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 [graphic] National Register Bulletin Guidelines for Evaluating and Documenting Historic Aids to Navigation to the National Register of Historic Places

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U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service


The National Register of Historic Places is an important tool for maritime preservation. Utilizing uniform National Register criteria to evaluate significance and integrity is an important first step in planning for the preservation of historic aids to navigation. Listing an aid to navigation in the National Register provides an incentive for preservation by recognizing it as being significant and worthy of preservation. Listing also provides a measure of protection from the actions of the Federal government and can be a source of funding when monies are available.

This bulletin is intended to help Federal Historic Preservation Officers, State Historic Preservation Officers, Certified Local Governments, maritime preservation professionals, and concerned citizens nominate lighthouses and other historic aids to navigation to the National Register. General instructions for completing National Register nominations are in National Register Bulletin: Guidelines for Completing National Register of Historic Places Forms. Both bulletins should be used in tandem when preparing a nomination for a historic aid to navigation.

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