Coos Bay Record of Decision and Resource Management Plan

Acronyms and Abbreviations

Coos Bay Record of Decision

Coos Bay District Resource Management Plan Table of Contents:

- Tables

- Figures

- Maps

- Appendices

Water and Soils


See objectives for Aquatic Conservation Strategy, Riparian Reserves, and Key Watersheds.

As directed by the Clean Water Act, comply with state water quality requirements to restore and maintain water quality for the protection of recognized beneficial uses of the Mid-Coast, Umpqua South Coast, and Rogue basins.

Improve and/or maintain soil productivity.

Land Use Allocations

There are no land use allocations specific to water quality or soils. However, Riparian Reserves, Key Watershed provisions, Administratively Withdrawn areas, and timber production capability classifications will assist in meeting water quality and soils management objectives.

Management Actions/Direction - General

Improve and/or maintain soil and water conditions by closing selected areas to off-highway vehicle use and/or limiting such use to existing or designated roads and trails. See Recreation, Off-Highway Vehicles, for additional details.


See Management Actions/Direction for Riparian Reserves and Key Watersheds (located in Aquatic Conservation Strategy section).

Continue to implement a nonpoint source management program in cooperation with the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality.

Continue coordination with the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality for implementation of best management practices that protect beneficial uses of water.

Ensure consistency of management activities with Oregon's Statewide Water Quality Management Plan for forest practices and with Oregon's water quality criteria and guidelines (Oregon Administrative Rule 340-41).

Protect floodplains and wetlands in accordance with Executive Orders 11988 and 11990 and BLM's Riparian-Wetlands Initiative for the 1990s .

Design and implement watershed restoration projects that promote long-term ecological integrity of ecosystems, conserve the genetic integrity of native species, and attain Aquatic Conservation Strategy objectives. See Aquatic Conservation Strategy for additional guidance.

Cooperate with federal, state, local, and tribal agencies and private landowners to develop watershed-based coordinated resource management plans or other cooperative agreements to meet Aquatic Conservation Strategy objectives.

Prevent watershed degradation—rather than using mitigation or planned restoration—to correct foreseeable problems caused by management activities. See Best Management Practices (Appendix D) for additional guidance.

Identify and attempt to obtain instream flows needed to maintain riparian resources, channel conditions, aquatic habitat, and water quality.

Locate water-drafting sites to minimize adverse effects on stream channel stability, sedimentation, and instream flows needed to maintain riparian resources, channel conditions, and fish habitat.

Apply herbicides, insecticides, and other chemicals in a manner that avoids impacts that retard or prevent attainment of Aquatic Conservation Strategy objectives.

Use land acquisition, exchange, and conservation easements to meet Aquatic Conservation Strategy objectives.

Apply for water rights to support the needs for fire suppression, construction/maintenance (e.g., pump chances, water holes and reservoirs), recreation, and other programs.


Apply Best Management Practices during all ground- and vegetation-disturbing activities. See Appendix D for a list of practices.

Minimize disturbance of identified fragile sites (TPCC system Nonsuitable Woodlands and Suitable Woodlands).

Apply fertilizer in the Matrix to enhance soil productivity.