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Ilene S. Ruhoy, M.D.


University of Nevada, Las Vegas Las Vegas, NV
Department of Environmental Studies
June, 2001
Doctoral Candidate,Environmental Science and Policy
Ph.D., December 2008

University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Pittsburgh, PA
M.D., May 2000

Marymount College Tarrytown, NY
B.S. Biology May 1996 Magna cum laude


Touro University School of Osteopathic Medicine
Director, Institute for Environmental Medicine
August, 2008 - present
Associate Professor, Basic and Clinical Sciences
Las Vegas, NV, July, 2005 – present

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Contract Researcher, National Exposure Research Laboratory, US EPA
Ecology Research Program
July, 2008 – June, 2009

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
US EPA Student Volunteer, National Exposure Research Laboratory
Pharmaceuticals in the Environment
Las Vegas, NV, June, 2006 – present

National Network of Environmental Management Studies (NNEMS)
Fellow, Exposure and Dose Research Branch, HEASD, NERL, U.S. EPA, Las Vegas, NV
July, 2004 – May, 2006

University of Nevada, Las Vegas
College of Health Sciences
Adjunct Professor, Department of Physical Therapy
August, 2001 – June, 2005

New York Hospital-Cornell University Medical College New York, NY
Researcher, Aitken Neuroscience Center
May, 1994 – July, 1996


University of Arizona
Program in Integrative Medicine
Fellow, January, 2009 – December, 2010

University of Nevada School of Medicine
Family Medicine Residency Program Las Vegas, NV
Resident, July, 2002 – June, 2003


Ruhoy, I.S. and Daughton, C.G. "Beyond the Medicine Cabinet: An Analysis of Where and Why Medications Accumulate (PDF)" (36 pp, 378K About PDF), Environ. Internat. 2008, 34:1157-1169; doi:10.1016/j.envint.2008.05.002.

Daughton, C.G. and Ruhoy, I.S. "The Afterlife of Drugs and the Role of PharmEcovigilance," Drug Safety, 2008, 31 (12);1-14 .

Daughton CG and Ruhoy IS “PharmEcovigilance: Aligning Pharmacovigilance with Environmental Protection,” In: An Introduction to Environmental Pharmacology (ISBN # 978-81-906070-5-6), Ed. SZ Rahman & V Gupta, Ibn Sina Academy, Aligarh, India; 2008 (in press).

Daughton CG and Ruhoy IS “Accumulation and disposal of leftover medications: A key aspect of pharmEcovigilance,” In: An Introduction to Environmental Pharmacology (ISBN # 978-81-906070-5-6), Ed. SZ Rahman & V Gupta, Ibn Sina Academy, Aligarh, India; 2008 (in press).

Ruhoy IS and Daughton CG "Types and Quantities of Leftover Drugs Entering the Environment via Disposal to Sewage - Revealed by Coroner Records," Sci. Total Environ. , 2007, 388(1-3):137-148; doi 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2007.08.013; available: http://www.epa.gov/nerlesd1/bios/daughton/SOTE2007.pdf .


Ruhoy IS and Hassenzahl DM. “Managing Unused Pharmaceuticals—A Risk Management Perspective,” presented at the Society for Risk Analysis 2008 Annual Meeting, 8 December 2008, Boston, MA.

Ruhoy IS and Daughton CG. “Beyond the Medicine Cabinet: An Analysis of Where and Why Medications Accumulate Abstract,” presented at the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) North America 29th Annual Meeting, 19 November 2008, Tampa, FL.

Ruhoy IS and Daughton CG. “Discarded Drugs as Environmental Contaminants,” invited presentation for "Integrative Thinking for Complex Futures: Creating Resilience in Human-nature Systems ," XVI International Conference of the Society for Human Ecology, 10-13 Sept. 2008, Huxley College of the Environment, Western Washington University, Bellingham, Washington, USA [http://www.societyforhumanecology.org/]

Ruhoy IS and Daughton CG. "Discarded Drugs as Environmental Contaminants," invited presentation for "2008 Healthy Environment Forum Series," Oregon Environmental Council, Portland, OR, 19 June 2008; meeting details here: http://www.oeconline.org/kidshealth/healthprofessionals/healthforum

Ruhoy IS and Daughton CG. "Developing a Drug Take-Back Program," invited presentation for "Geriatrics '08, 30th Midyear Conference and Exhibition," American Society of Consultant Pharmacists, Las Vegas, NV, 14-16 May 2008.

Ruhoy IS and Daughton CG. "Discarded Drugs as Environmental Contaminants," invited presentation for "Prudent Disposal of Unused Medications and Effects on the Environment," session at the Aging in America conference, American Society on Aging, Washington, DC, 28 March, 2008.

Glassmeyer S, Batt A, Kostich M, Lazorchak J, Daughton C, Jones-Lepp T, and Ruhoy I "United States Environmental Protection Agency Research on Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products," invited keynote (Daughton) presentation to: "Pharmaceutical Compounds in the Environment: trend toward lowering occurrence and impact," sponsored by The KNAPPE Project (Knowledge and Need Assessment of Pharmaceutical Products in Environmental Waters), an EU Framework Six Specific Support Action, 19-20 February 2008, Nimes, France.

Ruhoy IS and Daughton CG. "Discarded Drugs as Environmental Contaminants,” presented at the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) North America 28th Annual Meeting, 15 November 2007, Milwaukee, WI.

Ruhoy IS and Daughton CG." Discarded Drugs as Environmental Contaminants," invited keynote presentation for the "Safe Medicine Disposal Symposium," sponsored by the Sonoma County Water Agency, Rohnert Park, CA, 8 November 2007.

Ruhoy IS and Daughton CG." Discarded Drugs as Environmental Contaminants," invited presentation at the "4th Annual Unused Drug Return Conference," Maine Benzodiazepine Study Group & University of Maine Center on Aging, 31 October – 1 November 2007, Portland, Maine.

Ruhoy IS. “Ecological and Human Health Risk Assessment,” presented at the National Council for Science and the Environment 7 th National Conference on Science, Policy and the Environment, January 2007, Washington, DC.


Ruhoy IS and Daughton CG "Pharmaceutical Disposal and the Environment," U.S. EPA, Las Vegas, NV; illustrated poster, December 2007, NERL-LV-ESD-07-132; available: http://www.epa.gov/nerlesd1/chemistry/images/drug-disposal-2.pdf

Ruhoy IS and Daughton CG "Disposal as a Source of Pharmaceuticals in the Environment," U.S. EPA, Las Vegas, NV; illustrated poster, December 2007; NERL-LV-ESD-07-129; available: http://www.epa.gov/nerlesd1/chemistry/images/drug-disposal-1.pdf


Ecologically Sustainable Medicine
Green Pharmacy Advisory Board

American Medical Student Association
EcoHealth Student Leadership Development Conference Series
Faculty Member

Touro University Nevada
Internal Review Board
Member, July, 2008 – present

Professional Activities Committees for Engineers
Representative, March, 2008 – present

University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Office of Research and Development
Internal Review Board
Member, December, 2004 – present

IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society
Las Vegas , NV, June, 2007


Environmental Sciences | Research & Development
National Exposure Research Laboratory
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