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Remarks by the First Lady at the YouthBuild 30th Anniversary Event


On March 17th, 2009, YouthBuild U.S.A. held an event in celebration of their 30th anniversary. The event, held on the National Mall in Washington, DC, was attended by First Lady Michelle Obama, Senator John Kerry, Martin Luther King III, Alan Solomont (Chair of the Corporation's Board of Directors), and Corporation Acting Director Nicola Goren. “Community service is an integral part of empowering our people and making our communities stronger. And service must become a part of each of our lives," said Mrs. Obama. “At a time in our nation when so many are struggling, we have to remember that everyone can make a difference and that we all have something to contribute.” YouthBuild has been part of AmeriCorps since 1994 and is one of the largest AmeriCorps programs.

Release Date: 3/17/2009
Photo Caption: On March 17th, 2009, YouthBuild U.S.A. held an event in celebration of their 30th anniversary. The event, held on the National Mall in Washington, DC, was attended by First Lady Michelle Obama, Senator John Kerry, Martin Luther King III, Alan Solomont (Chair of the Corporation's Board of Directors), and Corporation Acting Director Nicola Goren. “Community service is an integral part of empowering our people and making our communities stronger. And service must become a part of each of our lives," said Mrs. Obama. “At a time in our nation when so many are struggling, we have to remember that everyone can make a difference and that we all have something to contribute.” YouthBuild has been part of AmeriCorps since 1994 and is one of the largest AmeriCorps programs.
Photo Credit: Corporation photo by M. T. Harmon, Office of Public Affairs
Photo Filename: cncs_09_0317_mh_023

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