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Resume and Application Guidelines

When applying for a job at the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), applicants should include the specific information requested in the job vacancy announcement, plus the following:

Job Information
  • Position announcement number, title and grade(s) of the job.
Personal Information
  • Full name and mailing address (including zip code).
  • Social security number.
  • Day and evening phone numbers (with area codes).
  • Country of citizenship (most federal jobs require United States citizenship).
  • Veterans' preference.
  • Reinstatement eligibility (Attach a copy of your SF-50 for proof of your career or career-conditional status, if applicable.)
  • Highest federal civilian grade held (also give job series and dates held).
  • High school: name, city, state and zip code, plus date of diploma or GED.
  • Colleges or universities: name, city, state and zip code, plus major and type and year of any degrees received.
    (If no degree, show any credits earned, indicating semester or quarter hours.)
  • A copy of your college transcript (if requested in the job vacancy announcement).
Work Experience

Provide the following information for paid and/or non-paid work experience related to the job for which you are applying:

  • Job title (include series and grade if federal job)
  • Employer's name and address
  • Supervisor's name and phone number
  • Starting and ending dates (month and year)
  • Hours per week
  • Salary
  • Duties and accomplishments

Other Qualifications
  • Job-related training courses (title and year).
  • Job-related skills (e.g., other languages, typing speed, computer software/hardware, tools, machinery, etc.).
  • Job-related certificates and licenses (current only).
  • Job-related honors, awards, special accomplishments (e.g., publications, memberships in professional or honor societies, leadership activities, public speaking and performance awards).

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Last Reviewed: December 1, 2008

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See Also:

NIH Human Resources Support

On Other Sites
Jobs @ NIH

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