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REVA Publications


Bradley, M. P., J. F. Paul, E. R. Smith, and E. A. Striz. Regional Vulnerability Assessment - a Special Issue of Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. Volume 94, Issue 1, Jun 2004

Liu, Y., J. Sarnat, V. V. Kilaru, D. J. Jacobs, and P. Koutrakis. Estimating Ground Level PM 2.5 in the Eastern United States Using Satellite Remote Sensing. Journal of Geophysical Research. In press.

Liu, Y., R. Park, Q. Li, V. V. Kilaru, J. Sarnat, and D. J. Jacobs. Mapping Annual Mean Ground-level PM2.5 Concentrations Using Multiangle Imaging Spectroradiometer Aerosol Optical Thickness over the Contiguous United States. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres. 109(D22) doi:10.1029/2004JD005025. (November 2004)

Locantore, N. W., L. T. Tran, R. V. O'Neill, P. W. McKinnis, E. R. Smith, and M. O'Connell. An Overview of Data Integration Methods for Regional Assessment. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 94(1-3):249-261, (2004).

Smith, E. R., R. V. O'Neill, J. D. Wickham, and K. B. Jones. EPA'S Regional Vulnerability Assessment Program: Using Monitoring Data and Model Results to Target Actions. CRC Lewis Press, Boca Raton, FL. (Book Chapter)

Smith, E. R., L. T. Tran, R. V. O'Neill, and N. W. Locantore. Regional Vulnerability Assessment of the Mid-atlantic Region: Evaluation of Integration Methods and Assessments Results. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, EPA/600/R-03/082 (NTIS PB2004-104952), 2004.
Report on the Evaluation of Integration Methods [PDF, 90 pp., 2.5 MB, About PDF]

Tran, L. T., C. G. Knight, R. V. O'Neill, and E. R. Smith. Integrated Environmental Assessment of the Mid-atlantic Region with Analytical Network Process. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 94(1-3):263-277, (2004).

Wolpert, R. L., E. R. Smith, and M. O'Connell. A Moving Average Bayesian Model for Spatial Surface and Coverage Prediction from Environmental Point-source Data. Presented at US EPA 23rd Annual National Conference on Managing Environmental Quality Systems, Tampa, FL, April 13-16, 2004. (Presentation)


Lawler, J. J., D. White, J. C. Sifneos, and L. L. Master. Rare Species and the Use of Indicator Groups for Conservation Planning. Conservation Biology. 17(3):875-882 , June 2003

Tran, Liem T., C. Gregory Knight, Robert V. O'Neill, Elizabeth R. Smith, and Michael O'Connell. Self-organizing maps for integrated environmental assessment of the mid-Atlantic region. Environmental Management. 31(6): 822-835, June 2003.

Wickham, J.D., Wade, T.G., Riitters, K.H., O'Neill, R.V., Smith, J.H., Smith, E.R., Jones, K.B, and Neale, A.C. Upstream-to-downstream changes in nutrient export risk. Landscape Ecology. 18(2):195-208, 2003


Riitters, Kurt H., James D. Wickham, Robert V. O'Neill, K. Bruce Jones, Elizabeth R. Smith, John W. Coulston, Timothy G. Wade, and Jonathan H. Smith. Fragmentation of Continental United States Forests. Ecosystems. 5(8): 815-822, December 2002.

Tankersley, R. D., and E. R. Smith. Stopover Ecology of Neotropical Migratory Birds. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, 2003. (Newsletter)

Tran, L.T. and Duckstein, L.. Multiobjective fuzzy regression with central tendency and possibilistic properties. Fuzzy Sets and Systems. 130(1):21-31 , August 16 2002.

Tran, L.T. and Duckstein, L. Comparison of fuzzy numbers using a fuzzy distance measure. Fuzzy Sets and Systems. 130(3):331-341 , September 16 2002.

Tran, Liem T. , C. Gregory Knight, Robert V. O'Neill, Elizabeth R. Smith, Kurt H. Riitters, and James Wickham. Fuzzy decision analysis for integrated environmental vulnerability assessment of the mid-Atlantic region. Environmental Management. 29(6):845-859, June 2002

Wickham, J.D., O'Neill, R.V., Riitters, K.H., Smith, E.R., Wade, T.G., and Jones, K.B. Geographic targeting of nutrient export due to future urbanization. Ecological Applications. 12(1):93-106. 2002.

Wickham, J.D. and Wade, T.G. Watershed level risk assessment of nitrogen and phosphorus export. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 37(1-3,SI): 15-24, December 2002.


Hess, G.R., S.S. Daley, B.K. Dennison, S.R. Lubkin, R.P. McGuinn,V.Z. Morin, K.M. Potter, R.E. Savage, W.G. Shelton, C.M. Snow, B.M. Wrege. Summer 2001. Just what is sprawl, anyway? Carolina Planning. 26:2. Abstract Exit EPA Disclaimer

Jones, K.B., A.C. Neale, M.S. Nash, R.D. Van Remotel, J.D. Wickham, K.H. Riitters, and R.V. O'Neill. Predicting nutrient and sediment loadings to streams from landscape metrics: a multiple watershed study from the United States Mid-Atlantic Region. Landscape Ecology 16(4):301-312, May 2001.

Jones, K. Bruce, Anne C.Neale, Timothy G. Wade, James D. Wickham, Chad L. Cross, Curtis Edmonds, Thomas Loveland, Maliha Nash, Kurt H. Riitters, and Elizabeth R. Smith. The consequences of landscape change on ecological resources: an assessment of the United States mid- Atlantic region, 1973-1993. Ecosystem Health. 7(4):229-242, December 2001


McCormick, F.H, R.M. Hughes, P.R. Kaufmann, A.T. Herlihy, D.V. Peck and J.L. Stoddard. Development of an index of biotic integrity for the Mid-Atlantic Highlands Assessment Project. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 130: 857-877, 2001.


Goodrich, D., Kepner, W.G., Hernandez, M., Miller, S., Goff, B., Jones, K.B., Edmonds, C.M., Wade, T.G., Ebert, D.W., and Heggem, D.T. Landscape indicator interface with hydrologic models research plan, EPA/600/R- 00/042, February, 2000. Las Vegas, NV: U.S. EPA.
Landscape indicator interface with hydrologic models research plan (PDF, 62 pp., 1.6 MB)

Jones, K. B., Neale, A.C., Nash, M.S., Riitters, K.H., Wickham, J.D, O'Neill, R.V., Van Remortel, R.D. Landscape correlates of breeding bird richness across the United States Mid-Atlantic Region. J. Env. Monitoring and Assessment 63:159-174, 2000.

Lunetta, et al. 2000. Mid-Atlantic Stressor Profile Atlas [PDF, 248 pp., 14 MB]. EPA/600/C-99/003

McCormick, F.H., Peck, D.V., and Larsen, D.P. Comparison of geographic classification schemes for Mid-Atlantic stream fish assemblages. J.N. Am. Benthol. Soc. 19(3):385-404, 2000.

Mehaffey, M.H., Wade, T.G., Nash, M.S., and Edmonds, C.M. 2000. Analysis of landscape and water quality in the New York Catskill-Delaware Watershed. Proceedings of the Ecosystem Health Conference, Sacramento, California.O'Neill, RV. 2000. Ecosystems on the Landscape: The role of space in Ecosystem Theory. pp. . 447- 463. IN S. E. Jorgenson and F. Muller (eds.) Handbook of Ecosystem Theories and Management. Lewis Publ. NY.

Riitters, K.H., Wickham, J.D., O'Neill, R.V., Jones, K.B., and E.R. Smith. 2000. Global-scale patterns of forest fragmentation. Conservation Ecology 4(2):3. (online) URL:http://www.consecol.org/vol4/iss2/art3.Exit EPA Disclaimer.(NERL-LV 00-008)

Riitters, K.H., Wickham, J.D., Vogelmann, J.E., and Jones, K.B. National land-cover pattern data. Ecology, 81(2): 604, 2000 and Ecological Archives [esa.sdsc.edu/Archives] E081-004.

Smith, E.R. 2000. An overview of EPA's Regional Vulnerability Assessment (ReVA) Program. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 64:9-15. 2000.

Smith, J.H., Wickham, J.D., Norton, D.J., Wade, T.G., and Jones, K.B. 2001. Utilization of landscape indicators to model pathogen impaired waters. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 27(4):805-814, 2000.

U.S. EPA, Projecting Land-Use Change: A Summary of Models for Assessing the Effects of Community Growth and Change on Land-Use Patterns. EPA/600/R-00/098. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, Cincinnati, OH. 260 pp. 2000.

Wickham, J.D., O'Neill, R.V., and Jones, K.B. 2000. A geography of ecosystem vulnerability. Landscape Ecology, 15(6):495-504, August 2000.

Wickham, J.D., O'Neill, R.V., Jones, K.B. Forest fragmentation as an economic indicator. Landscape Ecology, 15(2):171-179, February 2000.

Wickham, J.D., Riitters, K.H., O'Neill, R.V., Reckhow, K.H., Wade, T.G., and Jones, K.B. Land cover as a framework for assessing risk of water pollution. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 36:1417-1422, 2000.


Boughton, D.A., Smith E.R. and O'Neill R.V. Regional vulnerability: a conceptual framework. Ecosystem Health. 5(4):312-322.Carpenter, D.E. and Lunetta, R.S. 2000. Challenges in forecasting the long-term impacts of multiple stressors on a mid-Atlantic region. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Vol. 19, No. 4(2): 1076-1081, 1999.

Dale, V.H. and O'Neill, R.V. 1999. Tools to Characterize the Environmental Setting. pp. 62-90. IN Dale, V.H. and M.R. English (eds.) "Tools to Aid Environmental Decision Making". Springer-Verlag, NY.

Kahn, J.R. and O'Neill, RV. Ecological interaction as a source of economic irreversibility. Southern Economic Journal 66:391-402, 1999.

Jones, K.B., Wade, T.G., Wickham, J.D., Riitters, K.H., and Edmonds, C.M. Characterizing forest fragmentation and vulnerability based on patch characteristics. pp. . 359-366, in Aguirre-Bravo, C., and Franco, C.R. (eds.), North American Science Symposium: Toward a Unified Framework for Inventorying and Monitoring Forest Ecosystem Resources. U.S. Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-12, Fort Collins, Colorado. 533 pp., 1999.

O'Neill, RV., Riitters, K.H., Wickham, J.D., and Jones. K.B. 1999. Landscape pattern metrics and regional assessment. Ecosystem Health 4:225-233

O'Neill, R.V. 1999. Recovery in Complex Ecosystems. J. Aquatic Ecosystem Stress and Recovery 6:181-187.O'Neill, RV. and Kahn, J.R. Homo economus as a keystone Species. Bioscience 50:333-337, 2000.

Wade, T.G., Wickham, J.D., and Kepner, W.G. 1995. Using GIS and a Graphical User Interface to Model Land Degradation. Geo Info Systems, February pp. 38-42.

Wade, T.G., Wickham, J.D., and Bradford, D.F. Accuracy of road density estimates derived from USGS DLG data for use in environmental applications. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 65:1419-1425, 1999.

Wickham, J. D., Jones, K.B., Riitters, K.H., O'Neill, R.V., Tankersley, R.D., Smith, E.R., Neale, A.C., Chaloud, D.J. An integrated environmental assessment of the Mid-Atlantic Region. Environmental Management, 24(4):553-560, 1999.

Wickham, J. D., Jones, K.B., Riitters, K.H., Wade, T.G., O'Neill, R.V. Transitions in forest fragmentation: Implications for restoration opportunities at regional scales. Landscape Ecology 14:137-145, 1999.

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