Period covered: 10/1/97 – 9/30/98


We remain strongly committed to our customer service standards and to improving our responsiveness to our customers. The Alcohol Labeling and Formulation Branch (ALFB) underwent some significant changes during Fiscal Year (FY) 98, including management and staffing changes and a computer equipment exchange, which admittedly had an impact on customer service, however, we are on the "road to recovery" now and it is fully anticipated that several planned changes, which are outlined below, will bring us up to par and hopefully we can improve our own standards.

Due to computer software problems, we are currently unable to provide accurate statistics on our established turnaround times for formal label applications, informal label applications and general correspondence. It is anticipated that these "glitches" will be worked out within the current FY, and we will then publish our statistics. It is known that the ALFB processed almost 64,000 label applications during FY 97 and almost 68,000 during FY 98. The current management of the Alcohol and Tobacco Directorate and ALFB specifically work every day at finding ways to improve the speed and efficiency with which we process this increasing volume of label applications.

The results of our last customer satisfaction survey were published in the 98-1 issue of the ATF Alcohol & Tobacco Newsletter that is available on our web site. A new survey is planned for the current FY that will focus on current customer service issues and concerns. Following a thorough analysis of the data collected, we will publish the results and use that data and suggestions to improve our services.

During FY 98, we implemented public access to approved Certificates of Label Approval (COLA’s) via the Internet. Currently this is limited to text only, however it is anticipated that within the next year that actual COLA images will also be available.

During FY 98 ALFB began work on a Beverage Alcohol Manual (BAM). This manual is intended to be a living, working guide for both the industry and ATF on labeling information and current ATF labeling policies. It should decrease confusion on many of the complex issues involved with labeling for both the industry and the label specialists. Three sections covering the mandatory labeling information for wine, beer and spirits should be published during FY 99.

In December 1997, the Beverage Alcohol Streamlining Team (BAST) was formed in order to address the joint concerns of Alcohol Labeling and Formulation Branch (ALFB) employees, ATF management and our customers regarding our business processes and the flow of work items within the branch. This team was comprised of eight ALFB employees along with a representative of the Federal Quality Consulting Group, and during FY 98 they carried out a full business process review of the ALFB.

The final BAST recommendations were presented on 7/30/98. They included the following:

Establish teams that are focused on each of the main work processes performed by ALFB (input of data, formula processing, label processing, special projects, administrative functions)

On each team, distribute work according to level of difficulty

Make changes to the workspace so that work items physically flow according to the way they are processed

Establish a customer service/help desk staffed with senior specialists

Establish a quality assurance team

A BAST Implementation Team was formed in FY 99 in order to carry out all the recommendations of the original team. It is anticipated that the above recommendations will be implemented during FY 99. It should be noted that the original team made additional recommendations which will be implemented in the following years, as budget, equipment and staffing allows. These changes to our work processes and work environment were designed to have a significant impact on customer service.

As you can see, ALFB is planning some rather significant changes to the way we do business, and it is fully anticipated that these revisions and the reorganization of the branch will significantly improve all aspects of the services we provide our customers.

This was last updated on April 05, 1999