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Industry Operations Investigator Training

A collage of agents inspecting a gun shop and explosives materials in the field.

Industry Operations Investigator Basic Training (IOIBT) is a comprehensive 8½-week program designed to train newly-hired Industry Operations Investigators (IOI) in the basic knowledge, skills and abilities needed to effectively conduct inspections of firearms and explosives licensees and permittees as well as render assistance to other federal, state and local law enforcement agencies. Since successful completion of IOIBT is mandatory in order for the newly hired IOI trainee to maintain employment, every aspect of the program is designed to ensure that trainees receive instruction of the highest caliber.

IOI trainees receive instruction on procedures for properly conducting firearms and explosives compliance and qualification inspections, including how to conduct such inspections safely and in accordance with all Federal laws and regulations. Training is also provided on explosives and firearms identification; firearms and explosives laws and regulatory requirements; firearms and explosives safe handling; report writing; research skills;, NSPECT; business entities; interviewing techniques; sampling techniques; recognizing trafficking and diversion schemes; and procedures for obtaining permits and/or licenses to import, manufacture, or sell regulated products.

Because IOI trainees are expected to demonstrate their newly acquired knowledge, skills and abilities, a variety of individual and group practical exercises are conducted during IOIBT. Practical exercises include various interviewing scenarios, explosives safe handling; firearms identification; laser rangefinder and GPS use and operation; simulated inspections of licensed gun shops and explosives storage facilities; escape and evasion techniques; and revocation hearing testimony.