Government Resources

2008 Wounded, Ill & Injured Compensation & Benefits Handbook

Handbook that helps Service Members who are wounded, ill or injured, as well as the family members who are taking care of them, navigate through the military and disability, evaluation, compensation and benefits programs that are designed to help them.

Armed Forces Tax Benefit

Tax credit or relief for special tax situations of active members of the Armed Forces.

Army Reserve Warrior & Family Assistance Center

Contains information on benefits, entitlements, financial counseling and other supports for Army Reserve soldiers, Veterans and their families.

Defense Finance & Accounting Service (DFAS)

Access to military, civilian, retired, travel and contract/vendor pay. Includes information on wounded warrior pay, financial benefits and the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP).

FAQ - Per Diem, Travel & Transportation Allowance

Provides answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) on rates and allowances, travel-related issues such as car rental programs, currency conversion and excess accompanied baggage, as well as homeowners assistance program, tax exemption and more.

Free Tax Help for the Military

If you, or your spouse, are a member of the military, you may be eligible to receive free assistance with the preparation and filing of your federal tax return. The U.S. Armed Forces participate in the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program (VITA).

GovAmerica - Free Federal, Military & Family Guides

Provides comprehensive information on a variety of topics for Active Duty, Veterans and their families from employment issues such as pay, benefits and retirement to health care and personal family issues including finances, consumer issues and identity theft, and much more. Also offers a free newsletter for the federal and military communities and their families.

MyArmyBenefits - Benefit Facts

Provides information on pay, education, family services, health care, life insurance, soldier services, transitioning and retirement, Social Security, casualty/survivor and VA benefits. Benefits can be searched by category, component, life event, state/territory or index.

MyArmyBenefits - My Benefits

Produces personalized financial reports to calculate survivor and retirement benefits for soldiers on Active Duty.

MyArmyBenefits - Wounded Warrior Disability Income Calculator

Personalized disability income calculator estimates the disability-related income due to combat and combat-related injuries. Requires valid Wounded Warrior-provided passcode and active Army Knowledge Online (AKO) account.

MyArmyBenefits - Wounded Warrior Sustaining Income Calculator

Calculates estimated monthly income stream based on injury date, rank, time in service, duty station, special pays and family status.

Personal Financial Management

Provides Service Members and their families financial information, training and counseling through the Personal Financial Management Program and other helpful programs and services.

Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA)

Offers a variety of provisions to help Active Duty personnel meet their legal and financial obligations. But relief under the SCRA is not always automatic. You must affirmatively invoke or request relief. Work with your nearest Armed Forces Legal Assistance Office to identify and invoke any SCRA protections that apply to your particular circumstances.

Tax Information for Members of the Military

Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tax information regarding combat pay, retirement plans, extension of deadlines and free tax return preparation.

Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)

Retirement savings plan for members of the uniformed services and civilians who are employed by the United States Government.

Wounded Warrior Entitlements Handbook

Pay and entitlements for Service Members injured in a combat zone and receiving medical treatment at military facilities outside of the zone.

Wounded Warrior Pay

Financial support to Service Members medically evacuated while serving in a combat zone, including assistance in starting, changing or stopping entitlements due to circumstances and understanding tax-free entitlements.
  • The White House
  • The U.S. government's official web portal.

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