Bosque del Apache NWR
Southwest Region
"Conserving the Nature of America"


Refuge Entrance Fees to Increase April 1, 2009

On April 1, 2009, entrance fees at the Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge will be increased to:

$5 per day per passenger vehicle and motorcycles.

Refuge entrance fees have been at current levels since the refuge began charging in 1997; however, as visitation increases so too does demands on refuge infrastructure. In order to keep maintenance costs down for public facilities such as observation decks, restrooms, and road repair, the refuge will be raising:

its daily entrance fee from $3 to $5.

The cost for the Bosque del Apache NWR annual pass:

will increase from $12 to $15 for 12 months,

still the best deal if you visit the refuge often. The rate increase for both the daily entrance fee and the annual pass will become effective on April 1, 2009 current prices for both the daily entrance fee and the annual pass will remain in effect until that date.

Refuge entrance fees cover part of the costs to maintain observation areas, restrooms, and the Visitor Center, as well as costs associated with printing public brochures, support education programming, and law enforcement. If you have comments, questions, or require more information, please contact the refuge at (575) 835-1828 during normal business hours.




blue goose refuge logo with links to brochure, species lists, refuge maps, plans
Last updated: April 16, 2009
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