Coos Bay Record of Decision and Resource Management Plan

Acronyms and Abbreviations

Coos Bay Record of Decision

Coos Bay District Resource Management Plan Table of Contents:

- Tables

- Figures

- Maps

- Appendices

Special Status and SEIS Special Attention Species Habitat


See the objectives for Late-Successional Reserves, Riparian Reserves, Matrix, and Special Areas.

Protect, manage, and conserve federal listed and proposed species and their habitats to achieve their recovery in compliance with the Endangered Species Act, approved recovery plans, and Bureau special status species policies.

Manage for the conservation of federal candidate and Bureau sensitive species and their habitats so as not to contribute to the need to list and to recover the species.

Manage for the conservation of state listed species and their habitats to assist the state in achieving management objectives.

Protect and manage assessment species where possible so as to not elevate their status to any higher level of concern.

Protect SEIS special attention species so as not to elevate their status to any higher level of concern.

Study, maintain or restore community structure, species composition, and ecological processes of special status plant and animal habitat.

Land Use Allocations

All of the major land allocations in this plan are designed in part to benefit special status species in the aggregate.

Management Actions/Direction - Late-Successional Reserves

Design projects for recovery of threatened or endangered animal and plant species even if they result in some reduction of habitat quality for late-successional species. These projects will be designed for least impact to late-successional species.

Management Actions/Direction - All Land Use Allocations

Special Status Species

Review all proposed actions to determine whether or not special status species occupy or use the affected area or if habitat for such species is affected. Tables 2 and 3 in Appendix C list the special status plant and animal species known or suspected to occur on the district.

Conduct field surveys according to protocols and other established procedures. This includes surveying during the proper season unless surveys are deemed unnecessary through watershed analysis, project planning, and environmental assessment. For example, field surveys may not be conducted in all cases depending on the number and timing of previous surveys conducted, whether previous surveys looked for all species that a new survey would, and the likelihood of potential habitat. The intensity of field surveys will also vary depending on the same factors.

Consult/conference with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) or National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) for any proposed action that may affect federal listed or proposed species or their critical or essential habitat. Based on the results of consultation/conferencing, modify, relocate, or abandon the proposed action. Request technical assistance from one of these agencies for any proposed action that may affect federal candidate species or their habitat.

Coordinate with the USFWS, NMFS, and other appropriate agencies and organizations and jointly endeavor to recover federal listed and proposed plant and animal species and their habitats.

Modify, relocate, or abandon a proposed action to avoid contributing to the need to list federal candidate species, state listed species, Bureau sensitive species, or their habitats.

Coordinate and cooperate with the State of Oregon to conserve state-listed species.

Identify impacts of proposed actions, if any, to Bureau sensitive and assessment species as a whole and clearly describe impacts in environmental analyses. As funding permits and as species conservation dictates, actively manage the Bureau sensitive and assessment species.

Retain under federal management, or other appropriate management organization, habitat essential for the survival or recovery of listed and proposed species. Retain habitat of proposed, candidate, or Bureau sensitive species where disposal would contribute to the need to list the species.

Where appropriate opportunities exist, acquire land to contribute to recovery, reduce the need to list, or enhance special status species habitat.

Coordinate with other agencies and groups in management of species across landscapes. Coordination will be accomplished through conservation plans or similar agreements that identify actions to conserve single or multiple species and/or habitats. Such strategies could preclude the need for intensive inventories or modifications to some projects where the conservation plan provides adequate protection for the species and meets the intent of policy.

Where plans exist for species no longer on the special status list, continue with the prescribed conservation actions if determined to be required to avoid relisting or further consideration for listing. In the case of interagency plans or agreements, this determination will be mutually decided. Such plans may be modified as needed based on adequacy of existing range-wide conditions and conservation management.

Pursue opportunities for public education about conservation of species.

Where appropriate, pursue opportunities to increase the number of populations of species under BLM management through land acquisition and/or species reintroduction in coordination with other responsible agencies.

SEIS Special Attention Species

This incorporates the "Survey and Manage" and "Protection Buffer" species and standards and guidelines from the SEIS ROD.

Survey and Manage

Implement the survey and manage provision of the SEIS ROD within the range of SEIS special attention species and the particular habitats that they are known to occupy. Table C-1 in Appendix C shows which species are covered by this provision, and which of the following four categories and management actions/direction are to be applied to each:

1. Manage known sites (highest priority).
  a. Acquire and manage information on known sites, make it available to all project planners, and use it to design or modify activities.
  b. Protect known sites. For some species, apply specific management treatments such as prescribed fire.
  c. For rare and endemic fungus species, temporarily withdraw 160 acres around known sites from ground-disturbing activities until the sites can be thoroughly surveyed and site-specific measures prescribed.
2. Survey prior to activities and manage sites.
  a. Continue existing efforts to survey and manage rare and sensitive species habitat.
  b. For species without survey protocols, start immediately to design protocols and implement surveys.
  c. Within the known or suspected ranges and within the habitat types of vegetation communities associated with the species, survey for:
- Del Norte salamander
- Siskiyou Mountains salamander
- Red tree voles

These surveys will precede the design of all ground-disturbing activities that will be implemented in 1997 or later.

  d. For the other species listed in Table C-1 of Appendix C, begin development of survey protocols promptly and proceed with surveys as soon as possible. These surveys will be completed prior to ground-disturbing activities that will be implemented in Fiscal Year 1999 or later. Work to establish habitat requirements and survey protocols may be prioritized relative to the estimated threats to the species as reflected in the SEIS.
  e. Conduct surveys at a scale most appropriate to the species.
  f. Develop management actions/direction to manage habitat for the species on sites where they are located.
  g. Incorporate survey protocols and proposed site management in interagency conservation strategies developed as part of ongoing planning efforts coordinated by the Regional Ecosystem Office.
3. Conduct extensive surveys and manage sites.
  a. Conduct extensive surveys for the species to find high-priority sites for species management. Specific surveys prior to ground-disturbing activities are not a requirement.
  b. Conduct surveys according to a schedule that is most efficient and identify sites for protection at that time.
  c. Design these surveys for efficiency and develop standardized protocols.
  d. Begin these surveys by 1996.
4. Conduct general regional surveys.
  a. Survey to acquire additional information and to determine necessary levels of protection for arthropods, fungi species not classed as rare and endemic, bryophytes, and lichens.
  b. Initiate these surveys no later than Fiscal Year 1996 and complete them within 10 years.

Protection Buffers

Provide protection buffers for specific rare and locally endemic species and other species in the upland forest matrix. A list of these species and related management actions/direction are presented in Table C-1 of Appendix C and the section on Special Status and SEIS Special Attention Species and Habitat. These species are likely to be assured viability if they occur within reserves. However, there might be occupied locations outside reserves that will be important to protect as well.

Apply the following management actions/direction:

- Develop survey protocols that will ensure a high likelihood of locating sites occupied by these species.
- Following development of survey protocols and prior to ground-disturbing activities, conduct surveys within the known or suspected ranges of the species and within the habitat types or vegetation communities occupied by the species. See the previous Survey and Manage section for an implementation schedule.
- Manage known habitat of special attention species requiring protection buffers as follows:
  - Nonvascular Plants
    Aleuria rhenana
    - Conduct ecological studies and surveys to determine localities. Protect known populations if surveys continue to indicate that the population is rare.
    - Defer ground-disturbing activities.
    The implementation schedule for this species is the same as for survey and manage components 1 and 2.
    Otidea leporina, O. onotica, and O. smithii
    - Protect older forests from ground disturbance where the species are located.
    The implementation schedule for these species is the same as for survey and manage components 1 and 2.
    Buxbaumia piperi
    - Survey to determine presence and distribution.
    - Where located, maintain decay class 3, 4, and 5 logs and greater than 70 percent closed-canopy forest habitats for shade.
    The implementation schedule for this species is the same as for survey and manage components 1 and 3.
    Sarcosoma mexicana
    - Survey for locations and protect deep litter layers of older forests where found.
    - Defer prescribed burning of understory or other activities that would not retain a deep litter layer.
    The implementation schedule for this species is the same as for survey and manage component 3.
  - Amphibians
    Siskiyou Mountain Salamander
    - Avoid disturbance of talus throughout occupied sites, especially on moist, north-facing slopes.
    - Retain around the outer periphery of known sites a buffer of at least the height of one site potential tree, or 100 feet horizontal distance, whichever is greater.
    Del Norte Salamander
    - Avoid any ground-disturbing activity that would disrupt the talus layer where this species occurs.
    - Once sites are identified, maintain 40 percent canopy closure of trees within the site and within a buffer of at least the height of one site potential tree, or 100 feet horizontal distance, whichever is greater, surrounding the site.
    - Conduct partial harvest if 40 percent canopy closure can be retained. In such cases, logging will be conducted using helicopters or high-lead cable systems to avoid compaction or disturbance of the talus.
    The implementation schedule for this species is the same as for survey and manage components 1 and 2.
  - Birds
    Black-backed Woodpecker
    - Maintain adequate numbers of large snags and green-tree replacements for future snags within this species range in appropriate forest types. Where feasible, green-tree replacements for future snags can be left in groups to reduce blowdown.
    - Where safety considerations permit, retain all snags 20 inches or larger in dbh.
    - For the longer term, provide for sufficient numbers of green trees to provide for 100 percent population potential for this species. For the Black-backed Woodpecker this equates to 0.12 conifer snags per acre in forest habitats. Snags must be at least 17 inches in dbh or larger and in the hard decay stages.

For newly discovered habitat of other special attention species requiring protection buffers, apply the management action/direction in the SEIS Record of Decision.


Roosting Bats

Conduct surveys to determine the presence of roosting bats, including fringed myotis, silver-haired bats, long-eared myotis, long-legged myotis, and pallid bats. Surveys will be conducted according to protocol defined in the SEIS ROD and in any subsequent revisions to the protocol.

As an interim measure, allow no timber harvest within 250 feet of sites containing bats. Develop mitigation measures in project or activity plans involving these sites. The intent of these measures is to protect sites from destruction, vandalism, disturbance from road construction or blasting, or any other activity that could change cave or mine temperatures or drainage patterns.

When Townsend's big-eared bats are found on federal land, notify the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. For any located sites, develop management prescriptions that include special consideration for potential impacts on this species.

Listed and Proposed Threatened and Endangered Species - General

Implement the land use allocations and management actions/direction of this proposed resource management plan that are designed to enhance and maintain habitat for threatened and endangered species.

Northern Spotted Owl (federal threatened species)

In the Matrix, retain 100 acres of the best northern spotted owl habitat as close as possible to a nest site or owl activity center for all known (as of January 1, 1994) spotted owl activity centers.

Fall no trees within 0.25 mile of all active northern spotted owl nest sites from approximately March 1 to September 30 to avoid disturbance and harm to young owls.

With minor exceptions, restrict human activities that could disturb owl nesting—especially use of large power equipment— within 0.25 mile of all active spotted owl nest sites from approximately March 1 to September 30. Restrictions on activities would usually not be required for owl nests and activity centers located near roads or in other areas of permanent human activity.

Marbled Murrelet (federal threatened species)

Conduct two years of survey prior to any human disturbance of marbled murrelet habitat.

Protect contiguous existing and recruitment habitat for marbled murrelets (i.e., stands that are capable of becoming marbled murrelet habitat within 25 years) within a 0.5 mile radius of any site where the birds' behavior indicates occupation (e.g., active nest, fecal ring or eggshell fragments, and birds flying below, through, into, or out of the forest canopy within or adjacent to a stand).

Do not conduct nor allow harvest of timber within occupied marbled murrelet habitat—at least until completion of the Marbled Murrelet Recovery Plan.

During silvicultural treatments of non-habitat within the 0.5-mile circle, protect or enhance suitable or replacement habitat.

Amend or revise management direction as appropriate when the recovery plan is completed.

Bald Eagle (federal threatened species)

Comply with the Pacific Bald Eagle Recovery and Implementation Plans and existing, site-specific habitat management plans.

Provide a 440-yard radius buffer around known and future nest sites. Protect all snags within 550 yards of nest and roost sites.

Consider the acquisition of up to 120 acres every two miles along 5th order and larger streams where no publically owned lands exist. Acquire privately-owned lands surrounding bald eagle nests when possible. Manage immediately adjacent lands to reduce the fire hazard in nesting areas.

Peregrine Falcon (federal endangered species)

Comply with the Peregrine Falcon Recovery Plan and existing, site-specific habitat management plans.

Aleutian Canada Goose (federal threatened species)

Comply with the Aleutian Canada Goose Recovery Plan and the New River ACEC Management Plan. Continue to explore opportunities for acquiring potential habitat in the New River area. Coordinate with the USFWS to acquire habitat and population information on Aleutian Canada geese in the New River area.

Western Snowy Plover (federal threatened species)

Coordinate with the Snowy Plover Working Group and the Recovery Team, when established, for management of plover habitat on district lands on the North Spit of Coos Bay and in the New River area. Consider acquisition of parcels within the district that could facilitate recovery of the species. Protect nesting areas from disturbance from human activities and predation. Continue to gather habitat and nesting information on the species in coordination with ODFW, the Oregon Heritage Program, the Dunes National Recreation Area, and USFWS. Continue to improve and maintain habitat for the snowy plover on the North Spit of Coos Bay and at New River through direction provided by the Snowy Plover Working Group and in line with the Recovery Plan when approved.

Plants (Listed and Proposed Endangered and Threatened Species) - General

Implement the land use allocations and management actions/direction of this proposed resource management plan that are designed to enhance and maintain habitat for all endangered and threatened species.

Western lily (Lilium occidentale) (federal proposed)

Participate in recovery efforts for the western lily. If populations are found on BLM-administered lands, management action/direction will be developed.

Participate in research efforts that may help recover the species, including experimental introduction, seed collection and propagation, inventories, and population monitoring.