P.E. Johnson, J.G. Brushmiller, and R.W. Ames. Detection of labile zinc-binding ligands in biological fluids by modified gel filtration chromatography. Anal. Chem. 51: 839-843, 1979.

Evans, G.W., E.C. Johnson, and P.E. Johnson. Zinc absorption in the rat determined by radioisotope dilution. J. Nutr. 109: 1258-1264, 1979.

Halas, E.S., M.D. Heinrich, and H.H. Sandstead. Long term memory deficits in adult rats due to postnatal malnutrition. Physiol. Behav. 22: 991-997, 1979.

Hunt, C.D., D.A. Ollerich, and F.H. Nielsen. Morphology of the perforating cartilage canals in the proximal tibial growth plate of the chick. Anat. Rec. 194: 143-157, 1979.

Jacobs, F.A., T.W. Winter, and H.H. Sandstead. Mesenteric lymph proteins in zinc-deficient rats. Am. J. Physiol. 236: E180-E185, 1979.

Klevay, L.M. Copper deficiency with liquid protein diets? N. Engl. J. Med. 300: 48 & 328, 1979. (Letter)

Klevay, L.M. Diets deficient in copper and zinc? Medical Hypothesis 5: 1323-1326, 1979.

Klevay, L.M., S.J. Reck, and D.F. Barcome. Evidence of dietary copper and zinc deficiencies. J. Am. Med. Assoc. 241: 1916-1918, 1979.

Munoz, J.M., H.H. Sandstead, and R.A. Jacob. Effects of dietary fiber on glucose tolerance of normal men. Diabetes 28: 496-502, 1979.

Munoz, J.M., H.H. Sandstead, R.A. Jacob, G.M. Logan, Jr., S.J. Reck, L.M. Klevay, F.R. Dintzis, G.E. Inglett, and W.C. Shuey. Effects of some cereal brans and textured vegetable protein on plasma lipids. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 32: 580-592, 1979.

Nielsen, F.H. and B. Bailey. The fabrication of plastic cages for suspension in mass air flow racks. Lab. Anim. Sci. 29: 502-506, 1979.

Nielsen, F.H. and T.R. Shuler. Effect of dietary nickel and iron on the trace element content of rat liver. Biol. Trace Element Res. 1: 337-346, 1979.

Nielsen, F.H., T.R. Shuler, T.J. Zimmerman, M.E. Collings, and E.O. Uthus. Interaction between nickel and iron in the rat. Biol. Trace Element Res. 1: 325-335, 1979.

Nielsen, F.H., T.J. Zimmerman, M.E. Collings, and D.R. Myron. Nickel deprivation in rats: Nickel-iron interactions. J. Nutr. 109: 1623-1632, 1979.

Pekarek, R.S., H.H. Sandstead, R.A. Jacob, and D.F. Barcome. Abnormal cellular immune responses during acquired zinc deficiency. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 32: 1466-1471, 1979.

Sandstead, H.H., L.M. Klevay, R.A. Jacob, J.M. Munoz, G.M. Logan, Jr., S.J. Reck, F.R. Dintzis, G.E. Inglett, and W.C. Shuey. Effects of dietary fiber and protein level on mineral element metabolism. In Dietary Fibers: Chemistry and Nutrition, Edited by G.E. Inglett and S.I. Falkehag, Academic Press, New York, pp. 147-156, 1979.

Sandstead, H.H., L.M. Klevay, J.M. Munoz, R.A. Jacob, G.M. Logan, Jr., S.J. Reck, F.R. Dintzis, G.E. Inglett, and W.C. Shuey. Zinc requirements. In Spurenelemente - Analytik, Umsatz, Bedarf Mangel und Toxikologie - Symposium in Bad Kissingen 1977, Edited by E. Gladtke, G. Heimann, and I. Eckert, George Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, West Germany, pp. 105-113, 1979.

Solomons, N.W., R.A. Jacob, O. Pineda, and F. Viteri. Studies on the bioavailability of zinc in man. II. Absorption of zinc from organic and inorganic sources. J. Lab. Clin. Med. 94: 335-343, 1979.

Solomons, N.W., R.A. Jacob, O. Pineda, and F.E. Viteri. Studies on the bioavailability of zinc in man. III. Effects of ascorbic acid on zinc absorption. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 32: 2495-2499, 1979.

Solomons, N.W., R.A. Jacob, O. Pineda, and F.E. Viteri. Studies on the bioavailability of zinc in man. Effects of the Guatemalan rural diet and of the iron-fortifying agent, NaFeEDTA. J. Nutr. 109: 1519-1528, 1979.

Strobel, D., H. Sandstead, L. Zimmermann, and A. Reuter. Prenatal protein and zinc malnutrition in the Rhesus monkey, Macaca mulatta. In Nursery Care of Nonhuman Primates, Edited by G.C. Ruppenthal, Plenum Press, New York, pp. 43-58, 1979.

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