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President Marks King Day with Service and Call to Action


The President Bush and First Lady Laura Bush marked the Martin Luther King Jr. King holiday by volunteering and calling on Americans to honor King’s legacy by showing compassion on the holiday and throughout the year.  They joined dozens of volunteers at the Martin Luther King Jr. library in Washington DC as they repaired and shelved books and taught lessons about King’s life to children.  More than a half million Americans are serving in 5,000 King Day of Service projects across the country. “By simply living a life of kindness and compassion, you can make America a better place and fulfil the dream of Martin Luther King," the President said.

Release Date: 1/21/2008
Photo Caption: The President Bush and First Lady Laura Bush marked the Martin Luther King Jr. King holiday by volunteering and calling on Americans to honor King’s legacy by showing compassion on the holiday and throughout the year. They joined dozens of volunteers at the Martin Luther King Jr. library in Washington DC as they repaired and shelved books and taught lessons about King’s life to children. More than a half million Americans are serving in 5,000 King Day of Service projects across the country. “By simply living a life of kindness and compassion, you can make America a better place and fulfil the dream of Martin Luther King," the President said.
Photo Credit: CNCS photo by M. T. Harmon, Office of Public Affairs
Photo Filename: cncs_08_0121_mh_037

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