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Bai Y, Hunt CD, Newman Jr SM. Dietary boron increases serum antibody (IgG and IgM) concentrations in rats immunized with human typhoid vaccine. Proc ND Acad Sci51:181, 1997.

Briske-Anderson MJ, Finley JW, Newman SM. The influence of culture time and passage number on the morphological and physiological development of CACO-2 cells. PSEBM214:248-257, 1996.

Carlson EC, Audette JL, Klevay LM, Nguyen H, Epstein PN. Ultrastructural and functional analyses of nephropathy in aalmodulin-induced diabetic transgenic mice. Anat Rec 247:9-19, 1997.

Chen Y, Yu Anding, Saari JT, Kang YJ. Repression of hypoxia-reoxygenation injury in the catalase-overexpressing heart of transgenic mice. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 216:112- 116, 1997.

Christopherson DM, Shuler TR, Klevay LM. Multiple trace elements in hair of one man over two decades: methodology. Proc ND Acad Sci 51:185, 1997.

Crummy LA, Idso JP, Newman Jr SM, Hunt CD. Method for preparation of trabecular bone matrix for histological studies using scanning electron microscopy. Proc ND Acad Sci 51:188, 1997.

Davis CD. Effect of dietary zinc and copper on -amyloid precursor protein expression in the rat brain. J Trace Elem Expr Med 10:249-258, 1997.

Finley JW, Caton JS, Zhou Z, Davison KL. A surgical model for determination of true absorption and biliary excretion of manganese in conscious swine fed commercial diets. J Nutr 127:2334-2341, 1997.

Finley JW, Monroe P. Mn absorption: the use of CACO-2 cells a model of the intestinal epithelia. Nutr Biochem 8:92-101, 1997.

Gallagher S.K. Biochemical markers of bone metabolism as it relates to
osteoporosis. Med Lab Obs pp 50-59, Aug 1997.

Gallagher S, Miller S. Nutrition and the elderly. Adv Adm Lab 6:45-50, 1997.

Hunt CD. Dietary boron and vitamin D affect hepatic glycolytic metabolite concentrations in the chick. In: Trace Elements in Man and Animals - 9: Proc of the Ninth Intl Symp on TEMA, PWF Fischer, MR Abb‚, KA Cockell, RS Gibson (eds). NRC Research Press, Ottawa, Canada, pp 599-601, 1997.

Hunt CD, Herbel JL, Nielsen FH. Metabolic responses of postmenopausal women to supplemental dietary boron and aluminum during usual and low magnesium intake: boron, calcium, and magnesium absorption and retention and blood mineral concentrations. Am J Clin Nutr 65:803-13, 1997.

Hunt JR. Do common sources of dietary protein increase calcium needs? J Amer Dietet Assoc 97:1370, 1997.

Hunt JR, Penland JG. Impaired startle response in growing rats marginally iron-depleted without overt anemia. In: Trace Elements in Man and Animals - 9: Proc of the Ninth Intl Symp on TEMA, PWF Fischer, MR Abb‚, KA Cockell, RS Gibson (eds). NRC Research Press, Ottawa, Canada, pp 220-221, 1997.

Hunt JR, Zito CA. Serotonin uptake by blood platelets of rats is reduced in severe, but not marginal dietary iron deficiency. Proc ND Acad Sci 51:201, 1997.

Johnson WT, Laberge TP, Sukalski KA. Copper deficiency causes in vivo oxidative modification of erythrocyte membrane proteins in rats. In: Trace Elements in Man and Animals - 9: Proc of the Ninth Intl Symp on TEMA, PWF Fischer, MR Abb‚, KA Cockell, RS Gibson (eds). NRC Research Press, Ottawa, Canada, pp 624-625, 1997.

Kang YJ, Chen Y, Saari JT. Expression of metallothionein in the liver of rats fed copper- deficient AIN-93G diet. In: Trace Elements in Man and Animals - 9: Proc of the Ninth Intl Symp on TEMA, PWF Fischer, MR Abb‚, KA Cockell, RS Gibson (eds). NRC Research Press, Ottawa, Canada, pp 377-379, 1997.

Kang YJ, Chen Y, Saari JT. Transgenic mice over expressing catalase specifically in the heart for studying cardiac oxidative injury induced by copper deficiency. In: Trace Elements in Man and Animals - 9: Proc of the Ninth Intl Symp on TEMA, PWF Fischer, MR Abb‚, KA Cockell, RS Gibson (eds). NRC Research Press, Ottawa, Canada, pp 337- 339, 1997.

Keehr KA, Idso JP, Hunt CD. Effect of marginal and moderate dietary copper on tibial growth plate morphology in the weanling rat challenged with injected sheep red blood cells. Proc ND Acad Sci 51:204, 1997.

Klevay LM. And so spake Goldberger in 1916: pellagra is not infectious! J Amer College Nutr 16:290-292, 1997.

Klevay LM. Iron can be cholesterotropic and cuprotropic. In: Trace Elements in Man and Animals - 9: Proc of the Ninth Intl Symp on TEMA, PWF Fischer, MR Abb‚, KA Cockell, RS Gibson (eds). NRC Research Press, Ottawa, Canada, pp 614-615, 1997.

Klevay LM, Olson RE. Paper 9: Pellagra is not infectious! (Goldberger, 1916). J Nutr 127:1032S-1034S, 1997.

Klevay LM. Paper 10: Copper as a supplement to iron for hemoglobin building in the rat. (Hart, et al, 1928). J Nutr 127:1034S-1036S, 1997.

Li G, Chen Y, Saari JT, Kang YJ. Catalase-overexpressing transgenic mouse heart is resistant to ischemia-reperfusion injury. Am J Physiol 273:H1090-H1095, 1997.

Lominadze D, Saari JT, Miller FN, Catalfamo JL, Schuschke DA. Von Willebrand factor restores impaired platelet thrombogenesis in copper-deficient rats. J Nutr 127:1320-1327, 1997.

Lukaski HC. A new approach to estimate changes in total body water by bioelectrical impedance analysis. Nutr 13:474-475, 1997.

Lukaski HC. Bioimpedance. In: Encyclopedia of Human Biology, 2nd Ed, Vol 1, R Dulbecco (ed). Academic Press, San Diego, CA, pp 783-790, 1997.

Lukaski HC. Chromium Supplements: Inclusive evidence on the effects of chromium supplementation. Amer Coll Sports Med, Nov 1997.

Lukaski HC. Letters to the Editor. Am J Clin Nutr 65:891-892, 1997.

Lukaski HC. Sarcopenia: Assessment of muscle mass. Amer Soc Nutr Sci 127:994S- 997S, 1997.

Lukaski HC. Validation of body composition assessment techniques in the dialysis population. Amer Soc Artificial internal organs 43:251-255, 1997.

Lukaski HC. Zinc. In: Sports Nutrition, Vitamins and Trace Elements, IW Wolinski, JA Driskel (eds). CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, FL, pp 157-173, 1997.

Lynch SM, Frei B, Morrow JD, Roberts, II LJ, Xu A, Jackson T, Reyna R, Klevay LM, Vita JA, Keaney, Jr JF. Vascular superoxide dismutase deficiency impairs endothelial vasodilator function through direct inactivation of nitric oxide and increased lipid peroxidation. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, & Vascular Biol 17:2975-2981,1997.

Marentes E, Shelp BJ, Vanderpool RA, Spiers GA. Retranslocation of boron in broccoli and lupin during early reproductive growth. Physiologia Plantarum 100:389-399, 1997.

Marentes E, Vanderpool RA, Shelp BJ. Boron-isotope fractionation in plants. Can J Plant Sci 77:627-629, 1997.

Michelsen KG, Hall CB, Newman Jr SM, Lukaski HC. Copper deficiency and supplementation impact thermoregulation and brown adipose tissue (BAT) mitochondrial morphology or rats exposed to cold. Proc ND Acad Sci 51:209, 1997.

Milne DB. Adult responses to various short-term dietary copper intakes: insights on human requirements and indicators of status. In: Trace Elements in Man and Animals - 9: Proc of the Ninth Intl Symp on TEMA, PWF Fischer, MR Abb‚, KA Cockell, RS Gibson (eds). NRC Research Press, Ottawa, Canada, pp 619-620, 1997.

Momcilovic B, Reeves PG, Blake MJ. Idiorrhythmic dose-rate variability in dietary zinc intake generates a different response pattern of zinc metabolism than conventional dose- response feeding. Br J Nutr 78:173-191, 1997.

Momcilovic B, Reeves PG. Quantitative assessment of the effects of variability in dietary zinc dose-rate idiorrhythms upon zinc deposition in bone of weanling rats by using a slope-ratio assay. Nutr Biochem 8:256-264, 1997.

Nielsen FH. Boron in human and animal nutrition. Plant and Soil 193:199-208, 1997.

Nielsen FH. Chapter 15 - Boron and Vanadium. In: Handbook of Nutritionally Essential Mineral Elements, BL O'Dell, RA Sundee (eds). Marcel Dekker, Inc, New York, NY, pp 453-464, 1997

Nielsen FH. Chapter 22 - Vanadium. In: In: Handbook of Nutritionally Essential Mineral Elements, BL O'Dell, RA Sundee (eds). Marcel Dekker, Inc, New York, NY, pp 619-630, 1997.

Penland JG, Sandstead HH, Alcock NW, Dayal HH, Chen XC, Li JS, Zhao F, Yang JJ. A preliminary report: effects of zinc and micronutrient repletion on growth and neuropsychological function of urban Chinese children. J Amer Col Nutr 16:268-272, 1997.

Penland JG. Trace elements, brain function and behavior: effects of zinc and boron. In: Trace Elements in Man and Animals - 9: Proc of the Ninth Intl Symp on TEMA, PWF Fischer, MR Abb‚, KA Cockell, RS Gibson (eds). NRC Research Press, Ottawa, Canada, pp 213-216, 1997.

Reeves PG. Components of the AIN-93 diets as improvements in the AIN-76A diet.      J Nutr 127:838S-841S, 1997.

Reeves PG. Copper. In: Sports Nutrition, Vitamins and Trace Elements, IW Wolinski, JA Driskell (eds. CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, FL pp 175-190, 1997.

Reeves PG, Newman, Jr SM. Ultrastructural changes in the intestine of rats fed high-zinc diets. J Trace Elem Expr Med 10:37-46, 1997.

Reeves PG, Vanderpool RA. Cadmium burden of men and women who report regular consumption of confectionery sunflower kernels containing a natural abundance of cadmium. Environ Health Perspect 105:1098-1104, 1997.

Saari JT. Absence of hypertension in adult copper-deficient rats despite vascular alteration: potential renal compensation. In: Trace Elements in Man and Animals - 9: Proc of the Ninth Intl Symp on TEMA, PWF Fischer, MR Abb‚, KA Cockell, RS Gibson (eds). NRC Research Press, Ottawa, Canada, pp 626-627, 1997.

Schuschke DA, Saari JT, Miller FN. Arteriolar dilation to endotoxin is increased in copper-deficient rats. Inflammation 21:45-53, 1997.

Schuschke DA, Saari JT, Miller FN. Copper deficiency increases microvascular dilation to endotoxin. In: Trace Elements in Man and Animals - 9: Proc of the Ninth Intl Symp on TEMA, PWF Fischer, MR Abb‚, KA Cockell, RS Gibson (eds). NRC Research Press, Ottawa, Canada, pp 242-243, 1997.

Siders WA, Lukaski HC. Comparison of methods of estimating body composition changes during weight loss in women. Proc ND Acad Sci 51:220, 1997.

Stallard L, Reeves PG. Zinc deficiency in adult rats reduces the relative abundance of testis-specific angiotensin-converting enzyme mRNA. J Nutr. 127:25-29, 1997.

Sukalski KA, LaBerge TP, Johnson WT. In vivo oxidative modification of erythrocyte membrane proteins in copper deficiency. Free Radical Biol & Med 22:835-842, 1997.

Uthus EO. Mathematical modeling of arsenic in hamsters. In: Arsenic Exposure and Health Effects, CO Abernathy, RL Calderon, WR Chaper (eds). Proceedings of the SEGH Second International Conference on Arsenic Exposure and health Effects. Chapman & Hall, London, United Kingdom, pp 176-89, 1997.

Uthus EO, Poellot RA. Dietary nickel and folic acid interact to affect folate and methionine metabolism in the rat. Biol Trace Elem Res 58:25-33, 1997.

Wirsam B, Hahn A, Uthus EO, Leitzmann C. Fuzzy sets and fuzzy decision making in nutrition. Eur J Clin Nutr 51:286-296, 1997.

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